Differential diagnosis of malaria:
The goals of this topic:
1. To decrease the effect of this disease in our country.
2. To helps our doctors which may difficult to diagnosis as soon as possible.
3. Lack of laboratory investigation in our country makes to focus clinical symptoms carefully.
4. Many of our doctors work in rural city which may have any laboratory and sources of medical knowledge.
5. This step will give for young doctors to make stress in clinical pictures of any disease.
Clinical features of malaria:
1. Uncomplicated malaria symptoms:
Fever is the most common features of malaria, headache, joint pains, malaise, poor of appetite, body weakness and cough , vomiting or may be diarrhea.
These symptoms are not specific for malaria only many other diseases have like these symptoms so you have to differentiate from these diseases.
What are diseases have these symptoms common in our country?
Influenza, brucellosis, sand fly fever, acute respiratory infections, viral hemorrhagic fevers, tuberculosis, enteric fever, trypanosomiasis, visceral leishmaniasis, rickettsial fever, relapsing fever.
How can differentiate malaria case from these diseases depend on my clinical symptoms?
The doctor to reach a good result you must find following:
1. Take full history from patient.
2. Search the specific symptoms of malaria:
The malaria has specific clinical attack which are called (malaria paroxysm) including three stages:
A. Cold stage:
As the temperature begins to rise, there is intense headache and muscular discomfort. The patient feels cold, clutches blankets, and curls up shivering and uncommunicative. Within minutes the limbs begin to shake and teeth chatter, and the temperature climbs rapidly to a peak. The rigor usually lasts 10-30 minutes.
B. Hot stage:
By the end of rigor there is peripheral vasodilatation and the skin feels hot and dry. The temperature is high.
C. Sweating:
Profuse sweat then breaks out. It lasts for 2-4 hours. The patient is soaked in sweat and the temp falls. The patient feels exhausted and may sleep.
How can I differentiate different types of plasmodium malaria according paroxysmal malaria?
The untreated person which has fever for several days the doctor can differentiate types of plasmodium which causes malaria:
a. If malaria paroxysm attacks repeat every 48 hours the causative is plasmodium vivax, and plasmodium ovale , its name tertian malaria.
B. if malarial attacks are every 72 hours the causative is plasmodium malariae, its name quartan malaria.
C. if malaria paroxysm attack is every 36- 48hours or irregular the causative is plasmodium falciparum.
2. Complicated malaria (severe malaria):
The patient complicated malaria becomes behavioral changes, jaundice, severe anemia, extreme weakness and coma and shock.
NB. There are many other diseases have this symptoms including:
Coma: meningitis, encephalitis, typhoid fever, cerebrovascular accidents, trauma.
Jaundice: infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis, disease of the biliary tract.
Anemia: other types of haemolytic anemia like G6PD deficiency.
How can differentiate malaria from these diseases?
Again the golden role is to take a full history from patient, don`t for get to seek malaria typical signs (paroxysm malaria) and important to make microscopic examination and other useful investigation because these complication are very serious.