Author Topic: Framework for Poverty Monitoring and Analysis consultant - Somalia (UNDP)  (Read 5491 times)

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Title: Framework for Poverty Monitoring and Analysis consultant Type of Contract:IC ? Individual Contract Duration:40 Working Days Duty Station:Hargeisa Expected places of Travel: Hargeisa,Garowe/Galkayo and Nairobi Opening Date:13th May 2011 Closing Date:27th May 2011

Background and Objective of the Assignment In line with efforts to reduce poverty and develop the capacities of the administration, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Somalia through the Human Development and Economics Unit (HDEU), supports the Planning Ministries of Somaliland, Puntland and Transitional National Government of Somalia to build and enhance their capacities to establish and institutionalize Central Statistical Offices and Poverty Monitoring and Analysis Systems at federal, regional and district levels. The overall objective of these efforts is to develop the capacity of national institutions to track progress of poverty, MDGs and other development indicators to ensure proper use of resources for improving the wellbeing of the people.

In order to monitor the national development strategies and track progress in the achievement of the MDGs, there is a need to develop an appropriate Framework for a Poverty Monitoring and Analysis System and devise a plan for implementation; delineating responsibilities for carrying out these functions, along with capacity building measures, are essential.

It is in this context UNDP Somalia is seeking to engage a consultant to work with the three administrations in developing a framework for Poverty Monitoring and Analysis Systems (PMAS) and finalizing them after consultations with a broad range of stakeholders. The Consultant will work under the overall supervision of the Senior Economist and Head of HDEU, supported by the Statistical Officers. The incumbent will also work closely with the Ministries of Planning of the three zonal administrations and the relevant line ministries to come up with the appropriate Framework for the PMAS along with the institutionalization and implementation plans; delineating responsibilities for carrying out these functions and identifying capacity development needs for effective implementation.

III. Functions/Key Results

This TOR deals specifically with the development of a Framework for Poverty Monitoring and Analysis Systems and implementation plans for (Somaliland, Puntland and South central Somalia). The consultant will support the following activities leading to the final deliverables as outlined in section V of the TOR.

The consultant will be responsible for the following:

1.Develop the national Framework for Poverty Monitoring and Analysis Systems and Implementation Plan and and adapt this in the context of Somaliland, Puntland and South Central Somalia, delineating responsibilities for carrying out these functions, along with capacity building measures, taking into account data needs and gaps and specific local conditions.

2.Review what data and poverty information are available and identify additional data and poverty information which stakeholders will need to gather

3.Organize Training/Workshops and support the process to generate consensus among the stakeholders on the development of appropriate PMA Indicators linking to MDGs and taking into account data needs and gaps in the specific conditions of Somalia

4.Hold consultations with the Ministry of Planning and line ministries to prepare the final document of the PMAS.

IV. Monitoring and Progress controls

The consultant will prepare a work plan for the duration of the assignment, which may be reviewed from time to time as the situation dictates. The consultant will also prepare a weekly report, which will be reviewed to establish if the work performed meets the standards set by the Unit/Ministry.

V. Final Product/deliverable

The consultant will deliver the following outputs:
# A report on training for at least 20 government officials (from both Somaliland and Puntland) on PMAS and poverty indicators
# Draft framework for Poverty Monitoring and Analysis System (PMAS) and implementation plan)
# The final document of the PMAS with the of indicators after incorporating comments from the consultative processes
# Adapted versions of the PMAS for Somaliland Puntland and South and Central Somalia
#  A report on the consultative processes/training undertaken during the preparation and finalization of the PMAS

VI: Payment

# Payment will be made in two installments after the submission of the first draft of the PMAS for the three regions and after the approval of the final drafts

VII. Recruitment Qualifications

1.An advanced degree in Economics or a related discipline with substantial training in statistics 2.Ten years experience working with governments in the development of frameworks for PMAS 1.Proven analytical and research skills and extensive experience working with/for governments on development policies and MDGs 2.Excellent command of English and god communications skills
3.Computer literacy (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Points) 4.UN experience an advantage 5.Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team VIII. Submission of application Interested and qualified candidates are requested to submit electronic application by visiting The closing date for receipt of applications is 27th May 2011

Applicants are required to fill and sign a P11 Form and submit it together with Curriculum Vitae on the online application.

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