Author Topic: Recruitment of Doctors or Medical Students to Humanitarian Project in Somalia  (Read 17966 times)

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To All Doctors and Medical Students in their final years-

We are a recently started company that focuses on the recruitment of medical personnel to Humanitarian Aid Organizations in various part of Africa.

We are presently working on behalf of a Major European NGO that wishes to recruit a number of Somali Doctors and/or Medical Students in their final years, for at Humanitarian Aid Project in Somalia.

The NGO  has stipulated the following basic requirements to the personnel that is to be recruited as follows-

Medical Doctor or Medical students in their final years.
Ethnic Somali - since the present security situation would make it unsafe for non-Somalis to work in Somalia.
Resident in a EU country – due to legislation pertinent to the NGO and also due to the contract with the above mentioned Medical Personnel it is a requirement that the applicants have EU passport or EU permanent residence permit.
Applicants should be prepared to work on a rotation principle i.e. working in Somalia for a period of approximately 3-5 months at a time.
Wages and conditions will depend on individual negotiations and on the applicants level of education and experience.
For Medical Students in their final years, relevant training and preparation will be sponsored by the NGO.

If you are interested in applying or if you would like more information about the requirements and conditions, please contact

Mr. William Tembo Peters
Senior Consultant