Author Topic: (VACANCY) Medical Activity Manager (OPD) - MSF Spain  (Read 12102 times)

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(VACANCY) Medical Activity Manager (OPD) - MSF Spain
« on: June 26, 2011, 12:31:56 AM »
VACANCY Medical Activity Manager (OPD) / Reference No. 1124

24.06.2011 | General

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international Non Governmental Organization. In MSF Spain Somalia mission we are currently recruiting for the position of a Medical Activity Manager, based in Nairobi with regular field visits to our projects in Somalia.

•   Follows up medical activities (Maternity, OPD consultations-Tuberculosis-Violence, Stabilization Centre, Laboratory, Reference System and Response to Emergencies) in the project; ensures the proper implementation of medical protocols and the quality of medical care, analyses statistics and reports, supports medical staff involved in the medical activity.
•   He/She is the technical reference person for the medical field staff in the project.
•   Participates actively in the definition, planning, implementation and evaluation of all medical activities in the project area.

Follow up of activities and definition of objectives
•   Assesses progress made in the projects and the quality of medical assistance given by visiting regularly the projects and proposing the medical coordinators reorientation strategies when necessary.
•   Assesses and supports the supervisors and assists the weaknesses in their activities.
•   Compiles medical statistics, checks their validity and analyses them (Maternity, OPD consultations-Tuberculosis-Violence, Stabilization Centre, Laboratory, Reference System and Response to Emergencies).
•   Participates in drawing up medical reports for his/her activity.
•   Checks and ensures that all data management tools (HIS…) are used and updated properly and timely.
•   Participates in discussions on the running of the project and the definition of objectives.
•   Participates in the surveillance of the health situation for the populations concerned by the project.
•   Participates in the epidemiological reports related to health facilities in the area of work of MSF.
•   Participates in exploratory missions and proposes new intervention strategies if necessary.

Implementation of programs
•   Contributes to ensure that the activities are running correctly (triage, referrals, spaces providing “privacy”, universal precautions, management of bio-hazards, etc.).
•   Checks and ensures that all MSF protocols are followed properly.
•   Checks and ensures the quality of the care given within the frame of the activity (Maternity, OPD consultations-Tuberculosis-Violence, Stabilization Centre, Laboratory, Reference System and Response to Emergencies), according to MSF protocols, values and quality standards.
•   Monitors the rational distribution of medicines and other medical materials.
•   Identifies non-medical support needs (material, infrastructure, transport, etc.) and report them to the Deputy Medical Coordinator.
•   Checks that recording of individual patient’s card and registration books of all medical activities are performed correctly.
•   Checks that all administrative procedures and documents are used correctly (discharge, transfer….).
•   Checks that medical confidentiality and ethics is respected and patients are sufficiently informed about their illnesses and treatments.
•   Ensures that all medical staff involved in the activity is familiar with Patient Therapeutic Education (contact with all patients, information regarding their state and clear response to their questions).

Team management
•   Promotes communication and active participation of all medical staff in the project and promotes MSF values and philosophy.
•   Participates in the definition of the posts required for his/her activity and draws up job descriptions.
•   Participates in the recruitment of personnel for his/her activity with the different supervisors, the administration manager and Deputy Medical Coordinator.
•   Reports immediately to the coordination team in the event of medical error in his/her activity.
•   Supervises the work of the staff working (supervisors and medical staff) in the activity.
•   Leads and organizes with the supervisors regular team meetings.
•   Facilitates the circulation of information and a fluid communication within the team and between the team and the ones involved in other activities.
•   Carries out annual individual evaluations of supervisors under her/his responsibility.
•   Identifies the individual potential of the staff under her/his responsibility and informs Deputy Medco.
•   Participates in the training of the medical staff (individual practical training, team training, courses, etc…).
•   Participates in the selection, follow up of medical staff in cooperation with Deputy Medco.
•   Checks that the medical staff of the project is properly managed, according to OCBA HR vision, policies and values and reports any problem or issue to Deputy Medical Coordinator.
•   Reinforces the skills of supervisors, all medical staff by identifying training needs and asking for/providing trainings.
•   Ensures that regular evaluations of all medical staff in project are properly done.

Visits to the field
•   Regular visits to the field. Prepares ToR before each visit in collaboration with Deputy Medco and Medco, and write a visit report for every visit.
•   Provides technical support, on-the-job trainings and lectures to the supervisors and medical staff in the field.
•   Asses the projects, the supervisors and the medical staff’s performance during the visits.
•   Replaces national staff in the field when required.
•   Participates in emergency response activities, assessments and/or exploratory missions in or out of the MSF project area of work.
•   Participates in the monthly reports according to guidelines, i.e. Situation Reports (SitReps), medical statistical reports, etc.

Education:       Essential: Clinical Officer / Medical doctor .
Essential:              Epidemiological knowledge.
Experience:     Essential working experience of at least two years in similar jobs
Desirable experience with MSF or other NGOs
Languages:      English & Somali essential; Swahili highly desired
IT Knowledge: Computer literate in the MS Office package & Internet

Personal Qualities:
•   Diplomacy and confidentiality.
•   Respect medical ethics.
•   Communication and organizational skills.
•   Flexibility.
•   Accountability.
•   Dynamic.
•   Ability to listen.
•   Ability to work in a complex / insecure environment

All applicants should send an application letter (explaining relevant experience and motivation), CV, recommendation letters and
a relevant certificates to the Human Resource Coordinator, MSF Spain Kenya, PO Box 52837, 00200 Nairobi or per email
please state the reference no. 1124 in the subject line of the email.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
Closing date: 28.6.2011, 17:00hrs. Foreseen starting day: asap


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