Author Topic: MSF Belgium is closing their project in Huddur  (Read 4736 times)

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MSF Belgium is closing their project in Huddur
« on: June 23, 2009, 11:36:57 AM »
Growing Insecurity Forces MSF to leave its largest Health Centre in Somalia
Ammaan darro sii korodhay ayaa qasabtay MSF inay ka tagto Rugteeda Caafimaad ee oogu wayneed soomaaliya

Nairobi/Brussels, 17 June 2009. After nine years of providing health care for the population in Bakool region, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has reached the regrettable conclusion that we do not have sufficient security to continue our work. This decision was MSF’s alone and we were not expelled by the authorities Our medical activities elsewhere in Somalia continue.

Nairobi/Brussels, 17 June 2009, sagaal sano ka dib oo daryeel caafimaad ay siinaysay bulshada ku nool gobolka Bakool, Hay'adda Dhakaatiirta aan Xudduuda lahayn ee MSF ayaa gaartay go'aan ay ka xuntahay inaan ammaan nagu filan aan haysanin oon shaqadeena ku sii wadano. Goáankan waa goán MSF keliya qaadatay, mana ahaan in maamulada jira inay naga fiijiyeen. Hawlaheena caafimaad wa ay ka sii soconayaan meelaha kale ee soomaaliya.

Somalia is a very difficult place to provide humanitarian assistance as was underlined by the abduction of two MSF medical staff in Bakool in April 2009. MSF is grateful that the incident was resolved positively with the help of the community.

Soomaaliya waa meel aad u adag in laga bixiyo caaawinaad baniiadameed sida ay muujisay af duubkii labada shaqaale caafimaadeed ka dhacday gobolka Bakool April 2009. MSF waxay mahad naqaysaa sida wanaagsan oo dhacdadii lagu xalliyay lagu kaalmaystay caawinaad bulshada laga helay

However, following the abduction and other serious incidents over the past year, MSF can no longer safely provide quality medical care to the people living in Bakool.

Afduudbkii iyo dhacdooyin aad halis u ah sanadihii la soo dhaafay ka dib, MSF ma awoodo inay si nabad galya leh ugu siiso daryeel caafimaad oo tayo leh bulshada ku nool gobolka Bakool.

For the past months, MSF has run the project from a distance, complemented by short visits of international technical support staff. With the abduction, the possibility of even this approach has been eroded. 

Bilooyinkii la soo dhaafay, mashaakil nabadgalyo awgood ayee MSF waxay mashruuca kuwaday ayadoo meel fog ka joogto taas oo raacsan booqasha gaaban ay samaynaayeen shaqaala ajnabi oo farsamada ku kaalmaynaaye. Af duubkii oo ka daba imaaday, surtagalnimada shaqada lagu sii wadi lahaa wa ay soo afjarmatay.

“Given the immense needs in Bakool and beyond we have continued to work under difficult circumstances, but unfortunately we now have to concede that the risks there have reached unacceptable levels,” said Jerome Oberreit, Director of Operations at MSF. 

''Baahida baaxadda leh ee ka jirta Bakool iyo wixii ka shisheeyaa waxaan shaqada ku sii wadnay xaalad adag, laakin nasiib daro, waa inaan qiranaa khatarta halkaas taalo inay gaartay xadr aan la aqbali karin'' waxaa yiri Jerome Oberreit Agaasimaha Mashaariicda MSF.

MSF hopes that despite our departure the population of Bakool will find ways to mitigate the loss of services provided by MSF and that they will recognize the efforts by our Somali staff for the past nine years.

MSF waxay si qoto dheer leh uga xuntahay waxa ka soo gaaraya go'aankan bulshada Bakool iyo si gaar ahaan u aqonsanayso dadaalada ay shaqaalaha Soomaaliyeed muujiyeen sagaalkii sana ee la soo dhaafay.

MSF activities in Bakool include the Health Centre in Huddur – the largest in-patient facility in South and Central Somalia - and four outlying health posts in Labatan Jerow, El Garas, El Berde and Rabdure.

Hawlaha MSF ee Bakool waxaa ka mid ah Rug Caafimaadeed oo ku taalo Xuddur- Qalab bukaan jiif ugu wayn bartamaha iyo koonfurta soomaaliya- iyo afar gobo caafimaadeed oo ku kala yaala Labaatan jirow, Ceel Garas, Ceel Barde iyo Rabduure.

During the nine years of the program, the Huddur Health Centre expanded from a single feeding centre for malnourished to a fully functional Health Centre with a capacity of 278 beds and 157 staff receiving continuous training.

Sagaalka sana ee mashruuca uu ku guda jiray, Rugta Caafimaad ee Xuddur waxay ka balaaratay hal Rug nafaqayn oo loogu tala galay dadka nafaqa darada haysato, ilaa ay ka noqotay Rug Caafimaad oo si buuxda u shaqayso taas oo qaadi karta 278 sariirood iyo 157 shaqaala oo si joogta ah tababar u qaadaata.

Since 2002 the Huddur Health Centre and the health posts have provided 272,700 outpatient consultations, while 11,075 have been admitted to the Health Centre. 3,314 of these were treated for Kala Azar and 945 for Tuberculosis. 1,913 children have been treated for severe malnutrition.

Laga bilaabo 2002 Rugta Caafimaad ee Xuddur iyo gooaha caafimaadeed waxay samaysay wada tashi caafimaadeed 272,700 oo bukaan socod ah, inta kale na 11,075 la jiifiyay Rugta Caafimaad. 3,314 oo ka mid ah na waxa laga daaweeyay cudurka Kala Azar iyo 945 laga daaweeyay cudurka TBda. 1,913 ciyaal na waxaa laga daaweeyay nafaqa dari aad u daran.

In the past 14 months, MSF has been forced to close four projects due increasing insecurity including abductions and fatal attacks on our staff in Somalia. The continued free medical activities that MSF provides in the regions of Banadir, Bay, Galgaduud, Hiraan, Lower Juba, Middle Shabelle, Lower Shabelle and Mudug will depend on the communities and authorities providing conditions that prevent such incidents toward our staff and health facilities.

14kii bilood ee la soo dhaafay, MSF waxay qasab ku noqotay inay sadax mashaaric xirto weerar iyo af duub loo gaystay shaqaalaheeda soomaaliya awgeed.  Hawlgal Caafimaadeed oo bilaash ah oo MSF ay ka wado gobolada Banaadir, Baay, Galgaduud, Hiiraan, Jubbada Hoose, Shabeelada Dhexe iyo mudug waxay ku xiranyihiin bushadaha iyo maamulada inay sameeyaan xaalada ka celin karta inay dhacdooyinkaas ku aadan shaqaalaha iyo goobaha caafimaadeed.

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