Somalia/Somaliland Programme
Save the Children (SC) is an international organization with 27 member organizations across the globe. It
is united by a common mission and brand but, to some extent, has until now been working independently
from country to country and within countries. With the decision by all Save the Children organizations to
create an International Programmes Unit (IPU) taken in 2010, Save the Children aims to create a stronger
voice for children by unifying the operations in all countries. This will result in one organisation at the
national level in each country and a unified programme delivery structure for all Save the Children
International Members. ASESSMENT
General Scope of the Assignment: Save the Children in Somalia/Somaliland (SCiSOM) is seeking a
subject matter expert, consultant or agency to produce a concise, well crafted, intelligent, critically
constructive examination of SCiSOM security procedures at the field, operational and strategic level. It
should clearly outline practices to be sustained, improved and replaced as part of a considered action
plan which will allow SCiSOM to create a security bench-mark and provide guidance for future security
development. Whilst bearing in mind the report is for an organisation with deeply held humanitarian
principles and values; it should draw upon current best practice from NGO, corporate and security force
operations as well as high-risk environments such as Afghanistan, Yemen and Iraq.
The assessment must follow a holistic, humanist approach in which IT, HR, logistics, novel
technology/innovation and vitally; our staff should be considered alongside more traditional security
practices. Those that prioritise protective measures and think along traditional lines (fortified mentality)
need not apply.
Individuals or agencies are invited to submit proposals as to how they would conduct such an
assessment. As a minimum the proposal should include originality of thought in the following areas:
• Methodology to be employed
• Activities and the Timeframe
• Details of the Itinerary
• Costs to be involved
• Resources/Access required
• CVs & references of consultants to be involved
• How the report will be presented
• How will this process be kept confidential
• Any employee, consultant, contractor or the supplier undertaking an activity on behalf of SC UK
must sign the Child Safeguarding - Declaration of Acceptance Form] and comply with the SC
UK’s Child Safeguarding Policy which is a statement of SC UK’s commitment to preventing abuse
and protecting children with whom it comes into contact.
• This extends not only to children with whom SC and its partners work directly, but also includes
children whom staff are responsible for. SC UK believes that the situation of children must be
improved through the promotion of their rights supported and demonstrated by all members of
staff. Save the Children's Code of Conduct sets out the standards which all staff members must
adhere to.
Applications should be forwarded to: Application Closing Date: Friday 11th
May 2012.