Author Topic: Maskaxda ayaa laga qalay si qalad ah!  (Read 11063 times)

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Maskaxda ayaa laga qalay si qalad ah!
« on: December 03, 2007, 10:32:15 AM »
Isbitaal ku yaala wadanka tanzania ayaa waxa la isku qalday laba qaliin oo bukaanka isku magac ekaayeen, labadaba "Emmanuel" ayaa lagu magacaabaa.

Emmanuel (1) jilibka in laga qalo ayey aheed, Emmanuel (2) isagane maskaxda ayey buro uga taalay.

Markii qaliinkii la qalday ayaa Emmanuel (2) dhintay maadaama buradii aan laga soo saarin oo jilib aanan xanuuneyn laga qalay.
Emmanuel (1) isagane dhinac ayaa qalal uga dhacay jilibkina waa sidiisii.

Tani ayaa noqotay mid aad looga fajaco, xukuumadane tilaabo adag ayey ka qaaday, dhkhaatiirtii qaliinka sameysay shaqadii ayaa laga ceyriyay, Emmanuel (1) waxaa loo qaaday dalka India si loogu soo daaweeyo, shaqaalihii isbitaalka maalintaa joogane mid walba waxaa laga dalbaday inuu soo gudbiyo qoraal uga hadlayo maalintaas waxa ka dhacay isbitaalka.


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Offline MuslimDoc

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Re: Maskaxda ayaa laga qalay si qalad ah!
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 02:14:35 AM »
The same problem happen in African countries, may be due to negligence.
How 2 different cases being mixed, one dies and other ends with paralysis. :o :o

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Offline Abdullahi!

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Re: Maskaxda ayaa laga qalay si qalad ah!
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2007, 08:06:22 PM »
This is a tragic story and it's really heart breaking to know that health care in our african countries is so poor, but a similar problem has happened in the USA as posted in this forum.
Negligence is a problem that we need to overcome as medical doctors and come up with a practical solution, although there is no stopping fate.
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Re: Maskaxda ayaa laga qalay si qalad ah!
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2007, 10:35:16 PM »
Mushkiladan maaha mid ku eg Africa kaliya coz simillar case aa halkaan ka dhacay walina socotaa maxkamadeda , isbitaalka indhaha aa waxaa laga qalaayay nin 45jir ah isha midig oo uu ka jiranaa mudoo dheer 30 sano camal ah isagoo yar kaga dhacday accident so kalkaalisadii u diyaarineesay qaliinka ninka  aa waxee si khalad ah u calaameesay ishii bidix oo aheed tan fiicneed saasna waxaa laga gooyay ninka ishiisii ficneed indhahana ku beelay coz isha lagooynaayay awal eeba araga beeshay, marka khaladka yaa leh doctor mise kalkaalisada , for me labadoodaba waa khaldanyihiin waana care daro coz medical waa shaqo u baahan taxadar badan iyo dadaal ad ah


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Offline Abdullahi!

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Re: Maskaxda ayaa laga qalay si qalad ah!
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2007, 08:58:34 PM »
It is really heartbreaking to hear that after that long wait for the surgery of his eye this tragic story happened. I feel really bad for any patients who have been harmed due to the carelessness of some doctors/medical professionals. Medical people need to be really careful as their job is not like other jobs were if you mess up its just a radio or some electrical equipment that has gone bad, instead its other people's lives that are paying the price for your carelessness, and despite however much money they give this poor guy will the it return for him the vision that he has lost?!...I really hope that this kind of situation doesnt occur to any of us here, either as the doctor or the patient.
Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die. Everybody will die, but everybody will not go to heaven.