Author Topic: Nursing in Somalia.....  (Read 106681 times)

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Offline Geeljire

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2008, 04:55:05 AM »
Asalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu !

Like my other fellows here, one of my dreams has been for me to go back to Somalia as soon as I get my degree, open up a practice and help my fellow Somalis...for if we do not rebuild Somalia ourselves...who will do it for us?

.. as somalian student we don’t want go back home for work experiences, and help our communities, because of gunman who controls all area of Somali,

Mutaweli, walaal macaan, I totally disagree with that, for example Insha Allah one day we shall become doctors, we know our country needs doctors and as soon as we(specialy me) get our degree, we know Somalia is the first place we are heading as we know a doctor will help the sick people back home and helping to cure the sick is something which will help "our country...and our people".

I don’t disagree on the instability and the looming dangers with all this gunmen on the streets but let’s be realistic, many people do travel to the area, conducts business both import and export freely.

Actually some businessmen down there are far much better off than some of us in qurbaha (paycheck to paycheck), this I mean the axis may not be uniform all over, and some regions are stable and with sort of administration.

Therefore, my piece of advice to every one  is, just try and take a trip to the place and see for yourself whether its worth return or not. May be your hometown or village might be one of the safe havens.

Let me ask you this Q: Are we safe in wherever we are at now? It is a bit easier for me to answer this Q for Somalis in Pakistan and that would be no for we know terror struck everywhere. So dear brother Mutaweli my opinions are having faith in Allah (swt) and live our lives. When we are supposed to die we shall, whether we are in the white house or the ghetto crib!

So Walalkiis Mutaweli, Let us have faith in Allah (swt)...that is all we need to keep us safe where ever we are at.

Peace n' love

Offline MuslimDoc

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2008, 05:15:17 AM »
Let me ask you this Q: Are we safe in wherever we are at now? It is a bit easier for me to answer this Q for Somalis in Pakistan and that would be no for we know terror struck everywhere. So dear brother Mutaweli my opinions are having faith in Allah (swt) and live our life. When we are supposed to die we shall, whether we are in the white house or the ghetto crib!

I totally agree with this point, as no one knows what happen to him for the coming seconds!
I am sure that a village in Somalia is safer now from Pakistani or Kenyan city!!!
We should have faith in Allah, and let us die in the right path............

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the faith in God and destiny, and the conviction that there is a cure for every disease.

Offline Miss Fardosa

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2009, 02:47:35 AM »
I would love 2 go there, But i dont know if it's Possible...My second year of nursing i took practical in Africa, Tanzania, and it was fine...Maybe on my master i'll take it in Somalia, I'll tell u guys how it will go insha Allah.
Behind Every Doctor... is a skilled intelligent nurse that saves their ****.

Offline Sister T

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2009, 02:57:51 PM »
its intriguing to see that alot of us are so passionante about our  country..
am currently at my last year in nursing and seeking to find charity work especially in the health sector.
womens clinic is  a fantastic idea as we know this is a vulnerable group which go through many life changes , one being giving birth and well womens clinic is beneficial. so if anyone can help me in my search to find voluntary work in Somalia preferably rural areas  , but i would be gratefull if you guys could help ... thankyou xx

Offline Afnaan

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2009, 05:54:42 PM »
Nothing better than to do good things for someone else everyday!!
Thanks to those doing voluntary jobs and those sending donations from abroad to promote the health services in our country!!
Really I would like to thank you Hana for the great idea of opening a women's clinic there!
By: Dr.Mahdi
:-[ :'(

Offline YusraBela

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2009, 06:55:56 AM »
Mansha allah is gr8 to know that our brothers and sisters r going back 2 help their people, i must wooow alhamdulilah and keep doing insha allah u will get da reward from allah and also from the community.

I would like 2 go back and help or go 2 do my experience in somalia but my university dont send students abroad so is sad but insha allah i got one year 2 go insha allah den i am off 2 do some volunteering work in ANYWHERE IN SOMALIA.
AqooN La aaN......Waa IftiN La aaN(~_~)

Offline Cirguje01

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2010, 12:24:18 PM »

   Dats Right, Somalis don't like Voluntary doing for their country and People, but it is the best way to get money, if u do voluntary things for ur country, it will be Great country, and u will be rich then,,,

Offline Somali Boy

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2011, 08:08:32 PM »
yes walalahay waa good idea insha allah now i am finish my college so came back our contry inkastoo qofka wadanka ka maqnaa dhibaato kala kulmaaya hadana waxaa loo baahanyahay sabar and i hope qofka kasta inuu sidaa ugu dhiiri noqdo u dhaqaaqno sidii aan wax ugu qaban laheyn insha allah rabanaa yasahil.

Offline HaniCiise

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2011, 11:44:36 PM »
Masha allah sis i so agree with u one doing something, nice for our people back home. I always dreamt of doing that kind of work and insha allah i will thats my goal once am done with my education. Am even planing to spend to semesters in Africa to get to know to their healthsystem! Insha allah:)

Offline Nadar

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2011, 09:28:18 PM »
Its wonderful so many of you interesting caring for ur ppl, but let me make some corrections ,first pls dont say somalian, its somali, and thanks for those of you who have  been in Hargesa, although anywhere in somalia there are healthcare needs, but the most place where there are great need at moment is one of the largest refugee camps in Daadab, there so many young kids suffering here than any other place in somalia, its hard to believe that they all somalis, one of the heart break expri was seeing a 4yrs or 5yrs old who are only raising themselves, ppl call them derbi jeef, unwanted kids,or street kids, its hard to even imagen how this kids end in here w/o parent. But there should  be at Least a community that saves this kind kids, nor does  even exist such thing. its easy for all of us to say we will go back do something about it but its not easy to fullfill our promises for what ever reasons.
In november i hoping to get back and at least work there for a year as PHN, and may be  set up some kind of housing plus school system for this kids. I hoping for vulunteers of any kind, if ur interesting let me by postin in here
Hopefully it will  rain in somaliia and bring our peace back

Offline ALI#11

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Re: Nursing in Somalia.....
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2011, 12:08:32 PM »
It is great pleasure to be part of this forum, I was looking for information relating to nursing profession in somalia; the organizational structure, the role and responsibilities of nurses. So please anyone who can help?.

Nadar you have great idea please go ahead and do what you can to save these children and tell us how we can help.


Best Histology website (blue histology) Try it -Esp for Students in Somalia-.

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