Author Topic: M.Sc. Scholarships, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria  (Read 14740 times)

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M.Sc. Scholarships, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
« on: March 14, 2009, 12:55:10 PM »
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

Scholarships to Pursue M.Sc. Programmes
The University of Ibadan, with funds provided by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), is pleased to announce a limited number of full scholarships for the 2009/2010 academic session beginning in September 2009 to pursue Master’s programmes in the following fields:
(i) Plant Breeding and (ii) Seed Production, both in the Department of Agronomy
(iii) Plant Pathology in the Department of Crop Protection and Environmental Biology


Applicants must possess a good first degree of an institution recognized by the University of Ibadan senate and fulfil the university’s admission requirements for postgraduate studies. Priority will be given to candidates who are already working in the agricultural sector where they will return and put to use the knowledge acquired. Female candidates are encouraged to apply. Applicants from Francophone countries must show evidence that they are able to undertake a programme of instruction delivered in English. However, arrangements are in place for successful French-speaking candidates who require improvement in their English to attend a language course for two months before resumption.

Scholarship Application Procedure

Application for a scholarship is independent of the application for admission to postgraduate studies. Only applicants who have completed the scholarship application procedure, in addition to having applied for admission to the respective programmes (visit, will be considered. Applicants should send (i) a typed application (double-spaced) indicating the programme for which they would like to be considered for scholarship, (ii) a detailed Curriculum Vitae, and (iii) a one-page statement of their career goals to Dr. Victor O. Adetimirin, Project Manager, AGRA-UI Scholarships, Department of Agronomy, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Electronic copies of application documents are preferred and these should be sent to and copied to, and All applications will be acknowledged.

The selection committee for each of the postgraduate programmes will avail itself of the academic transcripts of candidates sent to the Postgraduate School as part of the regular admission process. Applicants are advised to follow up their applications with their institutions to ensure the timely forwarding of their official transcripts to the Postgraduate School.

Deadline for the Submission of Application

To be eligible for consideration, all applications for scholarship must be received on or before June 15, 2009. Successful applicants will be notified well before resumption.

Further Scholarship Information and Application (DOC)

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