Medical Student Forums > Board Exams (USMLE/PLAB/MRCP)
Top 25 Review Books for USMLE Step 1
1-First Aid USMLE Step 1
The ultimate resource, over 900 frequently tested facts & mnemonics, 24 pages of high-yield color images, 100 clinical vignettes, and a completely revised rating of over 300 basic science review products
2-Kaplan USMLE Step 1 Home Study Program
a complete package for performing well on the exam from intensive review materials to effective and realistic practice to test-taking and study strategies
3-USMLE Step 1 Secrets
324 pages; high-yield review with case studies, questions & explanations; by Thomas A. Brown, David Brown
4-Rapid Review Series: Usmle Step 1
314 pages, 350 questions and answers and a CD-ROM containing 1,050 current USMLE-type questions, full-color images, and diagnostic score; by Edward F. Goljan
5-High-Yield Comprehensive USMLE Step 1 Review
A concise but comprehensive review of the content most likely to be tested; by Fadem.
6-Board Simulator: Normal and Abnormal Processes
Exam review for medical students preparing for the USMLE Step I.
Includes 770 multiple choice questions with annotated answers.
339 pages; covers topics required for success on the Boards in an organization that reflects the orientation of Step 1 of the USMLE
8-Underground Clinical Vignettes USMLE Step 1
Includes UCV Basic Science Color Atlas; Pharmacology; Microbiology, Vols 1 & 2; Pathophysiology, Vols 1-3; Anatomy; Biochemistry; and Behavioral Science.
9-BSS: Body Systems Review I
A review for med students preparing for the USMLE; includes 770 questions
10-BSS: General Principles in the Basic Sciences
A preparation guide for the US medical licensing exams. Includes 770 multiple choice questions with annotated answers.
11-PreTest: Clinical Vignettes Usmle Step 1
Review text in question/answer format that simulates the actual exam. Includes 400 timed, clinical-vignette style questions with referenced answers.
12-Cracking the Boards: USMLE Step 1
A focused review of all the material. Bolded key terms for easy reference, and hundreds of illustrations, charts, and diagrams.
by Michael Stein (Editor),
13-Rypins' Basic Sciences Review
A complete resource with text, tests, and a chapter explaining how to successfully prepare for medical qualifying exams. Includes a CD-ROM with 1,000 review questions
14-USMLE Step 1 Made Ridiculously Simple
logical charts of facts to be studied in with other review books; includes CD-ROM with >1,000 review questions
15-PreTest Self-Assessment and Review
151 clinical vignettes with answers referenced to the current literature
16-Rapid Preparation for the Usmle Step 1
406 pages; brief review text, includes questions, clinical cases, ilustrations
17-Lange Practice Tests for the USMLE Step 1
13 comprehensive, 50-question practice tests in new USMLE Step 1 format
18-Deja Review: USMLE Step 1 Essentials
192 pages, last-minute cramming, simple, inovative, two-column review format.
19-Rypins' Q&A for Basic Sciences Review
288 pages aimed at students preparing for the USMLE Step 1 and other basic sciences qualifying exams
20-USMLE Step 1 Recall: Buzzwords for Boards
study guide using question-and-answer format to facilitate the memorization of the basic science disciplines
467pages; by Brent A. Reinheimer
21-Blueprints Q&A USMLE Step 1
167 pages practice exam of 350 questions to simulate the Boards like the actual exam, divided into blocks containing 50 questions.
22-Research & Education Assn: Usmle Step 1
1200 pages for 3 exams totaling 2100 questions; rapid review style
23-Lange Q&A: USMLE Step 1
1,000 Q&A, comprehensive review and 2 practice tests, in USMLE format
24-Appleton & Lange Outline Review for USMLE Step 1
300 pages; high-yield review for basic science subjects tested in the USMLE Step 1, by Joel S. Goldberg
25-Laughing Your Way to Passing the USMLE
200 pages, Medhumor Publications, crossword puzzles, keyword associations
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