June 27-28/06/08
Joining forces is the best way we can help our community easily, so let us united and have our own words.
Objectives of the Team To assess the magnitude of health problems
Treatment of the sick people require health assistance
To collect representative full data.
To promote Awareness of the project communities.
To build the ill patients morally.
To reduce transmission of communicable disease
Areas visited Lafoole
Activities Done Group effort.
Free visitation.
Medical diagnosis and screen patients.
Distribution of Drugs
Health education sessions rising community Awareness.
Transferring severe cases to private Hospitals.
Facts on the ground based on our observation Poor hygiene.
Lack of save water.
Complete absence of public health facilities.
No primary health care.
Poor housing and overcrowded.
Constraints: -Really No more constraints that we have made at this time except a lot of junctions that we have convene in the road especially between Ceelasha and Mogadishu, by the time we reached the junctions they always interrupt us by ordering to rid off our bus after deep investigation they command us to pay money and lastly we completed our activities and service in a good manner.
CONCLUSION According to this data, both water born and vector born diseases are highly visible.
Skin diseases were the most prevalent diseases in the areas.
Malaria is the second most prevalent diseases especially in adults.
Malnutrition has also major role.
Recommendations• Establishments of mobile teams serve freely the disadvantage IDP communities.
• Improve water and hygiene condition.
• To provide treated mosquito bed nets.
• To create community participation approach in how to prevent infectious diseases include STDs.
OUR FUTURE PLAN is: - Make available man Power resources.
Conduct more visits IDP Camps (inside and outside Mogadishu)
Take part researches require to discover further DATA related IDP beneficiaries.
Community health promotion.
Initiate co-operation with other involved agencies and organizations.
Health education sessions relevant the project activities.
Contribution of charitable free visiting and giving liberated treatments to poor people specially IDP camps.
FUND SOURCESOYDA strongly maintains as smooth and reliable relationship with all affiliate organisations in the areas of its operation. In fact, no organisation can fully complete any tangible activities, without fully support of and cooperation of its stakeholders beside that SOYDA has been maintained a good relationship with Benadir Hospital, Al-salam Clinic, Somali Medical Association, Muslim Doctors in Kenya, Islamic Hospital in Emirates and Somali Pharma companies.
But the basic and functional fund contributed by the members of this organization, however this activity supported by individuals such as
Professor Abdulahi Hussein Bushkuleti, Dr. Osman M.A Feytan and Benadir hospitals so we would like to thank them.
We also thankful to the population of visited Camps for their Support and also IDP committee leaders who supposed to finalize all managerial issue related to our exercise regret how they just welcomed us a very nice shelter decorated large cloths with different colours and chairs and tables having good rule and regulations
We also continue good relations with local district cultural elders, authorities and target community beneficiaries in our operational areas.
Finally, we believe that there are no permanent routine health activities being established or proportions of health service and the demand of the project communities are not equal some how we think that it’s very important to prepare/utilize such activity which IDP disadvantage can harmonize the UN/International agencies supported services.
Executive Director of SOYDA
Dr. Abdiqani Sheikh Omar Hassan