Author Topic: Health Officer, Mogadishu, Somalia (UNICEF SOMALIA)  (Read 30929 times)

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Health Officer, Mogadishu, Somalia (UNICEF SOMALIA)
« on: February 02, 2013, 09:52:53 AM »
Title: Health Officer
Category and Grade Level: NOB
Type of Contract: Temporary Appointment – 364 days
Organization Unit: Programme
Duty Station: UNICEF Somalia - (Mogadishu)
Date of Issue: 30 January 2013
Closing date of Application: 14 February 2013
If you are qualified Somali National looking for a chance to make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable Somali children while gaining opportunities for career growth, you are invited to apply for the above post of Health Officer, with UNICEF Somalia to be based in Mogadishu.
If successful, you’ll be part of a dynamic and passionate team in Somalia and Nairobi that works together to improve the health, nutrition, water, sanitation, hygiene, and basic education of Somali girls and boys and protect them from violence, exploitation and abuse.
The successful candidate will be offered a Temporary Appointment for 364 days.
Purpose of the Post
Under the supervision of the Health Specialist, the incumbent will be accountable for formulation, design, micro planning, implementing, monitoring, supervision and coordination of scaling-up cost-effective Health intervention packages Maternal Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) and other routine Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI) activities including Supplementary Immunization Activities (SIAs) Child Health Days (CHDs, National Immunization Days (NIDs), Routine EPI of the Joint Health and Nutrition programme (JHNP) and GAVI-Health Systems Strengthening HSS. The incumbent will also integrate with other projects of the country programme of UNICEF (WASH, Nutrition, Education, and Child Protection).
1. Planning and Supply Management:
Provide technical inputs to Ministry of Health and NGO implementing partners in the development of plans of action for JHNP/GAVI-HSS/MNCH/Child Immunisation/ EPI activities for CSZ of Somalia, including full participation in the macro-planning and micro-planning.
Participate in the development of the sectoral workplan; ensure compliance to specific assigned objectives. Provide guidance and support to staff to meet programme/project objectives. Assist in the development and/or introduction of new approaches, methods and practices in project management and evaluation. Assist in development of appropriate communication and information strategy to support and/or advocate programme development.
Draft, develop financial and supply Plan/forecasting and share with the Head of Section, follow up fund release, procurement and supplies issues with USSC. Input supply distribution plan to Partners’ PCAs and work with operations for timely release of MNCH supplies to partners
2. Training and capacity building:
Identify training needs for the purpose of capacity building; programme sustainability as well as promotion and advocacy. Undertake capacity building initiatives for Mother and Child Health Centre (MCH) staff, provide refresher training for MCH Staff, EPI vaccinators and partners PHC managers including recording and reporting and use of HMIS management tools, data collection, collation and reporting.
3. Coordination, Monitoring and Supervision:
Support MOH to conduct monthly zonal working group meetings and other coordination/Review meetings with stakeholders.
Maintain monthly supervisory visit to MCH and EPI fixed and outreach centers as well as to health partners
In close collaboration with MOH, undertake joint monitoring and supervision visits.
4. Resource and Funds Management:
Process and manage project funds; requisitions, allocation, liquidations and level of expenditures. Updates status of JHNP/GAVI-HSS funds and brief Head of Section; Follow 6-9 months DCT records with PA for clearance. No more than 10% DCTs over 6 months and 0% over 9 months.
5. Documentation and Reporting:
Consolidate partners’ activity reports and share with all in the Zonal Working Group.
Contribute towards the preparation of the Situation Analysis by compiling data, analyzing and evaluating information, and provide inputs in analysis Provide inputs for the mid-year, annual as well as donor reports as and when required. Similarly update VISION progress note on quarterly basis
Qualifications, Experience and Attributes
? University Degree in Health, Nutrition, Social Sciences or other suitable field.
? Good knowledge of computer management and applications.
? Two (2) years progressive professional experience of responsibility in programme planning, monitoring and evaluation in Health.
? Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships, both within and outside the organization.
? Fluency in English and Somali.
i) Core Values (Required)
? Commitment • Diversity and Inclusion • Integrity
ii) Core Competencies (Required)
• Communication • Working with People • Drive for Results
iii) Functional Competencies (Required)
• Formulating Strategies and Concepts • Analyzing
• Applying Technical Expertise • Learning and Researching
• Planning and Organizing
Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications with updated UN Personal History Form (P.11), updated CV, copies of academic certificates to email address below. UN staff are requested to provide at least two Performance Evaluation Reports (PERs). Please quote the vacancy number and post title in the subject line of your application.
Applications submitted without a duly completed and signed Personal History Form (P11) will not be considered.

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