Author Topic: Do your best , but not hurt Others !!  (Read 7879 times)

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Do your best , but not hurt Others !!
« on: December 26, 2008, 05:12:37 PM »
Lovely to share with you guys my little experience towards the community and their attitudes regards medical skills and knowledge! Here below I have written a story, which may be strange to you or already heard a similar one to this story. and now welcome to my topic and it starts like this..

A child patient was brought to hospital and the patient's parent told to nurse in charge  that ward the patient's condition and among the complains was high fever. Then O/E: the patient had critical fever 40.1C approx. and the nurse put all this effort and struggle to subside the fever and done all the ways to manage the fever, unfortunately the nurse did not succeed to handle this patient condition smoothly then the nurse thought of to give crushed PCM and mixed with water through the vein since patient did not improve after taken analgesic PCM by oral and rectal. The nurse have gone ahead the last thought fallen in his mind and no one knowing this action except Allah.
Hi guys who do you think discovered this issue ? strange is strange !
Patient was admitted in the paeds ward and did no survive anyway !
This story was recognized when the doctor got ready to write patient's death report and went through patient's reports on his admission card and the management patient received. sorry and sorry the doctor got shock and felt annoying situation on the patient's card.  can you guest what the doctor have seen? I gave PCM through the vein after not improve the other ways of managment ! ........... this is the END.

I have qouted this stroy afriend of mine and happened around 7 years ago.


reach your goal !



Started by IsseGoleBoard Medical Stories and Jokes

Replies: 1
Views: 8780
Last post September 06, 2008, 01:01:18 AM
by PrincessMuni