Author Topic: Nutrition Coordinator - Kenya, Somalia (Merlin)  (Read 11027 times)

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Nutrition Coordinator - Kenya, Somalia (Merlin)
« on: July 22, 2009, 08:18:17 PM »
Closing date: 10 Aug 2009
Location: Kenya

Programme: Nutrition Projects in Kenya and Somalia
Responsible To: Country Health Director
Location: Wajir/Turkana districts and Nairobi
Start Date: ASAP
Duration: 6 weeks
Salary and Benefits: Between £15,821 and £18,046 per annum dependant on relevant experience, an annual cost of living allowance of £xxx, insurance cover, accommodation and return flights.

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Due to the urgency of this position, applications will be short listed on a regular basis and we may offer this post before the closing date. Please note this is an unaccompanied position.

Merlin International Profile

Merlin specialises in health, saving lives in times of crisis and helping to rebuild shattered health services. Each year, Merlin helps more than 15 million people in up to 20 countries.

Context and Background

Merlin has been working in Kenya since 1998. Merlin is currently operational in two geographic regions: the Western Highlands and the Arid and Semi Arid regions of northern Kenya. In addition to the country office in Nairobi, Merlin maintains office in Kisii in Nyanza province, Lodwar in Turkana district and Wajir town in Wajir province. In 2008, Merlin also implemented an emergency response project in Nyanza province and Molo, Kipkelion, Narok, and Naivasha districts of Rift Valley province providng emergency health care services to IDPs and host communities affected by the post election violence. Currently Merlin is implementing UNICEF funded nutrition programmes in Turkana and Wajir districts of northern Kenya.

The overall objective of Merlin’s work in Kenya is to contribute to a reduction of health inequalities and the reversal in the current downward trend in health related indicators. Merlin does this by responding to emergency needs as well continuing to build on lasting working relationships with communities and local partners; supporting the strengthening of the Kenyan health system; approaching health problems with innovative interventions; developing answers to key practical questions through operational research; and using the lessons learned at local levels to feed into national-level programming and planning. Merlin is working closely in partnership with the Ministry of Health and communities to implement its health and nutrition projects.

Main purpose of the role

The overall objective of the position is to develop and maintain all nutrition aspects of Merlin’s projects in Kenya and Somalia. The post holder will work under the supervision of the respective country health directors and in close collaboration with project health coordinators as well as partners at all levels, including government and other agencies.

Overall Objectives (scope)

This position demands both the technical knowledge and the work experience, needed to coordinate a nutrition programme. The nutrition coordinator will be responsible for ensuring management of the nutrition programme is executed in line with national and international humanitarian standards and donor guidelines with the assistance of the Country Health Director. This position demands an ability to manage, organise and support all aspects of the programme; including other agency liaison, training and supervising regional and local staff using techniques and tools available and appropriate to Kenya and Somalia.


- Provide support and supervision to staff implementing nutrition programmes in Kenya
- Support and mentor project nutrition officers based in Turkana and Wajir
- Ensure that nutrition programmes are implemented in line with national guidelines
- Provide guidance on the integration of nutrition component into overall primary health care programmes.
- Support the CHD in expansion of Merlin’s nutrition programming in Kenya
- In collaboration with partners (MoH, WFP and UNICEF) support field sites with the organization of the logistics of food commodities.
- Together with Country Health Director ensure proper communication, coordination and harmonization of activities with the different stakeholders involved in food/nutrition activities.
- Maintaining nutrition programme database
- Ensure timely and accurate analysis of nutrition data and produce narrative reports to circulate to both donors and partners.
- Take lead in preparation and implementation of nutrition surveys when required

Training and capacity building
- To assess the training needs of staff implementing nutrition programmes and develop a training programme to meet these needs.
- Ensure the establishment and strengthening or nutrition monitoring activities and train health staff (Merlin and partners) in the management of acute malnutrition and referral mechanisms.
- Conduct and train health staff on surveys, causal analysis, coverage monitoring and other assessments of nutritional status of target groups.

Coordination and Representation
- To liaise, according to Merlin distribution of responsibilities, with the Ministry of Health and other agencies (UNICEF, WHO, and WFP) to ensure appropriate provision of service and use of resources.
- To report properly and in appropriate time all relevant nutritional information required for the comprehensive development of primary health care programmes
- To represent Merlin in coordination meetings at district and national level

- Full adherence to Merlin Kenya Security procedures.
- Full adherence to Merlin Kenya field communication protocols and standard operating procedures, informing fellow team members and the Program Coordinator immediately of any security incident.
- To behave at all times in a manner which positively promotes Merlin and its work and actively maintaining Merlin’s acceptance strategy with the community

Person Specification

Qualifications, experience and competences
- B.Sc/M.Sc or equivalent in Nutrition or related degree.
- Previous working experience in Nutrition.
- Knowledge of Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) treatment protocol
- Programme development and management in a Humanitarian and/or emergency situation.
- Teaching and/or training experience.
- Demonstrated analytical and conceptual skills to plan projects, timetable agreed activities and oversee staff activities.
- Good team player, flexible and capable of working with a multinational country team.
- Ability and willingness to travel to rural locations and live in sometimes basic conditions.
- Appreciation of and sensitivity to local culture.
- Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English
- Confident and proficient in the use of MS Office
- Experience of establishing strong working relationships with colleagues from different functions and cultures
- Experience of a flexible approach to managing and prioritising a high workload and multiple tasks in a fast paced environment with tight deadlines
- Experience of proactively identifying and addressing issues
- An understanding of and commitment to Merlin’s mission and values


Qualifications, experience and competences
- Previous experience working for an international NGO in developing countries.
- Previous experience in Kenya

Data Protection

Please note, on submitting your application, you are agreeing to Merlin holding and using the information that you have given for the purposes of recruitment and employment – should an offer be made. In order to process your job application, it may be necessary for your application to be sent to the Country Director (in the country you are applying for) for consideration. If you do not agree with this, please state so when applying.

How to apply
Please download an application form from our website

Completed form should be emailed to stating in the subject field the job title, country and reference number (if any).

Reference Code: RW_7U6J55-73

Source: ReliefWeb

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