Author Topic: Poetry!!  (Read 57749 times)

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Offline IsseGole

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« on: February 15, 2007, 08:22:20 PM »
Do you have a hobby?
It is well known that people with hobbies other than their profession - medicine for example - do much better than people who are only dedicated for medicine.
For instance, hobbies have to be near the profession and helping it in some way. and they have to be allowed by our religion. Time is very important, so hobbies must be effectively time-consuming, I mean it has to be something that participates in our progression and development, and must not be something adored by other cultures and societies that are very different from us.
Let's say Sports, watching and cheering juventus, I dont like to call that a hobby. It is more of a dependance and negativism than a productive hoppy. so now you know my idea of hobbies.
I my self have a hobbie that is a little odd to many of you. it is poetry, arabian poetry and literature in general whether somali, arabic, english, or any thing. so you can see this place is not the perfect place for my hoppy, but it doesn't mean that it is over, hoppies are more than to be countable, others are in progress and many others are in regress.
So I want to hear about you, what is your hobbie?
Thank you
Ciise Dheere

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Re: Poetry!!
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2007, 08:53:49 PM »
Horta walaal aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay inuu jiro qof soomaaliyeed oo dhakhtar ah isla markaana "arabic poetry" ka dhigtay hiwaayad!
tan kale sida aad sheegtay 100% waan kugu waafaqsanahay in qofkii dhakhternimo ku darsado hiwaayad kale uu ka faaideyn badan yahay qofkii ku ekeystay caafimaadka kaliya.
Hadii aan aniga iska hadlo, waa inaan qirtaa horta hore hadii aysan jiri laheen dhakhaatiir aan laheen "technology interests" hiwaayad ahaan webkaan ma jiri laheen, waxaana aad ugu mahadcelinayaa walalahey dhakhaatiirta ah oo ka qeybqaateyna webkaan sameyntiisa anagoo aan adeegsan qof ku taqasusay web designka ama programminka.
taasi kadib sida u usheegay walaalkey ciise dheere oo ah in halkaan aan ugu talagalnay in caafimaad wixii ku saabsan aan uga kala faaideysano laakiin meelo badan ayaa jira oo qof walba dhinaca kale dadka walaalihiisa ugu faaideeyo.
sidaa awgeed boardkaan ha noo ahaado wixii qof walba hiwaayad u ah inuu uga faaideeyo walaalihiisa kale.
Sorry waxaan hilmaamay inaan wax yar ku daro hadal aad sheegtay oo ah:
Dhakhaatiirta leh hiwaayadaha waxaa fiican iney u isticmaalaan dhinaca shaqadooda rasmig oo caafimaadka ah.
maxaa yeelay waxaan tijaabo ku aragnay haduu qofka hiwaayadiisa ka dhigto profession kale oo isku dayo inuu ku dhinac wado caafimaadka inuusan awoodin meel dhaxane uu kulamayo, caafimaadne ka tag hiwaayadne meel aysan gaarsiin.
waxaan jeclaan lahaa hadii ay jiraan dad mawduucan khibrad u leh iney ka hadlaan.
caafimaad shaqo kale maku wadi kartaa?
hadii aad ku wadidne dhibaatooyinka aad la kulmi kartid waa maxay?
sideena isku waafajin kartaa adigoo labadaba midna ka tagin?
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Offline Hana

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Re: Poetry!!
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2007, 04:03:10 PM »
Do you have a hoppy?
It is well known that people with hoppies other than their profession - medicine for example - do much better than people who are only dedicated for medicine.
For instance, hoppies have to be near the profession and helping it in some way. and they have to be allowed by our religion. Time is very important, so hoppies must be effectively time-consuming, I mean it has to be something that participates in our progression and development, and must not be something adored by other cultures and societies that are very different from us.
Let's say Sports, watching and cheering juventus, I dont like to call that a hoppy. It is more of a dependance and negativism than a productive hoppy. so now you know my idea of hoppy.


ciise dheere its HOBBIE not hobby just thought i'd let u know. ;D

well i have many hobbies..but has been limited by my studies..

anywayz they are ice skating, bowling, skiing (when it snows here) cause my city is very hilly so I just get my sledge out and slide to the bottom of the hill loool
walahi thers loads of things 2 do..but i just read..(if its cold out) when its summer..just to chill out with friends really and go to london when im free  ;D

Offline IsseGole

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Re: Poetry!!
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2007, 01:57:54 PM »
Thank you Hana for the correction;
these hobbies sound interesting but unfortunately we dont have the snow to slide on, so good for you.
Reading is a very good hobbie, I think it is the most respectful and useful hobbie.
Thank you again.
Ciise Dheere
Towards a better healthy Somalia!!
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Offline Hana

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Re: Poetry!!
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2007, 04:54:58 PM »
im not really keen on reading...but now I have 2 do a alot of reading but im use to it...but reading books in general..I use 2 never finish it.. :-[

Offline Amani

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Re: Poetry!!
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2008, 07:13:16 PM »
salam dhaman realy wa intresting thng u bahana in laga hadla so poetryalso but afka somaliga its 2 early 2write one but baxib agra shadid