Author Topic: Environmental Health Technical Advisor - Nairobi, Kenya (IRC)  (Read 6258 times)

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    • Somali Medical Association
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein, the IRC offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war or disaster. At work today in over 40 countries and 22 U.S. cities, we restore safety, dignity and hope to millions who are uprooted and struggling to endure. The IRC leads the way from harm to home.

BACKGROUND: The IRC’S Environmental Health (EH) programs presently serve approximately 5 million people in around 20 different countries. Field-based EH staff are supported by a headquarters team of highly qualified EH professionals (‘Technical Advisors’) with many years of experience in humanitarian work, situated institutionally within the Health Unit of IRC alongside reproductive health, child survival, primary health care and HIV/AIDS. The Headquarters EH team consists of a Senior Technical Advisor (STA) for EH, three Regional Technical Advisors, a Behavior Change Communication Specialist and a Program Assistant. The team ensures quality programming related to water supply, sanitation, hygiene promotion and vector control. The EH team also provides guidance to the Director of the Emergency Response and Preparedness Unit (EPRU) concerning the deployment of EH staff assigned to the Emergency Response Team (ERT).

SCOPE OF WORK: Based in Nairobi and reporting to the Senior Technical Advisor for EH, the Technical Advisor will provide technical support to field programs on the areas of Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion. The technical support will comprise of 4 main areas of work: 1) development of policies, strategies and tools, 2) identifying new program/project opportunities and funding streams, 3) research, evaluation and learning, and 4) country specific technical support, via field visits, emails, phone calls etc. Field travel will take up about 40% of the successful candidates working time, with field visits usually limited to 2 weeks’ duration.

ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: • Lead the development of IRC’s policies and strategies around programs to increase access to basic sanitation and engender the widespread adoption of priority safe hygiene practices. • In collaboration with the Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Specialist, ensure that promotion efforts incorporate BCC principles and follow IRC’s BCC framework. • Provide technical assistance to IRC field programs on sanitation and hygiene promotion issues. • Coordinate and conduct annual/regular field trips to selected IRC programs for the purposes of program evaluation and technical support. • Support the design and development of sanitation and hygiene promotion programs in selected countries. • Participate in the recruitment of sanitation and hygiene promotion field staff. • Promote staff development via field training, workshops, exchange programs and coaching. • Contribute to the continued development of the Environmental Health Field Guide and other relevant resources. • Contribute to the planning and facilitation of the annual Environmental Health Coordinators’ workshop. • Act as a representative of IRC to relevant agencies on Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion issues, as requested. • Participate in emergency response activities (occasionally, if required). • Participate in limited research, teaching and academic activities.

REQUIREMENTS: • University degree in community development, public health, communication or related subject, preferably at Masters’ level. • At least five years experience in implementing Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion programs in relief, post-emergency and development settings. • Solid understanding or the principles and key elements of behavior change communication programming. • Experience with qualitative and quantitative research methods in a field setting. • Strong communication and facilitation skills. • Proven ability to work in a team environment and independently. • Proven writing and editing skills. • Solid Computer skills (word processing, spreadsheets). • English fluency essential, French highly desirable.

Please apply online: or .

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