Medical Student Forums > Fresh Students
Dear medical student
First and foremost, congratulations on choosing one of today's most exciting professions if you have not yet done so, you will soon have the opportunity to select a subspecialty and practice setting.
I am sure most of you come to medical college with an excitement to learn but also with a feeling of life sacrifice since you know that this will undoubtedly be a difficult 5 to 6 years but at the same time it's not the end of life as you know it.
college of medicine is the beginning of a lifelong learning process about the art and science of medicine and also about yourself and your interests.
you, to be respected and trusted by the public you can maintain that trust by committing your self to providing patients with comprehensive and compassionate care that acknowledges their beliefs and needs.
So the mark of successful life is " do something good for someone everyday"
one thing I am not going to do is to advise you to study and learn and work hard, you already know that.
Rather, I want to offer a different perspective, one that provides other ways to approach your learning.
Of course, I completely understand that doing well in college must be your primary goal, but the ideas I'm going to share with you are designed to enhance that goal or perhaps put a fresh spin on it, To this end I will offer six suggestions to heighten your educational experience and keep you connected to the world outside your studies:
* Become actively involved in something you care about
* Explore your career options widely
* Don't accept other people's perceptions of your limits
* Develop a variety of mentoring relationships with people who provide different types of guidance
* Get a broad education during medical college
* Invest time developing personal systems to study and work efficiently
I'm certain none of you will use all six of these strategies. Just take what you like and leave the rest. Add to it and pass it on to others. That in effect, is what medicine is all about, isn't it?!
Thnxxxxxxxxx Dr. Mahdi
I think dats enough 4 every 1 who wants to achieve their goals. u r right most of won't do all 6, but we have to do our best if we want to succeed.
that was great thanx doctor mahdi :)
Thanks DR Mahdi, :). Thats really helpful.
Asslamu aleykum Doctors,
I am so happy to see the great achievment for our Somali physicians, I am so impressed with the wonderful discussions and the advise thats is taking place in this website. May Allah swt help us and guide us to the straight path and increase our knowledge.
Dears brothers and sisters I am a pre-med student who have a great passion of getting into medical school, now its my last year of university and I have just started medical school application hoping to do well in my MCAT (medical school entrace exam) which I will take inshallah soon at the end of July. But the big concern I had is HOW DO WILL I GET A STUDENT LOAN WITHOUT INTEREST, I looked into different website and talked to the finacial aid at the medical school in my state but they had no options but WITH interest.
Please if there is anyone who can give me on what suggests to think about I would really apprecaite, or what you (Physicians) did to pass this journey, I would really love to go to medical school but interest is the last option in my plan.
or if anyone has a great idea on school I should consider that would be great. Or any scholarship ideas, being a minority (SOMALI) female with great experiences in medical field and solid GPA, hoping inshallah a fantastic MCAT Scores.
Jazakumullah qayr to you all and May you all succeed in this dunya by giving back to your needy Ummah and May Allah swt reward you Janatul firthauza for all your Hardwork and sleepless night thinking about adding success to the community.
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