Author Topic: Medicine or no medicine  (Read 11275 times)

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Offline Athena

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Medicine or no medicine
« on: May 21, 2009, 11:06:02 PM »
Salaam everybody!

I am currently a biomedical student in the uk , doing pretty well…if everything goes according to plan should get 1st with no problem insha’allh. Everything to this point is good, after that it get complex, confusing and irritating.  Basically the dilemma should I just stick to biomedical and become a scientist? I don’t mind but it’s not fun and I cannot imagine myself pipetting for the rest of my life. 

I always wanted to be a doctor, but I don’t know. There are many things that come with it and I know if I set my heart on it, there won’t be anything changing it cuz am stubborn, even if it is impossible. I haven’t decided yet! So guys help me out. Is medicine worth fighting for? should I go for it and  stop hesitating? or should I stick to biomedical science?

Any advice?

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Re: Medicine or no medicine
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 09:31:46 PM »
Biomedicine is usually not concerned with the practice of medicine as much as it is with the theory, knowledge and research of it; its results render possible new drugs and a deeper, molecular understanding of the mechanisms underlying disease, and thus lays the foundation of all medical application, diagnosis and treatment.
So I advice you to stick with the biomedicine....
In diagnosis think of the easy first.
Martin H. Fischer

Offline Dr. Lulu

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Re: Medicine or no medicine
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2009, 03:32:44 AM »

What do you think Athena? Biomed or med? Let me ask you one question maybe wallahu aclam, it might help you decide.

If Allah has written for you to live the next 10 years, would you see yourself as a lab scientist or a medical doctor? If you are meant to live the next 10 years you will live it anyway by Allah's will, but would you live it as a doc or scientist. If you read up thoroughly on both professions maybe it will help you decide, and also try praying Istikhaara, inshalah you will reach a decision. You might also want to ask yourself, why do you want to do medicine? Why change? Maybe if you find answers to these it will open up the path to a decision of some sort.

Offline Mandeq

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Re: Medicine or no medicine
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2009, 03:27:26 PM »
Hi Athena , I understand where you coming from its a big choice to make , plus you worked very hard to achieve that higher grades from "A level" continue you aim. we are on sort same boat , my destination was to do medicine , It didn’t work out for me I’m doing Biomedical science almost finishing , im still having second thought , they both very interesting subjects, but have in mind instead of  trading to medicine you can finish masters in bio medical and get PHD as well , medicine is long path even though is only (5 yrs ) if you got another  Bsc degree still its long journey, also if you think laboratory is pretty boring you can work in variety of clinical trail research which will save you pipeting and you will be dealing with more paper work and drug testing lolz  they pay good .You have to put into the account that if you women you will not be chasing education 4 the rest of you life you will have a future and family 2. Finally, at university you can apply Biomedical science then start first year medicine in you second year, as you already knw London is hard to get a place because many students apply every year I suggest you should try other universities in outside London and call them directly you can also apply through UCAS clearance.


Offline Dr.Abdul

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Re: Medicine or no medicine
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2009, 05:41:27 AM »
Athena,Mandeq has given you a good advice, she knows ins and outs of medical reasearch. I didn't had this dilemma when i was undrgraduate , except that  from time to time,i was drawn into public health for obscure reasons. I had two choices to go straight to do master in public health or go to medical school.I decided the later, medical school is fun, and within it you can find interesting stuff, you are taught by people who are research gurus in their respective field and can actually do, some research,with them if you want. you need to ask yourself, if research is what you want settle for, or go to medicine, do research and become and MD/Phd.  Either way, you will be happy at the end. Good luck!


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