Author Topic: Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Consultant - Bosaso-Puntland, Somalia (UNICEF)  (Read 25505 times)

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    • Somali Medical Association
Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Consultant

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Humanitarian organisation
Closing date: 12 Apr 2011
Location: Somalia

Location information: Puntland, Bosaso

1. Background Information

The recurrent drought in Puntland State of Somalia has created a chronic water shortage as many water sources have dried up and water table has significantly dropped in many parts of the region. In many cases, alternate water sources closer to villages have dried up and the population, mainly women and girls, are forced to walk further distances to fetch water. This situation has created an environment where possibility of outbreak of Acute Watery Diarrhea among the poor community including IDPs is common. UNICEF has initiated response to the drought in partnership with Government and with NGOs.

UNICEF would like to hire services of a full time consultant to support the implementation of drought response related to water, sanitation and hygiene component.

2. Specific objectives of the consultancy are as below:

# To ensure timely intervention for drought response
# To assure quality of the interventions
# To develop key documentation
# Ensure information on UNICEF WASH response is collated and shared with all stakeholders for coordination

3. Key Tasks:

The consultant will be based in Bosasso with frequent field visits (approximately 15 days a month) and carry out the following tasks.
# Carry out spot assessment of drought from WASH perspective. Monitor drought response implementation by various partners provide technical support to UNICEF implementing partners.
# Update drought response from various WASH partners as input to WASH cluster response
# Through the use of UNICEF office and the local communications channels, report on the progress of the work on a daily basis and keep record of all the reports in written to be submitted at the end every month and at end of assignment.
# In relation to construction/ rehabilitation of water system, the consultant will monitor/ supervise work quality; review Bill of Quantities and certify the completion of works and recommend payment accordingly.
# Provide technical support to UNICEF implementing partners for drought response

4. Deliverables:
# A weekly update of drought response supported by UNICEF and certification of completed works supported by UNICEF
# Case study of UNICEF drought intervention supplemented by photo documentation
# Bill of quantities of rehabilitation of borewells/Berkads and other works taken up for drought response related to WASH
# Certification of completed works supported by UNICEF

5. Payment schedule:
# A weekly update of drought response supported by UNICEF and certification of completed works supported by UNICEF
# Case study of UNICEF drought intervention supplemented by photo documentation
# Bill of quantities of rehabilitation of borewells/Berkads and other works taken up for drought response related to WASH
# Certification of completed works supported by UNICEF

6. Qualifications
# Degree in Civil Engineering or related technical field
# Professional work experience of at least three years in water supply projects with good analytical, negotiating, communication and advocacy skills.
# Demonstrable experience of work related to drinking water systems (piped water supply systems, rain water harvesting and related technologies)

Skills and Competencies
# Computer use including Microsoft Office and data analysis tools
# Ability to work under time constraints and deadlines in challenging settings
# Ability to work in multicultural and multiethnic environments

Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications with updated UN Personal History Form (P.11) form, updated CV and copies of academic certificates to the address below. UN staff are requested to provide the last two Performance Evaluation Reports (PERs). Please quote the vacancy number in your application. Closing date for applications is 12/04/2011.
How to apply
Email to:

Or send to:
Chief of Field office
UNICEF Somalia
Vacancy Number 2011/013
NEZ, Somalia
Reference Code: RW_8FEGL6-47

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