Who is wrong and who is right?
Complaining from every where it’s the real issue existing globally, but according to our country it seems in a high level rather than the world, actually it’s not too much surprised to me hearing who is wrong and who is right?
Yesterday I met an old mother complaining from one of the prescribed drugs that she has missed the other pharmacies and found only the pharmacy of her prescribed doctor in high cost, so she found fault to acquire and use that drug for sake of its expensiveness and she decided to return back to her home with out treatment lamenting that this doctor he is monopolic and selfish.
On the other hand, during my practice time, I listen to doctors always complaining their patients for not using the prescribed medicines as it’s recommended, and they always mislead the dosages, and even sometimes they start the treatment and immediately after two or three days if they got somehow relief they try to spoil the drugs, or from time to time the pharmacist that are unqualified they use to change the prescribed drug to another aiming to make the shelves empty rather than giving the true medicine or occasionally pharmacist they behave like shopping sell.
However, the complains are more and more, for instance in Somalia, almost you can find a doctor who own an OPD centre having laboratory, pharmacy at same time at same place, furthermore every doctor has his own Routine examination, so the poor community always feel unfair to pass an screen of unnecessary routine examination that are not suitable for them, nevertheless the patients always go to the pharmacy if they got ill in order to get medicine with out medical prescription moreover the pharmacist facilitate them to acquire soon because he needs money for his daily life.
Please drug therapy is not always necessary, so don’t attempt to prescribe a drug simply to end a consultation, if the patient expects drug therapy, discuss the pros and cons. Try to estimate the benefit ratio and prescribe only if you think it is favourable.
Ultimately, dear reader I think somehow you understood the point, so who is right and who is wrong? Do you think doctors and patients both of them are victims, or you assume that one of them is wrong? Why?
Send your comments and suggestions to our email and we shall respond you quickly.
By Executive Director of Somali Young doctors Association (SOYDA)
Abdiqani Sheikh Omar