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National Advisor for Monitoring and Evaluation - WHO
« on: November 13, 2013, 01:37:44 PM »
Short summary of the post: to provide technical assistance to establish and strengthen the monitoring and evaluation capacities at the central Ministry of Health.
The Somali Health Authorities have only recently developed their Health Sector Strategic Plans (HSSP) 2013 to 2016 that include a result framework and envision annual health sector reviews.
Specific organizational structures for M&E at central MoH level have not yet been fully established and staffed. Similar applies to the research function. HMIS units are partially in place and operational. Monitoring and evaluation activities occur, if at all, at random and are mainly carried out by non-public implementing partners or through vertical programs and are not flowing into decision making and policy formulation.
The Ministry of Health being the sole authority in the executive function of the Government to formulate policies, guidelines and protocols for the health sector of Somalia, seek to develop and maintain one monitoring and evaluation system for the health sector of Somalia. This one M&E system will account for information needs of all partners and stakeholders including International Organizations, Non-Government Organizations, training institutions, local authorities, Regional and District Health Teams, health facilities and communities and include all projects and external support to the Somali health sector.
Currently, the Somali Health Authorities are developing a national M&E framework as well as zonal M&E plans. Once in place and implemented, these accomplishments will be a major step in pursuing the HSSP’s vision statement by clearly defining bench mark indicators to evaluate the health system.
Subject to the organizational structure of the Ministry, the M&E unit could be part of a larger division (e.g. Somali Health Information Centre) that would report to the Policy and Planning Department or be an independent unit serving all units (entities) across the Ministry. This larger division could include, in addition to monitoring and evaluation, vital and health statistics, research, HMIS and information technology.
The central (zonal) MoH unit (or department) shall technically guide and assist as well as oversee monitoring and evaluation activities across the various programs of the health sector rather than carrying out these tasks by its staff. However, during an initial phase it might be required for M&E units’ staff, until specific technical expertise is being built, to engage in the latter. As capacities across the Ministry would develop (at central, regional and district level), the zonal / central ministry MoH unit shall provide guidance, coordination, capacity building, data verification and audit and implement less of M&E activities.
The selection of the applying candidate is being facilitated by WHO Somalia (cf. Additional Information end of the vacancy note)
? Assist the Somali Health Authorities in supporting the establishment of a Monitoring and Evaluation unit at zonal Ministry of Health;
? Build capacities of MoH staff in regard to Monitoring and Evaluation and transfer respective knowledge and skills;
? Develop M&E tools that a) harmonize, standardize and integrate existing tools to be used by all partners in the health sector and b) ensure the timely and proper implementation of the M&E plan and its roll-out to all regions and districts (facilities);
? Ensure that health information meet data quality standards: accuracy, reliability, completeness, precision, timeliness and integrity;
? Establish a system for continuous information sharing and feedback of health information collected through M&E;
? Advocacy for data use and support to informed decision making processes for policy and strategy formulation;
1) M&E tools and guidelines;
2) Implementation plan for frequency of data collection and analysis;
3) Establish a data and information repository as a shared resource at zonal, regional and district level;
4) Production of health information reports and establishment of mechanisms for their regular dissemination to all stakeholders;
5) Assessment report of current M&E capacities of MoH staff in relevant technical units; 6) Production of a capacity building plan for relevant MoH staff that identify skills’ development opportunities including training workshops, participation in short external courses, mentoring and coaching and degree programs;
7) Development of a plan for expand capacity building activities to MoH staff at regional, district and facility level;
Lines of Authority
The M&E advisor works under the direct supervision of the Director for Policy and Planning of the Zonal Ministry of Health. Planning of M&E activities needs to be coordinated between planning and health services departments to ensure the efficient and effective use of the resources.
12 months with a 3 months’ probation period.
Required Qualifications
? University Degree in public health, biostatistics, statistics, monitoring and evaluation, social sciences or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
? At least 3 years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation of health programs;
? Advanced skills in using MS Excel, Access, Power-point and statistical software such as SPSS, STATA and Epidata;
? Demonstrated understanding of health indicators and their monitoring;
? Proven working experience in facilitating processes for strategy development and building the capacities of staff;
? Good interpersonal and communication skills;
? Solid and proofed English writing and communication skills.
How to apply:
Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates are kindly requested and strongly encouraged to apply in writing sending their CVs and motivational letters together with fee expectation to:
Administrative Officer
WHO Somalia

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