Author Topic: Psychosocial & Post Traumatic Counseling Training Consultant - Hargeisa & Garowe  (Read 11559 times)

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Psychosocial & Post Traumatic Counseling Training - Consultant

Save the Children
Save the Children is worldest largest children's independent charity fighting for children's rights globally
Closing date: 27 Jan 2011
Location: Somalia - Hargeisa and Garowe


Save the Children is one of the words’ largest independent child right organization. We deliver immediate and lasting improvement to children lives. Save the Children has been working in Somalia/Puntland for more than 40 years implementing programmes that protect and promote the rights of children and youth to survival, development, expression and participation.

As a consequence of the protracted civil war, recurrent natural disasters and unstable political situation in Puntland region; physical and social infrastructure including educational, health care and traditional community support systems have been either weakened or destroyed. The problem has been exacerbated by presence of a huge number of unskilled, unschooled and unemployed ex-combatants that threaten efforts to promote peace, security, democracy, social, and economic development. Consequently, the rate of high unemployment of young people forces many of them to join militias and other armed groups including piracy, in order to earn basic income.

The risk of young people being caught in a cycle of delinquency, aggression and/or depression and hopelessness is enormous due to lack of education, jobs and prospects of a meaningful future. Many youth have turned to, or forced into antisocial behaviors such as illegal business, militia and drugs abuse because they are in search of basic sustenance, or because they lack sufficient protection to avoid being pressed into such activities. A significant number of youth are traumatized and mentally disturbed and lack access to mental health care and psychosocial counseling services. These traumatized youth are highly susceptible to being mobilized (in the sense of joining illegal groups that will provide an income).

Project description;

Save the Children in collaboration with relevant government line ministries in Puntland, Civil Society Organizations and the business community is implementing a project aimed at reducing the vulnerability and reliance of youth on illicit business by increasing their access to sustainable, resilience and alternative livelihood. The Alternative Livelihood and Employment Opportunities (ALEO) project is funded by Danish Royal government and provides trainees/beneficiaries with basic vocational skills and knowledge appropriate for their own development and that of the community as a whole.

One of the key components of this project is delivery of psychosocial or post traumatic counseling to traumatized and mentally disturbed youth/children who’ as a result of their past experiences have a tendency to show behavioral disorders. The aim is to help the beneficiaries acquire vital skills and knowledge to improve their ability to cope with the post traumatic experiences, aid sustainable integration and positive participation in community life

Overall Impact;
•Restoration of hope and a sense of worth within youth/children hence support their sustainable reintegration in the community.
•Reduction of youth/children’s vulnerability to recruitment into armed militia groups and illegal business cartels such as piracy.

•TOT training on psychosocial and post traumatic counseling,
•Psychosocial and post traumatic counseling sessions.

Specific Outcomes:
•Participants are familiar with skills to identify youth/children with behavioral disorders or who have a tendency to display antisocial behavior traits.
•Participants are equipped with knowledge and approaches of intervening or addressing psychosocial cases.
•Enhanced social workers’ capacity to develop psychosocial activities suitable for children affected by the armed conflict.

Scope of Work

The trainer is expected to undertake the following:
•Conduct a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) of Participants
•Prepare and share TNA report with SC project staff and relevant line ministry officials( MoLY$ and MoE)
• Conduct a one day workshop with stake holders to validate the TNA and receive their inputs.
•Develop comprehensive ToT package/materials on psychosocial support based on findings of the TNA.
•Based on the identified needs, conduct 6 training for 30 participants.
•Train participants on identification and registration of physcosocial cases, determining intervention approaches including counseling, record keeping and monitoring youth/children supported with psychosocial services.
•Prepare a comprehensive training report.
•Support trainees in development of simple monitoring tools for psychosocial intervention cases.
Participants will be drawn from;
•Relevant line ministries collaborating in implementation of the project (ALEO)
•Civil society organizations both local and international.(religious and youth
•Youth groups/associations.
•Religious leaders
•Community leaders
•Save the Children project staff (ALEO)
•EBTVET(enterprise based technical vocational education training centers) trainers that are presently providing skills training to the youth.
Expected Output/Deliverables
•A standardized psychosocial guide/ training manual developed.
•Training of Trainers of the identified 30 participants accomplished.
•A roll out action plan for the implementation of post traumatic counseling by the trained group developed.
•A training report is submitted to Save the Children (skills training and employment programme manager) detailing training proceedings, identify areas for further development and give general recommendations
•Simple monitoring tools for the Plans of Action developed
Training methodology;
•It is expected that the Trainer will use a participatory and learners centered approach, and include a variety of presentations, group work, plennary discussions and one on one interaction, role plays, case study analysis.

Time Frame

Save the Children expects delivery process of this particular task to last for 24 calendar days. However, the Consultant will present a technical proposal indicating the number of days for the consultancy/work, with a realistic action plan. We would wish to block Mid January and part of February for this particular task. Actual training is expected to take 6 days.

Tentative programme;

Activity description / No of days / Remarks

Travels days / 2   / To and from country of sourcing
Induction. / 1   
Conducting training needs assessment. / 6 / In three locations(Galkayo, Bossaso and Garowe(subject to security situation)
Sharing and validation workshop.    / 1 / To in cooperate views of relevant stake holders
Material development. / 4   
Actual training. / 6   
Report writing. / 3   
Presentation. / 1   

Support Available:

Save the Children will coordinate the training by:
•Assigning one project officer to support the trainer by ensuring that participants are mobilized, training halls are booked in advance, relevant stationeries, logistics and financial requirements are in place
•Ensuring prompt payment of professional fee and other costs arising from the contract;
•Provide logistical support (transport, accommodation, food, etc during the assignment)
•Comment on draft training report and psychosocial training manual.

Terms and Conditions

Logistics: The consultant’s travel from base to the field and back after the end of the contract (including airport tax), food, and accommodation will be covered by Save the Children.
Professional fee: The consultant will submit a financial proposal stating his/her professional fees
Note: This will be subject to negotiation.
Code of conduct: Because Save the Children's work is based on deeply held values and principles, it is essential that our commitment to children's rights and humanitarian principles is supported and demonstrated by all members of staff. Save the Children's Code of Conduct sets out the standards which all staff members must adhere to. The consultant is bound by the principles and conditions of Save the Children’s Code of Conduct.
A contract will be signed by the consultant before commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables.
The training will take place at Garowe, in Puntland. This is subject to security situation at that particular time.

APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: All expressions of interest should include:

Technical Proposal: brief explanation about the Consultant with particular emphasis on previous experience in this kind of work; profile of the Consultant to be involved in undertaking the training; understanding of the TOR, the task to be accomplished as well as draft training framework and plan including exact number of days required for the assignment.
Financial Proposal: The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees.
Accommodation and living costs; airport tax; transport cost; stationeries, and supplies needed for training and costs related to participants at the trainings, costs for printing hard copies of psychosocial training Guide/ manuals will be met by the organization. The Consultant should also use his own computer.


The following attributes are requirements for the selection of the Trainer:
•Postgraduate qualification (Masters or above) in counseling with a minimum of 10 years work experience.
•Deep knowledge of the international legal frame work on children rights (e.g. UNCRC and the African charter.
•Proven capacity in working across all the levels of institutions
•Proof of similar or related assignments undertaken elsewhere
•Proof of training as a trainer
•Ability to transfer knowledge through formal and non formal approaches.
•Knowledge of Somali culture/language (desired)
•Excellent report writing skills
How to apply
All interested applicants please forward your applications to:
Reference Code: RW_8D7DV2-50

"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."


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