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Hospital Director for Jowhar Regional Hospital
« on: September 16, 2013, 11:57:33 PM »
ROLE, TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES INTERSOS is supporting the Jowhar Regional Hospital since 1992. INTERSOS is urgently looking for a Hospital Director to be employed within the Hospital. The Hospital Director, engaged for at least 75% of his/her activities in Jowhar and for 25% in Mogadishu and Nairobi, will have the responsibility of supporting in the coordination, planning and implementation of proposed projects / activities in the field and of contributing towards the development of Standard Operating Procedures/ best practices. The Hospital Director will work full time within the hospital, performing all the clinical duties associated with his role and coordinating the doctors, nurses and technical and paramedical staff on their respective duties. The Director will be also in charge of preparing and delivering training courses to the doctors, nurses, hospital staff and, in collaboration with the Field senior health staff, to MCH Staff and CHW. Specifically, s/he will be responsible to:

• Examine, diagnose and treat patients in the Hospital according to the guidelines and available protocols and using the available tools/ instruments and medical drugs; • Coordinate and supervise the work and activities of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other technical/paramedical staff of the Hospital; • Conduct evaluation and monitoring of all the activities pertaining the Hospital; • Act upon suspected or confirmed communicable diseases according to the protocols and inform the Health and Nutrition Coordinator and set up appropriate strategies to be implemented in case of epidemics and other health needs; • Train on the job doctors, nurses, community health workers and paramedical staff on best medical practice on Primary Health Care, Health promotion and MCH activities (collaborating with other senior health staff); • Supervise the correct usage of the clinical cards and medical monitoring tools; • Find, collate and report to the Area Coordinator baseline information concerning the health and nutrition situation in the areas of intervention; • Contribute to the compilation of weekly, monthly and quarterly reports, activity reports and submit relevant information to the Field Officers and the Health and Nutrition Coordinator; • Anticipate changing needs and emergencies; • Refers and interfaces with the Nairobi’s staff with regard to the monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the current clinical practice and of the impact on the beneficiaries of the activities; • Collaborate in the management of human resources within the Health and Nutrition projects, with particular regard to the coordination of personnel, contributing to the continuous update and training on the job; • Support the Health and Nutrition Coordinator in the technical management of the Health and Nutrition projects in Somalia and in producing health and nutrition training packages and in delivering them to the field technical staff; • Support the Health and Nutrition Coordinator in the development of progress reports, proposals, requirements documentation, presentations and interim and final reports to the donors and regular reporting of the activities to the relevant Clusters

Additional managerial responsibilities: • Support the Health and Nutrition Coordinator in the development best practices and tools for project execution and management. • Support the Health and Nutrition Coordinator in the purchase of equipment/ material needed for the implementation of Health and Nutrition projects.


• Excellent Somali speaking • Excellent level of spoken and written English • Medical Doctor with proven capabilities (Minimum medical degree, Master in Clinical Medicine or Public Health a Plus) • Able to work in the Middle Shabelle Region and work along Somali speaking medical staff • Minimum of 3 years of post-graduate medical experience in busy hospital settings post-medical degree required.

An asset: • 3 years of medical coordination responsibilities (ward director, clinic director, etc.) • Post-graduation speciality (surgery, obs-gyno, paediatrics, internal medicine, tropical medicine preferred) • Experienced in training staff in nutrition and health activities in the field • Demonstrated experience in personnel management • Excellent communications skills, both oral and written. • Attention to details. • Computer skills (high level of capability in using MS Word, email, internet and of filling electronic Excel spreadsheets). • Excellent self-motivation and decision making skills. • Ability to exercise sound judgment and make decisions independently. • Ability to relate to and motivate doctors, nurses and other technical/ paramedical staff effectively

How to apply:
Please submit Cover letter, Curriculum Vitae and copies of degrees/ certificates to: Dr. Luca Saraceno, Health and Nutrition Coordinator – INTERSOS Email: and

Deadline for applications: Thursday 30th September at 5 PM (Nairobi time zone)

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