Author Topic: Camel urine is a very useful medicine  (Read 21768 times)

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Offline Yaxya

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Camel urine is a very useful medicine
« on: March 14, 2008, 08:22:43 AM »
Camel’s urine is efficacious in the treatment of skin diseases such as ringworm, tinea and abscesses, sores that may appear on the body and hair, and dry and wet ulcers. Camel’s urine brings the secondary benefits of making the hair lustrous and thick, and removing dandruff from the scalp. Camel’s milk is also beneficial in treating hepatitis, even if it has reached an advanced stage where medicine is unable to treat it.
 Many women use it to wash their hair, to make it longer, and to make it lighter and more lustrous. Camel’s urine is also efficacious in the treatment of swelling of the liver and other diseases such as abscesses, sores that appear on the body and toothache, and for washing eyes.
Laboratory tests indicate that camel’s urine contains high levels of potassium, albuminous proteins, and small amounts of uric acid, sodium and creatine.
Camel’s urine acts as a slow-acting diuretic, but it does not deplete potassium and other salts as other diuretics do, because camel’s urine contains a high level of potassium and proteins. It has also been proven to be effective against some types of bacteria and viruses. It brought about an improvement in the condition of twenty-five patients who used camel’s urine for dropsy, without disrupting their potassium levels. Two of them were cured of liver pain, and their liver function was restored to normal levels, as well as the tissue of the liver being improved. One of the medicines used to treat blood clots is a compound called Fibrinoltics which works by changing a substance in the body from its inactive form, Plasminogen, to its active form, Plasmin, in order to dissolve the substance that causes clotting, Fibrin. One of the components of this compound is called Urokinase, which is produced by the kidneys or from the urine, as indicated by the name “uro”.
 Camel’s urine contains a number of healing factors such as antibiotics (bacteria that are present in it, salts and urea).  The camel possesses an immune system that is highly equipped to combat funguses, bacteria and viruses, because it contains antibodies. It may also be used to treat blood clots and fibrinolytics may be derived from it, and it may be used to treat dropsy (which is caused by a deficiency in albumen and potassium, as camel’s urine is rich in both). Camel’s urine may also provide a remedy for abdominal complaints, especially those of the stomach and intestines, as well as asthma and shortness of breath. It caused a noticeable reduction in patients’ sugar levels. It is a remedy for low libido, and it aids in bone growth in children and in strengthening the heart muscles. It may be used as a cleansing agent for cleaning wounds and sores, especially the urine of young she-camels. It also helps the hair to grow and become strong and thick, and it helps to prevent hair loss and baldness, and can be used to treat dandruff. Camel’s urine may also be used to combat disease by using bacteria extracted from it. It was used to treat a girl who was suffering from an infection behind the ear, that was accompanied by pus weeping from it and painful cracks and sores. It was also used to treat a girl who was unable to extend the fingers of her hands because of the presence of so many cracks and sores, and whose face was almost black with pimples.

الأسوار التي تحيط بنا عالية، وعلى من لا يستطيع أن يهدمها أو يقذفها أو يتسلق عليها... عليه أن لا يزين للباقين الجلوس خلفها.

Offline Dr.Noora

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Re: camel urine is a very useful medicine
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2008, 04:45:47 PM »
 :o Camel Urine!!! is this some thing Proved ??? or its just some KHurafaat?????

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Re: camel urine is a very useful medicine
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2008, 01:56:04 AM »
it not khurafaat dr noora it is:1-part of medical treatment practiced by the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
2-it is proved and now there are many centers around the world studying the medical effects of camel urine e.g:university of al jazeera in sudan and also in a center in Abha city in saudi arabia.
الأسوار التي تحيط بنا عالية، وعلى من لا يستطيع أن يهدمها أو يقذفها أو يتسلق عليها... عليه أن لا يزين للباقين الجلوس خلفها.

Offline Dr.Noora

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Re: camel urine is a very useful medicine
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2008, 10:51:25 AM »
مـــا شـــا الله أول مــره أعـــرف هــدا الشيئ شكــــرا على التــوضيح ومنكــــم نستفيــــــــد

you're the peace in my soul
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Dalxiis kaagamaan tagin Dalkeegoow

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Re: camel urine is a very useful medicine
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2008, 03:13:27 PM »
ولو يا دكتورةنورة لا شكر على الواجب أصلا نحن اشتركنا في المنتدى عشان نتبادل المعلومات ونتبادل الأراء بينتنا
الأسوار التي تحيط بنا عالية، وعلى من لا يستطيع أن يهدمها أو يقذفها أو يتسلق عليها... عليه أن لا يزين للباقين الجلوس خلفها.

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Re: camel urine is a very useful medicine
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2008, 09:10:01 PM »
Thanks bro yaxya calal maclumat dabcan camel urine waxa uu ahaay cilaaj BALADI ama SHACBI uu isticmalay Rasuulkeena iyo qabail badan oo carab ah.
waxan rabay in aan ku waydiiyo bro Yaxya waxa baritaanka samaynaayo ma kuliyada cafimadka U.of Gezira mise ........?
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Offline Yaxya

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Re: Camel urine is a very useful medicine
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2008, 06:02:13 AM »
yes my brother mumin many reseachers in university of Gezira in Sudan did Clinical trials for the treatment of ascitis with camel's urine...
sorry for my mistyping the name of the university.
الأسوار التي تحيط بنا عالية، وعلى من لا يستطيع أن يهدمها أو يقذفها أو يتسلق عليها... عليه أن لا يزين للباقين الجلوس خلفها.

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Re: Camel urine is a very useful medicine
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2008, 06:34:57 AM »
Could you please tell us more information about this research done in your university?

Offline Munim

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Re: Camel urine is a very useful medicine
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2008, 09:22:40 PM »
A.C  Doctoor wali ma helin maclumada ku adan research the medical effects of camel urine. lakin wax alaala iyo wixii aan kaso helo wan kula soo socodsiindoona Doctoor  it may be research horay lo sameeyay lakiin waan so hubindono hadii ay thay Wad-madani Hospital and F.of Medicine.
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Re: Camel urine is a very useful medicine
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2008, 08:23:34 PM »
If you are interested to know more about researches done on camel urine, this link is helpful
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