Author Topic: The History of Ethiopian Nurses Association (ENA)  (Read 30313 times)

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Offline Hasan_c.h.c

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The History of Ethiopian Nurses Association (ENA)
« on: September 27, 2008, 03:00:51 PM »
The History of ENA
      Modern nursing in Ethiopia started in the later part of the 19th century by Swedish Missionaries who came to Eritrea in 1866.  Years later the nursing service was extended to other parts of the country still by expatriate nurses from Sweden, Russia, and France.  During this time some clinics and hospitals were opened in some parts of the country. Thus the need for nurses was felt more than ever. Around 1928 elderly women were recruited and were given short term training to serve as nurses and midwives.  In 1949 the first School of Nursing (The Ethiopian Red Cross) was opened in the former Haile Selassie I Hospital (Now Yekatit 12 Hospital beginning of the modern nurses education).  Students were recruited from 8th grade and the training duration was  3 ½  years.  In the following years other schools of nursing were opened.  One of the schools (Gonder) was training community nurses who were basically working in the community while the other schools train bed side nurses who work mainly in hospital settings.
   In 1977, three years after the downfall of the Emperors regime, the nurse training was revised at a national level and a decision was made to train one category of nurse namely "Comprehensive nurse" who can function at all levels of health institutions.  Thus the training of community nurses was discontinued.  The academic entry requirement at this time was raised to 12th grade completion and the duration shortened to 2 ½ years.  After the dawn fall of the Derge regime, since 1991, the training duration reduced by ½ years to only 2 years and the comprehensive form of training changed to specialized form of training.
   The training of different types of nurses then started for two years in most training institutions and begins to train clinical nurses, public health nurses & midwives.  However this fragmented form of training is not appreciated by most faculty members of the respective institutions.
A remarkable event to be mentioned in the history of nursing in Ethiopia is the launching of post basic baccalaureate program in nursing in1994 in the former Jimma institute of health science (now Jimma University). The annual average output of baccalaureate program trainees were not more than 30 and deployed in schools and management positions.
   At present, there are a number of government owned and NGO and private owned schools/Colleges of nursing that are offering nursing program in the country. At the end of the training period, Ministry of health of Ethiopia registered and licensed them to practice the profession in the country through the health professionals' council.
The health Professional council established is 2002 by the Ministers act Number 72/2002. The council is a regulatory & advisory body & that is accountable directly to the Minister, of Ministry of Health. The council comprises chairman, V/chairman, registrar, assistant registrar and professional associations as a member. The council has got different committee with a specified function for each committee.
ENA as a member of the health professional council involved in registration & licensing of health professionals in Ethiopia.

Offline PrincessMuni

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Re: The History of Ethiopian Nurses Association (ENA)
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2008, 04:06:47 PM »
very impressive, thanks for sharing
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Offline Dr.Farabadan

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Re: The History of Ethiopian Nurses Association (ENA)
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2008, 11:30:36 PM »
da's great but I read on paper there is a shortage of medical stuff in Ethiopia
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Offline Dr.Adnan

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Re: The History of Ethiopian Nurses Association (ENA)
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2008, 08:58:09 AM »
ofcourse there is shortage of health staff in Ethiopia, in Nation master website I read that there is only 0.03 physicians per 1000 population,,,,,
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