thank you Dr.Mahdi for preparing this forum .
Well many times people have discussed methods about how to prepare for MRCP Part 1 exam; I think it varies from person to person. However I am sure about a few things that I would like to mention.
1. mrcp1 doesn't need a big book. Either Karla or Oxford handbook(cover to cover) is essential. If someone has never studied a text book of medicine in his medical school then he may need to see important list of topics from one.... Davidson or Kumar n Clark. Oxford handbook is nice as it has almost everything, Kalra does miss some topics, however it is not bad either. choice is yours whichever suits u is best.
2. all people prefer on exam web site rather than pastst. actually a conditioned mind is needed to attempt MRCP mcqs. a conditioned mind should be able to explore into question and be able to make a result or rule out. everybody does the same mcqs, we all have same books, same websites which offer mcqs but people get different results so spend your money to prepare your mind according to the exam.
3. do verify your answers(of mcqs) whether correct or incorrect. always be receptive to get information. i believe this is modern world and in this modern world information is everything.... not money.
4. always be strong. take your anxiety as an adrenaline pump and use your pump to fight. do not give up at all. don be overconfident but don't underestimate yourself. also don't believe in luck, prepare yourself. people who look for some support are weak so don't look for any excuses.
Don't hesitate asking for any kind of help from anyone. But always ask from people who you think are competent enough.
book for mrcp 1
1*Essential Revision Notes for MRCP by Philip A. Kalra (Editor)
2*Basic Medical Sciences for MRCP Part 1 Philippa Easterbrook
3*MRCP 1 New Multiple Choice "Best of Five" Revision Book by K. Binymin
4*MRCP 1: 300 Best of Five: Questions and Answers by Geraint Rees (Editor
try to do BOF as much as you can
i hope we will share more information toghather
good luck to all for further information.