Author Topic: Get Rid of Psychological Diseases by Quran?  (Read 15155 times)

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Get Rid of Psychological Diseases by Quran?
« on: January 29, 2007, 01:17:05 PM »
Assalamu Alaikum.

Please read the following and forward it to friends. It is very interesting! This is about the latest report of a Netherlands psychologist, Vander Hoven:

REPORT: Vander Hoven, a psychologist from Netherlands announced his new discovery about the effect of reading the Holy Quran and repeating the word "ALLAH" both on patients and on normal persons. The Dutch professor confirms his discovery with studies and research applied on many patients over a period of three years. Some of his patients were non-Muslims, others do not speak Arabic and were trained to pronounce the word "ALLAH" clearly; the result was great, particularly on those who suffer from dejection and tension.

Al Watan, a Saudi daily reported that the psychologist was quoted to say that Muslims who can read Arabic and who read the Holy Quran regularly can protect themselves from psychological diseases. The psychologist explained how each letter in the word "ALLAH" affects healing of psychological diseases.
He pointed out in his research that pronouncing the first letter in the word "ALLAH" which is the letter (A), released from the respiratory system, controls breathing. He added that pronouncing the velar consonant (L) in the Arabic way, with the tongue touching slightly the upper part of the jaw producing a short pause and then repeating the same
pause constantly, relaxes the aspiration. Also, pronouncing the last letter which is the letter (H) makes a contact between the lungs and the heart and in turn this contact controls the heartbeat.

What is exciting in the study is that this psychologist is a non-Muslim, but interested in Islamic sciences and searching for the secrets of the Holy Quran. Allah, The Great and Glorious, says, "We will show them Our signs in the universe and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that This (Quran) is the truth". (Holy Quran: 42/53)

By: Vander Hoven, a Psychologist From Netherlands

Can someone authenticate this report?!

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Re: Get Rid of Psychological Diseases by Quran?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2007, 03:17:26 PM »
Great, what a discovery!!
for two reasons, I disagree with this result, first because repeating the word Allah was never mentioned regarding the days of our prophet, who, if it was meant to cure psychological diseases, would have told us to do it. This may, in some how, prove the theory of the Suffiyah, who repeat the word so many times that they fall down from emotion, which is not right and considered as Bid'a.
I mean that repeating the word ALLAH has nothing to do with our lack of psychological diseases, it is because of our faith in the Qada' wal Qadar, that is number 1.
Secondly, I disagree with the explanation of the mechanism, it is obvious that the man is missing the whole point of the affectivity of the holy Quran. this is BIZARRE, and would never been approved by even the Suffiya themselves.
We thank the professor by his discovery and hope that it may lead many people to get back to the Sirad almustaqim and others to follow it, but we have to know that it is not right to explain the quran like this. The Quran has to be above our low comprehensions and defective interpretations, it is the Word of Allah and always will be, but our knowledge changes every day and is never accurate and precise.
Thank you, Ciise Dheere.
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Re: Get Rid of Psychological Diseases by Quran?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2008, 04:26:31 PM »
He pointed out in his research that pronouncing the first letter in the word "ALLAH" which is the letter (A), released from the respiratory system, controls breathing. He added that pronouncing the velar consonant (L) in the Arabic way, with the tongue touching slightly the upper part of the jaw producing a short pause and then repeating the same
pause constantly, relaxes the aspiration. Also, pronouncing the last letter which is the letter (H) makes a contact between the lungs and the heart and in turn this contact controls the heartbeat.

I wonder if theres any correlation to this, and the mystery behind "alif lam meem" and other sequences of letters in the qu'ran.

Brilliant article  :o most fascinating thing I've read in a while!


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