Author Topic: Administrative Assistant Critical Incident Stress Management Unit - UNDP  (Read 15116 times)

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    • Somali Medical Association
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Closing date: 06 Apr 2011
Location: Kenya - Nairobi


I. Position Information

Job Code Title: Administrative Assistant Critical Incident Stress Management Unit (CISMU)
Position Number:
Department: Nairobi, Kenya
Reports to: Stress Counselor/UNDSS
Reports: Chief Security Advisor
Position Status: (N/A)

Current Grade: SC-5
Approved Grade:
Position Classified by:
Classification Approved by:

II. Organizational Context
The overall mandate of the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) is to provide leadership, operational support and oversight of the security management system to enable the safest and most efficient conduct of the Programmes and activities of the United Nations System. UNDSS has it?s headquarter in New York and has operations in more than one hundred countries.

Under the overall supervision of the UNDSS Chief Security Advisor and the direct supervision of the Stress Counselor. The primary responsibility of the Assistant will be to support the Stress Counselor in planning and organizing the CISMU training, including the selection and request of training materials, managing the UNDP intranet web pages, edit and publish the monthly e-bulletins, edit and disseminate the relevant Information Education Communication (IEC) materials, manage the admin side of the stress counselor?s office.

III. Functions / Key Results Expected
Summary of key functions:
? Implementation of CISMU Standard operational policies
? Effective of operational support
? Provide logistical and secretarial support
? Support administrative and logistic services, including procurement and common services
? Support to knowledge building and knowledge sharing
1. Ensures implementation of UNDSS CISMU standard operational procedure on critical incident stress focusing on the following results:
? Full compliance of staff to CISMU SOP?s and policies
? Ensures staff fully understands CISMU mandate through regularly stress management updates to staff and ensures full understanding of same.
? Supports the update and maintenance of the international and national CISMU team ensuring all can be informed of an incident and subsequent actions are undertaken in a timely manner.
? Maintain and update a database of all the UN staff counseled and a contact list of all the medical doctors and local physicians.

2. Provide effective operational support to the Stress Counselor on issues with the following results:
? Provision of inputs to the DSS CISMU business processes mapping and implementation of internal SOPs
? Compilation and preparation of briefing and presentation materials, speeches, background information and documentation for meetings and missions.
? Responds in a timely manner to incidents involving UN staff
? Assist in ongoing assessments and monitor the determinants of stress in the UN Offices as well as stress levels amount the UN Staff.
? Assists staff with obtaining medical attention and following the correct reporting procedures

3. Provide logistic and secretarial support to the workshops, meetings, missions, focusing on the achievement of the following results:
? Provide secretarial and administrative support to workshops, trainings, high-level missions, and meetings
? Ensure timely and organized delivery, collection, reproduction and transmission of correspondence, documents, publications, pouch services and administrative supplies.
? Maintain the Peer Helper Training portfolio
? Get translation of simple correspondences, when needed.
? Assist in the editing and dissemination of Information Education Communication (IEC) Materials

4. Ensures effective and efficient provision of administrative support services, focusing on achievement of the following results:
? Arrangements of travel and hotel reservations, transportation, preparation of travel authorizations, processing requests for visas, identity cards and other documents
? Maintenance of the filling system ensuring safe-keeping of confidential materials
? Extraction of data from various sources
? Research and retrieval of statistical data from internal and external sources; preparation of statistical charts, tables and reports
? Follow up on deadlines, commitments made, actions taken and coordination of collection and submission of reports to the CSA.
? Arrangement for procurement of equipments and/or office supplies.
5. Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing in UN Agencies focusing on achievement of the following results:
? Participation in the training for CISMU on stress management plan
? Synthesis of lessons learnt and best practices in transport
? Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
? Assist in organizing stress management and Peer Helper workshops for the UN offices in the country, and briefings to staff increasing their mental health awareness and ability to be more prepared in stress management incidents.
? Circulate IEC materials and monthly bulletins
? Manage and update the UNDP intranet web pages
? Shares security information creating a security information network with other UN agencies, medical doctors, local physician on psychosocial issues.
? Carry out any other duties assigned by the Stress Counselor or by the CSA.

V. Impact of Results

The key results have a direct impact on both the efficiency of the DSS/CISMU Office but more importantly on enhancing the security and safety of UN staff in the region of operation. Effective implementation of the stress management policy and UN procedures through briefings, training and advice to staff members will ensure that security is mainstreamed into all programme and project activities and staff will be aware of their own responsibility to ensure security procedures are adhered to.

The additional support provided to the Stress Counselor by the CISMU Admin. Assistant will also increase the operational effectiveness of the CISMU Unit and DSS Somalia Project as a whole through more effective allocation of tasks and responsibilities.

VI. Competencies and Critical Success Factors

Corporate Competencies:

? Demonstrates commitment to UN?s mission, vision and values
? Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability

Functional Competencies

Knowledge Management and Learning

? Shares knowledge and experience
? Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more practice areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills

Development and Operational Effectiveness

? Ability to administer and execute administrative processes and transactions
? Ability to extract, interpret, analyze data and resolve operational problems
? Ability to perform work of confidential nature and handle a large volume of work
? Good knowledge of administrative rules and regulations
? Strong IT/technical skills including e-mail, Excel, Word and Power Point applications

Leadership and Self-Management

? Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback
? Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
? Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure

VII. Recruitment Qualifications
? Completion of Secondary School education and a Certification in administration or a degree in counseling psychology and/or clinical psychology is desirable, but it is not a requirement
? Additional training or certification in a broad range of related fields such as family counseling, training, stress management, critical incident stress and cross-cultural communications is an asset.
? A minimum of 3 years experience in the field administrative support services is required
? Experience in progressive professional experience in psychological counseling is an asset
? Strong drafting and editing skills are required.
Language requirements:   
? Fluency in written and spoken English is required.
? Knowledge of Arabic and/or Somali is desirable
How to apply
Interested and qualified candidates are requested to submit electronic application by visiting

Applicants are required to fill and sign a P11 Form and submit it together with Curriculum Vitae on the online application.

The P11 Form can be obtained from the link below:

Women are strongly encouraged to apply

UNDP will only be able to respond to those applications in which there is further interest.

This vacancy announcement is also available on the Relief Web site (
Reference Code: RW_8F7DPN-46

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