Author Topic: Psoriasis in Fall and Winter: 7 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions  (Read 15242 times)

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For some people with psoriasis, fall and winter bring not only shorter days and colder temperatures, but worsening psoriasis symptoms.

Don’t despair. You don’t need to tough it out until spring, counting the days until you get some relief from psoriasis.

Here are answers to seven frequently asked questions about psoriasis in fall and winter.

Why do my psoriasis symptoms worsen in the fall and winter?
Dry air and low levels of exposure to sunlight’s ultraviolet rays likely cause worsening psoriasis symptoms during fall and winter.   

Not only are the winter days shorter, but most people tend to spend less time outside.  And, when they do brave the elements, they’re usually bundled up from head to toe.  All of these things add up to much less ultraviolet light from the sun, which eases psoriasis in spring and summer.   

Experts believe that ultraviolet light hinders the rapid growth of skin cells that is characteristic of psoriasis. So you may find that your psoriasis is more likely to flare and your plaques worsen when you spend less time in the sun.

Also, the lack of humidity in the air outside and the dry heat in most buildings during the colder months can rob your skin of the moisture it needs. You may be able to alleviate dryness-related psoriasis symptoms by regularly moisturizing your skin and using a humidifier at home. If possible, humidify your office, too. 

How can I safely get the ultraviolet light my skin needs?
Don’t go running off to the tanning booth just yet -- there are safer ways to get your psoriasis-easing ultraviolet rays.

The medical use of light rays to treat psoriasis is known as phototherapy. A variety of options exist, which can be done in a doctor’s office, psoriasis clinic, or even the comfort of your home.

The form of light known as ultraviolet light B (UVB) seems to be the most beneficial for treating psoriasis. Your doctor may prescribe a certain amount of UVB exposure depending on your symptoms. If your doctor does choose this form of light therapy for your psoriasis, ask whether you should consider purchasing a home UVB unit.

Other phototherapy options for psoriasis treatment include the use of ultraviolet light A (UVA) in conjunction with special medications that respond to these light rays.

Looking for a reason to take a getaway to some tropical locale?  It could be just what the doctor ordered to ease your psoriasis symptoms. The beneficial effects of a sunny vacation in the middle of winter could help ease psoriasis symptoms for a few months.



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