Author Topic: Somali Medical Interpreters Needed  (Read 11405 times)

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Somali Medical Interpreters Needed
« on: November 12, 2008, 11:32:45 PM »
Hello. My name is Rita and I work for Pacific Interpreters in Portland, OR USA.  We provide telephonic interpreters to hospitals and social service agencies all over the country. Our interpreters are also located all over the country.  They get to work from the comforts of their homes! We are currently in need of Somali medical interpreters. We are looking for applicants who have a strong background in medical terminology. Part of our hiring process is a test that all applicants have to take; half of the test is medical terminology. Those applicants (for all of the 185 languages we service) who don’t have a background in medical terminology tend to not do as well as somebody who already has a background in medical terminology. The terms are read to you in English and the equivalent needs to be given in Somali. If an equivalent does not exist then an explanation will need to be given in Somali.  Please contact me If you live in and are eligible to work in the USA and are interested in being a medical interpreter.  I am also more than happy to answer any questions you might have.  Have a great day! Rita

Rita O'Brien
877-272-2434 ext # 2


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