Author Topic: A COUNTRY DIRECTOR - Somalia (ACF)  (Read 6899 times)

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« on: May 25, 2013, 08:44:09 PM »
2013, May the 24th

Action Against Hunger (ACF) was founded by a group of prominent French figures in response to the emergency caused by Afghan refugees fleeing to Pakistan to escape fighting in 1979, with the aim of eradicating hunger in a more global, lasting and effective way worldwide. ACF’s mission consists of saving lives via the prevention, detection and treatment of malnutrition, in particular during and following disasters and conflicts. The organisation focuses its activities on an integrated approach, taking various aspects into account: “Nutrition, health and healthcare practices”, “Food security and livelihoods”, “Water, sanitation and hygiene” and “Advocacy and awareness-raising”: In 2011, ACF-International was active in over 45 countries, coming to the aid of around 6 million individuals. By integrating our programmes with regional and national systems, ACF is ensuring that short-term actions are becoming long-term solutions.

We are looking for: A COUNTRY DIRECTOR

Location: Somalia – based in Nairobi

Incorporation date: 2013, October for 24 months

Overall Objectives: The Country Director is responsible for overseeing the development, funding and implementation of the country strategy and the growth of program portfolio that effectively addresses the underlying causes and effects of malnutrition in line with ACF's values (Charter), Programming Principles, and Strategy. S/he must also ensure that systems / procedures are in place and being properly implemented that ensure the proper management, well being and safety of ACF staff and the proper use of ACF resources. The Country Director must create a shared vision among all staff. S/he is responsible for promoting ACF Charter and ensuring an organizational culture where ACF core values are embedded, team work is encouraged and all staff feels valued. S/he is responsible for establishing and maintaining good working relationships with host government officials, donors and other partners.

Key Responsibilities: - Strategic and operational planning, organizational performance: Lead the preparation, updating, implementation of the Country strategic plan appropriate for the country and regional context and in line with the ACF vision and mission. - Programming: Oversee mission’s programming to ensure the effective and efficient design, implementation and evaluation of ACF's programs and projects - External Relations and Partnerships: Develop and enhance relationships between the mission and donors representatives, civil society, private sector, government agencies and other organizations, acknowledging diversity as an asset of the humanitarian community, so that ACF can maximize its impact on malnutrition and its prevention. - Security: Lead the preparation, regular updating and implementation of the security plan in line with ACF standards and procedures - Management and human resources: Oversee the management and development of mission’s human resources and create a shared vision, among all staff, of ACF's values and program's aims and their role in achieving these - Finance and logistic: Oversee and direct the appropriate mobilization, use and management of financial, logistic and other resources in the mission in line with ACF policies and donor requirements. - Working relationships with the Head Quarter: Key actor between the field and HQ, the Country Director contributes to maintain good working relationships with HQ by complying with information demands; providing regular updates and using HQ’s expertise to optimize the country’s strategy implementation.

Qualification and previous experience: From non-specialized or technical background, you have a minimum experience of 3 years in humanitarian aid (including 1 year as a coordinator) in two different contexts. You demonstrate a strong knowledge of team and project cycle management and have good communication and representation skills. Knowledge of donors desirable. Experienced in remote control management.

Status: - Total average yearly gross income: from 47607 € to 55992 € o Food and housing: 1000 € / month average o Per Diem : 210 € / month average o Support to the R & R costs : 110 € / month average o Transportation costs to and from the mission : 460 € / month average o Monthly gross salary ranging from 2280 € to 2873 € (Net: from 2019 € to 2664 €) depending on relevant experience (possibility to increase up to 3112 € gross (2863 € net) according to seniority and performances) - 25 days of annual paid leaves and 20 days of R & R per year (taken as recovery time breaks of one week every 2 or 4 months depending on the mission) - Social benefits: Medical, life and accident insurance provided by the institution - Accompanied position (partner, children) according to the place of assignment - Training before departure and all along the career with Action Contre la Faim.

Motivating Job Prospects in the medium and long term

How to apply:
To apply, please visit our website:

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