Constipation is a problem. This problem is rare in breastfed babies (even if they move bowels rarely and their movements seen difficult to expel) because their movement are never hard. Constipation does, however, occur in formula-fed infants.
# Infrequent bowel movements with stools that are hard (often small pellets) and hard to pass; infrequency alone, however, is not a sign of constipation and may be your baby's normal pattern
# Stool streaked with blood, if there are anal fissures (cracks in the anus caused by the passage of hard stool)
# Gastric distress and abdominal pain
# Irritability
SEASON: Any time, but may be more frequent in winter when less fruit is consumed.
CAUSE: A sluggish digestive tract, illness, insufficient fiber in diet, insufficient activity, or an anal fissure that makes defecation painful; occasionally, a serious medical condition.
DURATION: May be chronic or occur just occasionally.
TREATMENT: Through constipation is not unusual in bottle-fed infants, symptoms should always be reported to the doctor, who can, when necessary, check for any abnormalities that might causing it. Occasional constipation or mild chronic constipation is usually treated with dietary changes (in infants, try moving legs in a bicycle fashion when you see your baby having difficulty with a movement). Do not give laxatives, enemas, or any medication without the doctor's instructions.
DIETARY CHANGES: Make these only after consultation with baby's doctor.
# Give an ounce or two of prune or apple juice by bottle, cup, or spoon.
# For a baby on solids, add a teaspoonful of bran to morning cereal; increase intake of fruits (other than banana) and vegetables.
# In older babies, cut back on milk if daily intake exceeds three cups.
PREVENTION: When solids are added to baby's diet, be sure to include only whole grains plus plenty of fruits and vegetables. Move chunkier textures as soon as baby seems ready for them, rather than sticking to strained foods for the entire first year. Also be sure baby's fluid intake is adequate and that baby has plenty of opportunity for physical activity.
> Fissures
> Difficulty with toilet training
> Impacted stool (stool that is not passed naturally and may be painful to remove manually).
WHEN TO CALL THE DOCTOR: If your baby seems to be constipated often or regularly; if the problem suddenly arises when it has not been noted before; or if there is blood in the stool.
CHANCE OF RECURRENCE: The problem can become a "habit" if it isn't dealt with when it first occurs.
=> Intestinal Obstructions or abnormalities.