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Offline Dr.Noora

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Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« on: July 24, 2007, 06:56:44 PM »
First of all, I’m very happy to shire with you here in my thoughts with Somali doctors forum. My collage, its really very much to tell every thing here about our medical school in Ukraine, but I would like to summarize some issues which I think its very important and benefit to tell.

If I try to talk about the most problems we Somali students specially face are uncountable. To begin with the studies of our universities isn’t very hard, but if the person is well prepared she/ he can afford to graduate very easily I mean if he/she finished the high school or equivalent institutes  no matter how much marks he/she gain they can simply join.  As we know since the collapse of our government we lost every thing and we became a stateless people, so if you don’t have a government which present you I mean you don’t have a un embassy where you live its very hard to you to gain what ever you need so, the Somali students here in Ukraine shire this problems with the others Somalis around the world and   the common problems that occurs in our home land effects us directly or in directly. 

Somali students in Ukraine estimates approximately 120 persons which most of them studies medical schools and most of them locates in Vinnitsa and Jernifcy states? They learn different faculties, but mostly general medicine.

If, I try to say some problems we Somali students face here in Ukraine is luck of respect. For example: If you want to invite a friend or your close relatives there’s extra condition in Somali students:
1.   First you have to pay one year payment in advance since Somali students are not trusted they may be across the bonder.
2.   When you get the invitation and send it, if the person lives somewhere, which locates Ukrainian Embassy may be she/he will get normally, and it will cost for about 150-200 US Dollars it depend on the country’s currency, but the students who lives in Somalia they will cost more money in order to get entry visa, because there’s no Embassy in Somalia, so they must go either UAE or Ethiopia, they are the nearest places that they can get a visa. Mostly they send their passports to UEA since they can’t get entry visa to Emirates at the right moment, but the best thing is that they can send passport though it cost much money.
3.   One of the most problems that occur is expatiations saying they are not eligible or there’s some documents missing, since most of them they don’t know what is needed even if they are told. (Eg. Birth certificate, health certificate and e.t.c )or may be they even don’t read the regulation guards, because 1% of the applied students don’t want to study, but to across the bonder, but this will jeopardize the 99% of the others that want to study, this is the some special problems we only Somali students face here. But the common problems we shire with others students and that ok some can be solved, but the nature problems like weather, languages, racism and others…

After entry:
When you come here you have two chooses: First one is Russian programme, this version you will learn  in your course only Russian language, first year will you study the fundamentals materials that you will gain common knowledge and will improve your languages skills these materials include:  Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology  Ukrainian history and other scientific needs, so if the student has an in adequate  knowledge he/she can gain also more skills about his/her careers, for the students will take whole course 7 years.  Second one is English programme , when student come he will directly join the medical school, and this course will take 6 years, but small problems  of this course is that the Ukrainian teachers don’t have enough experience  in English language so, they can’t give more information about their subjects as they can in Russian language, but they know very well their subjects.

Problems you face if you are student here in your self is that language is quite very difficulty since it’s new to you for the first 2 years, but benefits are more than the English programme, because after the 3rd semester you communicate the patient, freely but, if your programme is English you will find out difficulties you will need translator between you and the patient since patient doest speak English.
Students are allowed to communicate patient and to participate operation as observer and also they can take a part operation if they want, these are some good benefits students achieve during their course

The all other small problems like hostel facilities, library, sports holes are not necessary, there is also one problems which needed to be mention  is that students are fully depend on their families for financial, here you can’t  support your self, and there’s not gains, but to lose more… But as saying goes: If there’s will there’s always way to a thing. If the student wants to do good work and good future for his/her self, country and people, there is always way,  hope and  chance and to study and to  my knowledge there is no place else like Ukraine where you can get medical school with Somali certificate made by Abdalla Shideeda market without permission test, does not mean that they are bad, but they want give chance students if they want gain their goals. 

For more information about National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnitsa
  like regulations, admissions, hostel conditions, and so on. You can find out University’s webpage which is:

PS: There are many medical universities in Ukraine, but wrote about here only Vinnitsa, so, you have to be aware of that… although there is no big diffirent between University in Ukraine.


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Re: Studies in Ukraine.
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2007, 07:25:51 PM »
Very Informative Post, thanks Dr.noora
The correct link is:
"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline Dr.Noora

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Re: Studies in Ukraine.
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2007, 08:26:08 PM »
Thanks Dr Mahdi for the correction. for more extra information i will be ready if need , and any quetoins i will be happy to answer them.

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Re: Studies in Ukraine.
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2007, 09:34:17 AM »
Any somalis doing post-graduate studies?
If yes are they applied to the same rules above?
How many somalis with you in the university?
what is the cost of whole 6 years course? in ($)
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Re: Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2007, 12:16:42 PM »
For those who are willing to study medicine in Ukrain, I advice them to avoid un-registred universities that mushroomed all over the country, and this is a problem not only in Ukrain it's in everywhere, the number of universities which founded for economical issue is not helpful to you.
Here is a list of registred medical universities in Ukrain which I collected from Net:
A- Those registred by MCI
1 The Crimea State Medical University 
2 Lugansk State Medical university
3 Donetsk State Medical University 
4 Zaaporozhye Medical University
5 Lvov Medical University
6 Vinitsa State Pirogov Memorial Medical University   
7 Odessa Pirogov Medical University
8 Kharkov State Medical University
9 O. Bogomolets Ukrainian State Medical University
B- Those registred by WHO
23 Dnepropetrobcki State Medical University
24 Ukrainae Military-Medical University
25 Bukobcki State Medical University
26 Ibano-Frankobck State Medical University
27 Ternopol State Medical University

For those somali students reside in ukraine you can tell us if any other medical universities registred and approved by who
"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline Dr.Noora

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Re: Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2007, 08:18:45 PM »
Yes they r a lot of SOmali students who r doing post graduate studies , and they are  applied the rules above if they r coming Out of Ukriane , but if they finished the General Medicine here in Ukriane so they will continie the studies with out any conditoins except the fees will change coz POst gradute studies Cost More..

with me in My University 35 Somali students and we have our cominity ...
How much will cost the whole 6 yrs , if the person in Russian faculty per year it Cost's 2500$ . but if he is in The Inglish Faculty it will Cost 3500$.
Dental in Russian 2600$ in Ingish 3600$...

Post graduate studies Cost 3600$ and its in Russian ,coz till know I didnt saw any student who is doing the Post graduate studies in Inglish ,

NB:Inglish Faculty Opened only before 4 years, so that those students who came before they all learn Madicine in Russian.. not in Ukrianian.

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Re: Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2007, 08:30:32 PM »
Are these 35 students in medicine?
So you mean 3600$ only for the whole 6 year!!
If so it's amazing, so what about the admission, does it cost much, how about the hostility, how much it will cost?
If it's 3600$/per 6 year so you will pay annualy or semianualy
thanks for all these questions, because it seems to me FAQ which all the readers should know about it?
"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline Dr.Noora

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Re: Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2007, 12:14:00 PM »
These 35 students in Medicine Most of them in General ,only 5 in Dentel faculty.
the 3500$ its for a year , so u have to pay every sinle year 3500$.

You dont have to pay the whole 6 yrs one time.u will pay per year and U can pay per annualy or semianualy as u can.

NB: the fees wich im talking about r in my University and for this year  not any other one.

Any other quetion's about this topic i will be happy to answer them.

THank You

you're the peace in my soul
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Dalxiis kaagamaan tagin Dalkeegoow

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Re: Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2007, 01:48:08 PM »
shokran dr Noora..
this is wat i was looking 4.. good information \
n thnx again

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Re: Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2007, 12:57:37 AM »
wow, 35 somali med-students in one university. Mashaallah!

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Re: Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2007, 12:30:43 AM »
I understand some Somali medics have married local girls, Dr Noora do you know any of them?

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Re: Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2007, 03:35:45 AM »
would like to have dr nooras email asking same info

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Re: Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2007, 03:50:25 AM »
Welcome Staph to SD forums
You can Send personal messages through this forum, you don't need to ask someone's email publicly

"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

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Re: Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2007, 12:42:56 AM »
changed my mind dont need any bodys email was curios about her detail story. anyway found out without any skinies help sorry.

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Re: Study Medicine in Ukraine.
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2007, 02:18:51 PM »

Sis. Noora i ment to ask you many times these questions but somehow i always forgot them. Have you met any kind of rasist comments from the students or the teachers?. How about the ppl?.


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