Hey Everyone i was wondering if Biomedical is the samething like Medicine meaning having biomedical could be a doctor after 4 yrs of studying ... The thing is ins Allah i would be going Cardiff univ on sept 08 and after my degree i want to be a pathologist or even hematologist then go back to Abu dhABI if Allah wills
so my question is . IS Biomedical like medince
Hey Amool, welcome to the forum sis & nice to c u interested in Biomedical Science (BMS).
BMS is
not like medicine in practice, but when you are studying at uni you more or less will study what pre-clinical medical students study... such as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, cellular pathology, biochemistry, cell biology, endocrinology, disease control.... & many more..
Biomedical scientists are not doctors, but they can do a phD and obtain a doctorate or become research scientists. But if they choose to work in a hospital then it will be in the laboratory. There are multi disciplines you can specialise in like pathology, haematology, clinical chemistry, medical microbiology, immunology, and so on.
The main obvious difference between BMS and medicine is diagnosis and direct patient management/care. Biomedical scientists are
not involved in direct management
****, and
not really involved in diagnosis that much in many of the disciplines (besides med. microbiology), instead biomedical scientists in the lab carry out the tests requested by doctors and forward the results back with some comments to the doctors, and it the doctors who then decide what is the best management for the patient.
You said you were thinking of becoming a pathologist maybe. You can specialise in cellular pathology with a BMS degree, and you can even do a Masters in it, but you cannot become a 'pathologist' with BMS degree. You need to study medicine to become a pathologist. You might be thinking whats the difference between specialising in pathology with a BMS degree, and being a pathologist. There is big difference. Pathologists diagnose the illness, whilst Biomedical scientists (that specialised in cellular pathology) dont. Pathologists decide what tissue sections need to be cut and what special stainning needs to be done, whilst BMS dont. In brief, biomedical scientists in pathology department
prepare slides and pass them on for the pathologist to view, and it is th pathologist that makes the diagnosis. I was speaking to a biomedical scientist who did a Masters in cellular pathology, she was telling me that in a biomedical science degree they over teach you in a way and when it comes to the real lab work, you dont really have a direct say in patient care or simple diagnosis (in cell path). But then again, in the end of the day, many people like BMS and do not really like to be involved in direct patient management. So you decide whats best for you.
And about going to abudhabi, I heard one needs to have a minimum Masters to be considered for work there now. A colleague of mine from London tried to apply last summer with a BSc boichemistry degree and was adviced to do MSc before her application would be considered.
Wish you all the best.
This is a very sumarised answer to ur q'n. I hope fellow BMS & medics will contribute to answer your Q'n.
***Except in medical microbiology where biomed scientists can decide which is the best antibiotic the pathogen is susceptible to.