Author Topic: Regional Emergency Cluster Advisor (WASH) - Nairobi, Kenya (Tearfund)  (Read 8165 times)

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    • Somali Medical Association
Regional Emergency Cluster Advisor (RECA), Kenya

Location: Nairobi To start: Immediately Contract: 18 months

An opportunity has arisen for a highly motivated and experienced WASH Specialist to work as part of a Global WASH Cluster funded by DG ECHO. The successful candidate will be responsible for delivering emergency capacity building and preparedness support to national WASH Clusters and national coordination platforms. This role will form one of 6 RECA’s globally as part of a consortium of CARE, NCA, ACF, IFRC and Tearfund.

You will have proven experience in emergency preparedness, response, programme design, monitoring and evaluation and a thorough understanding of the emergency WASH sector at national and international levels.

Responsibilities will include collaborating with UNICEF REWA to develop a regional work plan, Identifying high risk countries to support the development of country contingency planning, monitoring country adaptation and roll-out of Global WASH Cluster concept and tools tailored to specific country level needs, identifying capacity building priorities within partner NGO’s and governmental institutions providing training support and technical advice where required.

Excellent communication skills are essential to support effective collaboration between cluster groups, agencies and INGOs. The successful candidate will also have proven experience of training, coaching and mentoring across multi-cultural teams.

The job holder will need to be able to work with limited direct supervision. Excellent written and spoken English is a requirement for this role. This post requires limited contact with children and the post will include specific checks related to child protection issues.

Salary: £32, 016 plus a competitive benefits package

To apply please visit our website

"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."


Nutrition Coordinator - Merlin Kenya / Somalia Nutrition Programmes

Started by AdminBoard Medical Jobs & Trainings

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Started by AdminBoard Medical Jobs & Trainings

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ELRI Project Final Evaluation Consultant, Garissa - Kenya (Horn Relief)

Started by AdminBoard Medical Jobs & Trainings

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Health Management Capacity Building Consultant - Narobi, Kenya (Montrose Africa)

Started by AdminBoard Medical Jobs & Trainings

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