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Health Coordinator Kenya -Somalia (INTERSOS)
« on: July 19, 2011, 12:55:18 AM »
Terms of Reference
Health Coordinator Kenya -Somalia

Core Responsibilities
The Health Coordinator will have the overall responsibility of coordination, planning and implementation of proposed projects / activities in the field. Additionally, s/he will be heavily involved in capacity building and training related activities. S/he will work closely with and oversee activities of the intervention teams in order to: Contribute to the technical definition of INTERSOS health strategies and to the elaboration of new projects finalized to the health strategy implementation
Essential to this responsibility is to maintain effective relationship with the Health projects Donors and to remain informed about decisions, developments and initiatives of the Health and Nutrition sectors for Somalia. Strive to the achievement of the objectives of INTERSOS health projects in Somalia1, either by direct supervision or “remote control management” of Intersos supported Health facilities in Kenya-Somalia Manage human resources within the Health projects, coordinating and motivating personnel, encouraging continuous update and training on the job;
Reporting to: The Head of Mission, who receives a written activity report.
Technical Project Management
Responsible for ensuring timely and appropriate health care services are provided to the target area and population.
Specifically: First level Jowhar Hospital (remote management)
- Follow up hospital activities (inpatients and outpatients) and hospital performance through monitoring and supervision of the monthly data transmitted from the field.
- Encourage the adoption of upgraded HIMS, according to guidelines and initiatives indicated by the Health sector for Somalia.
- Promote the adoption of acceptable standard in good clinical practices and set up effective methodologies of local supervision of the quality of care provided.
- Promote the training and continuous education of the hospital staff.
PHC and MHC activities in Hawadley , Warsheik and Calyaloo (remote management)
- Follow up of MHC / PHC activities through monitoring and supervision of the monthly data transmitted from the field.
- Encourage the adoption of standard reporting for MHC and PHC activities according to guidelines and initiatives indicated in the Health sector for Somalia.
- Promote the adoption of standardized practices in health and nutrition for the primary care level services.
- Support third party supervision when available, and encourage local supervision of the quality of service provided, with particular regard to accessibility.
- Promote specific training and continuous education of the staff assigned PHC/MHC
Community health (CSZ 20 villages ...):
- Support the field staff operating in the communities in developing reliable reporting on the activities and monitoring of results (outreach and educational)
- Encourage the adoption of standardized practices and educational tools as developed and recommended by leading international agencies ( WHO ; UNICEF)
- To date implemented in partnership with UNOPS , UNICEF , CHF and World vision
- Promote the training of CHW and TBA and the continuity of community health educational activities
Medical supply and medical consumable procurement
In case procurement of medical supply and consumables, works and services essential to the health activities are foreseen in the projects, the Health Coordinator will:
- Consult with the Health technical field staff for needs analysis and definition of specific requirements.
- Liaise with the Intersos administration in order to support with health technical information the process of adequate procurement in line with Intersos regulation and specific PCA.
Management responsibilities Human Resources
Health coordinator is responsible for:
- Recruitment, Coordination and Supervision of INTERSOS medical staff and designation of responsibilities.
- Training, coaching of all medical staff working in the health projects to ensure the maximum use of their skills and their full and effective participation in medical activities whilst conforming to INTERSOS protocols
She/he should ensure:
- Assess of the needs for local workforce and manage contracts following guidelines from Head of Mission;
- that expatriate and local job descriptions are up to date and yearly appraisals are carried out for the staff under direct supervision.
- the roles and responsibilities of the staff assigned to the health projects are adapted and accordingly address changes in staff and/or in the health programs
Financial Administration
Health coordinator is responsible for the management and financial administration of the assigned projects, and for the achievement of their objectives and results. She/he liaises and communicates effectively with Intersos administrative staff in the field and in Nairobi and provides the technical information in order to:
- To ensure that project financial planning is elaborated and monitored on the basis of the health analysis and in conformity with the available donor funds
- To ensure that the Administrative staff is supported by field staff to guarantee compatibility with budget constraints and conformity to internal and donors procedures
- To take direct part to ensure that the field staff implements the monthly financial planning, consistently with the health activities plan.
- To guarantee compatibility and conformity to budget constraints and procedures defined by Intersos and donors and to be responsible for project funds and bank account management;
- To manage procurement of goods, works and services essential to the project;
- To provide the accuracy of all the project documentation;
- To guarantee the accurate project administration and to supervise preparation of accounting documents for intermediate and final financial reports required by donors;
- to elaborate on a quarterly basis financial planning of the projects with specific focus on activity and staff costs and to communicate the planning to field coordinators in Somalia;
- To approve all projects expenses at the end of the month through a check of the list of them provided by the administration by 10th of the following month;
- To approve all the expenses and check supporting documents before any financial report is submitted;
- To be responsible and elaborate with support of the administration budget revisions when needed;
- To elaborate with support of the administration budgets when new proposal are prepared;

- Ensure narrative technical project reporting and financial narrative as required in PCAs.
- Contribute to the weekly Somalia Health Cluster Bulletin with the significant updates on the activities.
- Responsible for the accuracy of all narrative reports required by donors;
- Ensure the monthly project activity reports and the final report evaluating the experience and containing indications for new projects;
Representation/ meeting
- To represent INTERSOS, collaborate and coordinate with donors UNICEF, WHO , UNOPS , CHF and other partners for project activities
- To contribute in strategic and technical development of new programmes, projects in the different areas
- To represent INTERSOS in local and national coordination meetings and technical forums
- To participate in internal coordination meetings and any ad hoc meetings, as required
- To participate to any health and nutrition sectors meetings for Somalia as required by technical responsibilities.
- To contribute to any other ad hoc external and internal technical reporting or analysis as required.
- To attend the relevant meetings and trainings held in Nairobi concerning the Health and Nutrition sectors and remaining informed of relevant sector developments and initiatives
- To develop relations corresponding to project activities, with relevant donors and institutions following guidelines from the Head of Mission
? Main skills required for the post
1. Qualified doctor or nurse with a postgraduate qualification in community/public health with management skills (human resources, hospital management on the humanitarian emergency projects)
2. Experience in health planning in limited resources contexts
3. Experience in nutrition programs, community and PHC based
- Previous experience within a humanitarian aid organization in the region
- Good organisational and leadership skills and/or willingness to develop them
? Languages required: English
? Languages that would be an asset: Somali
The deadline of the application is the 30th of July. The application please send to INTERSOS Head of Mission on this Email address:

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