Author Topic: Where to study medicine? and sats required ?or chemistry a level?  (Read 22093 times)

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Offline Abstudent

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I want to study medicine but i don't know if i have the right requirements? I am a American citizen living in the UK. I came to the UK in the middle of  the 10th grade. I started year 11 in the UK and took my gcses.I got a C in science and i am taking my biology Alevel  with economics and history but i don't have a second science.I heard university in UK prefer chemistry but i am also considering going to university in the US but i don't have a US highschool education or my SATS. I could also take chemistry this year and stay in college a extra year to finish it.But are there universities that accept only biology or Have a foundation year that will prefer me for a medical degree? Will i have a better change going to a university in the USA or in a different country.Because i heard it is longer in America because they only have medicine as a postgraduate degree and i would have to take  a 4 year undergraduate degree. What would be the best thing for me to do at this stage? Which country would be better for me to study medicine in?

Offline Layali

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Re: Where to study medicine? and sats required ?or chemistry a level?
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2010, 05:15:26 AM »
I want to study medicine but i don't know if i have the right requirements? I am a American citizen living in the UK. I came to the UK in the middle of  the 10th grade. I started year 11 in the UK and took my gcses.I got a C in science and i am taking my biology Alevel  with economics and history but i don't have a second science.I heard university in UK prefer chemistry but i am also considering going to university in the US but i don't have a US highschool education or my SATS. I could also take chemistry this year and stay in college a extra year to finish it.But are there universities that accept only biology or Have a foundation year that will prefer me for a medical degree? Will i have a better change going to a university in the USA or in a different country.Because i heard it is longer in America because they only have medicine as a postgraduate degree and i would have to take  a 4 year undergraduate degree. What would be the best thing for me to do at this stage? Which country would be better for me to study medicine in?

I don't think i can advise you on where you should study medicine, however if you are planning to study in the UK, then I've posted a reply to your other thread on requirements. Its generally enjoyable here. The only downside I can think of is it costs a lot more to study here if you are not a UK/EU citizen, however the best thing is you don't have to do an undergrad degree to apply.


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