Author Topic: Su'aal: Gabar lahayd dhiiga caadada ma qaadi kartaa Uur?  (Read 24192 times)

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Offline HMani

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Su'aal: Gabar lahayd dhiiga caadada ma qaadi kartaa Uur?
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:40:42 PM »
Salamu Calaykum


Su,aasheeda waxaa waaye, gabar oo caadadii leh ama maalin oga harsaneyd oo ninkeedii biyhiisa ay gaareen ma u yeelin kartaa uur waliba marku dhacdey arrintaas ka dib waxa ka imaadey dhiig yer maalintii danbe sidoo kale,,,

Marka ma qaadi kartaa waaye Uur mise ma dhici karto iga so jawab walaayaal.... idinkoo rali ah ??? ??? ??? ???

Offline Ahmed_07

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Re: Su'aal: Gabar lahayd dhiiga caadada ma qaadi kartaa Uur?
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2012, 03:28:11 AM »
Wsalam wr walal

It's a common misconception that if a woman has sex during her period she cannot become pregnant. While a woman is unlikely to get pregnant during her period,

Defining a Period

"A period is defined as the blood loss that happens at the end of an ovulatory cycle, as the result of an egg not being fertilized by a sperm,
"Every month, a woman releases an egg on approximately day 14 of her cycle," Dr. Hakakha says. "Prior to the release of the egg, the hormones in a woman's body increase to prepare (and thicken) the lining of the uterus in case the egg is fertilized and a pregnancy occurs. If there is no fertilization, the lining of the uterus is sloughed off about 14 days later. This is called your period."

Most women have periods that last from two days to eight days and take place every 26 to 34 days. Ovulation (when an egg is released from one of your ovaries) typically occurs midway through the cycle and is the most fertile time in your menstrual cycle -- meaning, when you are most likely to conceive.

"The egg that is released during the process of ovulation survives for only 24 hours,"If it is not fertilized by a sperm during this time, it does not survive and comes out with all of the menstrual blood about 14 days later."

Most women have normal 28- to 32-day cycles, and if someone with this cycle has an average two- to eight-day period, she will not get pregnant during her period.

Special Circumstances

However, not every woman follows a 28- to 32-day cycle. "In less common scenarios, a woman with a shorter menstrual cycle (24 days, for example), could have seven days of bleeding, have intercourse on her final day of bleeding, and ovulate three days later,"Since sperm live for three to five days, she could definitely get pregnant."

In addition, some women experience breakthrough spotting or bleeding between periods. This can occur during ovulation and be mistaken for a period, making it difficult to establish the exact place in the menstrual cycle.

If you had sex during your period and are concerned that you may be pregnant, look out for symptoms like mild lower abdominal cramping, spotting (implantation spotting, a fairly common cause of bleeding once the egg has been fertilized), breast tenderness and moodiness. These symptoms can occur as early as two weeks after ovulation. though its not good to sex when women has their period and even our islamic religion is not allowed !

Other, more common, pregnancy symptoms to watch out for will manifest closer to six or seven weeks' gestation, and include nausea, vomiting and severe fatigue.
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Re: Su'aal: Gabar lahayd dhiiga caadada ma qaadi kartaa Uur?
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2012, 05:10:09 PM »
Thanks Dr

Lakinse Hadda Ma waxaad i leedahay ma dhici karo..... Sorry adigoo raali ah Short answer yacni ma yeelan karaa mise ma yeelan karo oo sidaan ku sheegey markii arrintaasu dhacdey baa in yer dhiig ah iga yimaadeen iyo maalintii danbe Marka Ma dhici karta ma ahan Full Sex................................................................

Xooga shaki ba ugu jira

Offline Ahmed_07

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Re: Su'aal: Gabar lahayd dhiiga caadada ma qaadi kartaa Uur?
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2012, 05:21:10 PM »
U wlcom walal.. Aniga Doctor ma ahi i'm still Student n by the way if u read last sentences Hadii aad inaa uur leedahay Ka shaki santahay Waxa aad eegta Calaamadaha Uurka Lagu yaqaano (symptoms) n by the way mid ha ilaawin Uurka ALLAH dhankisa ayey ku xirantahay oo isaga aya bixiya Aniga un just macloodmaad la ishegay un baan Kuso Gudbiyay..Wixi intaas Dheer Dhakhatiirta Kale ayaa ka sugeynaa ra'yigoodaa.
Hadii aad uur inaad qaaday ka shakisantahay just Calamadahaan iska eeg inaad leedahay:In addition to a missed period, the earliest symptoms of pregnancy might include:

Nausea with or without vomiting. Morning sickness, which can strike at any time of the day or night, sometimes begins as early as three weeks after conception. Nausea seems to stem at least in part from rapidly rising levels of estrogen and progesterone, which cause the stomach to empty more slowly. Pregnant women also have a heightened sense of smell, so various odors — such as foods cooking, perfume or cigarette smoke — might cause waves of nausea in early pregnancy.
Tender, swollen breasts. Your breasts might provide one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. As early as two to three weeks after conception, hormonal changes might make your breasts tender, tingly or sore. Or your breasts might feel fuller and heavier.
Increased urination. You might find yourself urinating more often than usual, especially at night.
Fatigue. Fatigue also ranks high among early symptoms of pregnancy. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone soar — which can put you to sleep. At the same time, lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure and increased blood production might team up to sap your energy.
Food aversions or cravings. When you're pregnant, you might find yourself turning up your nose at certain foods, such as coffee or fried foods. Food cravings are common, too. Like most other symptoms of pregnancy, these food preferences can be chalked up to hormonal changes — especially in the first trimester, when hormonal changes are the most dramatic...
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Re: Su'aal: Gabar lahayd dhiiga caadada ma qaadi kartaa Uur?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2012, 01:49:39 PM »
Way dhici kartaa haweentu in ay uur yeelato iyadoo caado leh haddii caadada ug adhinneyd wax ka yar 5 maalmood maxaayeelay shahwada ama xawawada waxayku dhex jiri kartaa jirka haweenta inta u dhaxeyso 3 illaa 5 beri, haddii mudadii caadada laga baxo maalmahaas gudahood uur way qaadi kartaa laakiin waa chance aad u yar.

Midda kale diin ahaan sax maahan in loo galmood haween caado leh, caafimaadknae uma roona, waana wax eebe xarrimay.
Abdullahi M. Mahdi waa dhakhtar soomaaliyeed oo ku takhasusay Cudurada Guud (Internal Medicine) Cudurada Faafa (Infectiouse Diseases) iyo Cudurada Dhulalka Kuleylaha (Tropical Medicine), Sidoo kale waa Qoraa si joogto ah bulshada uga wacyi galiyo bogga "" oo uu aasaasay bilawgii sanadka 2007.

Igala Soco:


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