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Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« on: February 29, 2008, 06:15:12 PM »
Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community

Many people, women in particular find it difficult to live in this informal world. They like to have things spelled out neatly. They believe that if you want to get something done, you must go through the system, rigidly following its procedures and practices. But that is not the way it is.
The undeniable reality is that people in management live in a world in which relationships of power and influence are constantly changing.
Some women are not progressing in their careers and don’t know why? They can’t understand why they are ineffective, because they don’t think that they have rights equal to men, so this makes many ladies to feel weak and not too bright and give them a sense of self-disproval that is so automatic it is hard to recognize.
Of course they are good reasons why most women don understand or know how to operate in this climate, yet to succeed you need to learn how or else make the decision that life in a large scale organization is not for you.
Ladies! Think first before swallowing the saliva in your month, then expectorating it into tumbler and drinking it in natural suddenly becomes disgusting and alien, I mean you became passive rather than assertive, you dislike competitions, you ovoid risks, you are sensitive to criticism, your goals usually  unclear, uncomfortable exercising power and lastly not very flexible.
So you have to know the reality of doing thing in order to improve needs an influence, tradeoffs, competition, clear goals, flexibility and risk taking, therefore chances are that in your input the way you are likely to behave it depends on your improvements such us attending Schools, universities, community service and even applying jobs.
Ladies it shame for you that you start learning for long term and before you finished then drop out, really I have seen on eyes particularly in field of medicine, a nearly graduate medical lady got married and then drop out the university, it is not bad to marry but you have schedule before starting such long journey.

Finally, Improving needs long process. Facing reality and growing as a human being is painful. Few of us like to admit we are wrong. But there is a great deal we can change and can do if we use coping behaviour rather than defending behaviour, and if we take the responsibility for our behaviour we can forget about pinning the blame somewhere else…forget about trying to get even …and get on with making positive, creative new choices for our lives that will bring us more of what we need in order to progress our motherland.
And that is reality: you can thrown out all negative garbage. You can make new selection. You are responsible and you can do it.     

Send your comments and suggestions to our email and we shall respond you quickly.

By Executive Director of Somali Young doctors Association   (SOYDA)

Abdiqani Sheikh Omar,

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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2008, 12:14:53 AM »
Women in Somalia are hard workers, and keep themselves engaged in a variety of roles from morning to night.
The woman’s role is very important and when not fulfilled, the whole family suffers. In order to share some of the burden, Somali women help their community through illness, death, marriage, delivery and farming.

To be frank: Who is taking the role model in Somalia?

ofcourse, Somali women have always been the backbone of Somali society in rural areas and urban areas as well

For example:
The division of labor is clearly defined and heavily weighted towards women. Traditionally, the nomadic woman milks the animals, processes the milk, feeds the family, and cares for and watches the livestock.
She also collects firewood, cooks, feeds the children, cleans the house and washes the clothes and the utensils.
In addition to that, women have the responsibility of "building and dismantling the nomadic aqal (home)" as they move from place to place in search of grass and water for their livestock.
To keep the peace between clans in times of conflict, Somali women served as sacrificial lambs when they were married off to the clan, their father, brothers and uncles had been fighting against in the past.

In cities, Somali women do almost all the work ensuing the survival of the Somali family in a harsh environment.

So brother Soyda, tell me how such a woman finish that long journey of learning process and never drop out.

But I agree with you that Somali women must question and challenge a culture that contributes to their domination.
It is vital for women to educate themselves and t take a more visible and active role in society.

In diagnosis think of the easy first.
Martin H. Fischer

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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 12:40:18 AM »
hello mr discriminating fellow listen first of all that even i am a doctor who is going to have a good place in this comunity and all ladies are having a progress in this society my be they are suppresed by some stupid gents..,listen its not so that ladies after their marriage stop their work its just bcoz they can look after the the mother as a housewife has the biggest role than the people at work,(الام مــدرسة ان اعددتها أعددت جيل صالح الأخـــلاق) to make the family  disiplined..,so plz get rid of some stupid ideas about ladies..


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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2008, 08:48:37 AM »
أنا احنرم رأيك يا دكتورة نورا لكني أعتقد أن عمل المرأة خارج المنزل يسبب مشاكل اجتماعية و عائلية....المرأة في رأيي هي سيدة البيت و ربة المنزل وهي المودة والسكن لزوجها والمربية الحقيقية للأجيال وصانعة الرجال حيث أن وراء كل رجل عظيم أمرأة عظيمة ..لكنها تصنع كل هذه الأشياء العظيمة عندما تكون في بيتها أما حين تخرج للعمل وتترك المنزل فسوف تفقد تلقائيا ذلك الدور العظيم في تربية الأولاد ويصبح ذلك الجيل جيلا فاشلا كما نرى ذلك واضحا في كثبر من المجتعات العربية والاسلامية..ثانبا عمل المرأة خارج البيوت يكثر من الأختلاط الذي هو رأس كل فساد..ثالثا المرأة العاملة في معظم الأحيان تعمل ليل نهار في عملها وفي المنزل ممايسبب لها ضغوط نفسية وجسمية وهذا العامل بتأكيدسيضعف من أدائها في كلا العملين..
so my advice to all ladies plz stay in ur home and work hard for your kids and your husband and you will gain a lot of benefits in the life and a lot of AJIR hereafter inshalaah
الأسوار التي تحيط بنا عالية، وعلى من لا يستطيع أن يهدمها أو يقذفها أو يتسلق عليها... عليه أن لا يزين للباقين الجلوس خلفها.

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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2008, 07:14:56 PM »
The majority of students that finish or are in university are females. Most of them are studying courses like medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and others courses alike. As much as I can say for males most of you are unemployed busy jawing or in weak courses such as business, so please brothers don’t get me started.   

Somali women have been the eyes of Somali; they have contributed in education, health, family, society and religion. Women start thing and never leave until they finish, women are mothers, which is one of the hard roles in life. So please have some respect.   

There’s one thing that I would like say to you Yaxya, ladies have moved on in life, no one stays at home. Nowadays husband and wife share the duties. We as ladies would again AJIR from helping people with medical attentions too you know. Hey anyways as Muslims we know we have to do what ALLAH says, so if it means staying at home we would.  LOL.           

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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2008, 12:02:30 PM »
this is very important question that many Muslim people  got confused what roles that Muslim women has to her community with out any "adila" i believe women could be any thing in their society except "IMAM" or "AMIR " which probably they are n't claiming for.
i have never ever seen any "ADILA" xadith or Ayah. saying women can n't work or be a professionals,  i know religion says women should n't travel with OUT muxrim for sake of her safety and wellbeing, but they can be any thing Dr.Eng,Teacher,nurse,Banker,Bussineswoman,police woman,farmer,mechanic, Somali  army..Somali women achieved more then  men,in every aspect....
Aqoon la’aani waa Iftiin la’aan

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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2008, 08:52:37 PM »
 الشيخ مشهور حسن سلمان
السؤال 416: ما حكم عمل المرأة؟

الجواب: الأصل في المرأة أن تبقى في بيتها، قال تعالى: {وقرن في بيوتكن}، فإن اضطرت للخروج للعمل فيجب ألا تخرج إلا بشروط، ومن شروط الخروج ألا تتبرج، {ولا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلية الأولى}، قال ابن جرير في تفسيره: ((المرأة كانت تتبرج تبرج الجاهلية الأولى، بأن تظهر مقدم شعرها، وجيبها، هكذا كانت النساء، يتبرجن في الجاهلية الأولى)) فلو أنه يا ترى رأى نسائنا اليوم ماذا يقول عن هذا التبرج؟ فنسأل الله العفو.

          وقال الله تعالى في سورة القصص في قصة موسى لما سأل الامرأتين : {قال ما خطبكما قالتا لا نسقي حتى يصدر الرعاء وأبونا شيخ كبير} فموسى عليه السلام مر على امرأتين تبعدان الغنم عن السقي، فاستغرب منهما، وسألهما ما شأنكما؟ فبينا أنهما لا تجعلا الغنم يختلط بالغنم حتى لا يختلطا بالرجال، حتى يبتعدوا ويصدر الرجال عن الماء وأنهما ما خرجتا للسقي إلا لأن أباهما شيخ كبير، فلو كان أباهما يستطيع الخروج ما خرجتا.

          وخروج المرأة من بيتها للعمل يسبب لها ويلات في المجتمع والويلات جسيمة وعظيمة، وأغلب الأزواج يضايقهم خروج الزوجة من البيت للعمل، وكذلك خروجها للعمل يسبب البطالة في المجتمع والمرأة تجهد في عملها ولا تستطيع أن ترعى بيتها وأولادها، وأن تقوم بالمهمة التي أوجبها الله عليها، والعمل من أسباب عنوسة النساء ،فكثير من الآباء لا يزوجون بناتهم بسبب المال الذي تأتي به ابنته من عملها.

          ومن شروط خروج المرأة للعمل أن تكون تقية، ألا تفتن ولا تفتن، وأن تجد مكنة من نفسها، في المحافظة وعدم مماحكة الرجال، ومخاطبتهم، وهذا الصنف نادر جداً، ممن يعملن هذه الأيام، والمرأة التي تخالط الرجال يصبح عندها قحة وقلة أدب وتكون برزه، وتعترض وتعلي صوتها، وأجمل ما في المرأة حياؤها، والمرأة التي تعمل مع الرجال تفقد هذا الحياء، فتفقد أجمل ما عندها فاختلاط المرأة بالرجال حرام ،فالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: {ما خلا رجل بامرأة إلا كان الشيطان ثالثهما} ويقول أيضا: {إياكم والدخول على النساء}، قال رجل من الأنصار: أرأيت الحمو؟ فقال عليه الصلاة والسلام: {الحمو الموت}، فالمرأة يطمع بها ولو أن المرأة علمت كيف ينظر إليها الرجال ما خاطبت واحداً منهن، لكن المرأة المؤمنة غافلة فنظرة المرأة للرجل، ليست كنظرة الرجل للمرأة، فإن المرأة مطلوبة، ولا ينظر إليها الرجل إلا بشهوة وشهوة الرجل أقوى من شهوة المرأة بمرات، والقول بالعكس خرافة، ولذا المرأة دائماً مطلوبة وليست بطالبة.

          ومن شروط عمل المرأة أن يكون أصله حلالاً فلا تعمل في بنك والواجب على المرأة في عملها ألا يؤثر عملها على أصل مهمتها، من إصلاح للبيت ورعاية أولادها والقيام بمهام زوجها، فإن تعارضا فالبيت والزوج والأولاد مقدمون على العمل ولابد من الالتزام باللباس الشرعي وأن تعرف أحكام الله عز وجل في الزينة لئلا تقع في المحظور ولا بد من إذن الوالي، فلا تخرج من غير إذن زوجها أو أبيها أو من يقوم مقامه ،فهذه شروط عمل المرأة وإن كانت المرأة أصلاً ليس مطلوباً منها النفقة والنظر في أموال الناس يجد مخالفات كثيرة والتساهل شديد في هذا الباب، نسأل الله عز وجل أن يهدي نسائنا لما يحب ويرضى. والله أعلم..

الأسوار التي تحيط بنا عالية، وعلى من لا يستطيع أن يهدمها أو يقذفها أو يتسلق عليها... عليه أن لا يزين للباقين الجلوس خلفها.

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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2008, 09:09:33 PM »
waad salaamantihiin marka hore dhamaantina
dabcan dowrka gabadha ee kaga adan mujtamceeda mahan md sahlan waana ku wafaqsanahay  Kamal sida uu uwaadixiyay dowrkaas waxana qaba in hadii lau cawin lahaa gabadha si ay uga qaybqaadato dowrkeeda mujtamaca in ay u horseedikarto mujtamaceeda hormar badan.
tankale uu ka dhawajiyay yaxya ee ah in gabadha ay ku wanagsantahay dowrkeeda guriga ربة المنزل sax waa ku tageersnahay in gabadha ay guriga ka warqabto lakiin yaxyow kawaran hadii gabadha ay soo dhigatay jamacada 4sano ama 5 ama 6sano ah oo ayna noqotay matalan Dhakhtarad,Nurse,Teacher,iwm ma haboontahay in aan dowrkeeda ku ekeeno ربة المنزل bas mise waxan dhihikarna gabadhaas waxa ay awoodikarta in ay mujtamaceeda kusoo kordhiso hormar ayna caawiso  dadkeeda?.
dabcan waxad ka dhawajisay in shaqada ay ka dhalan karto الأختلاط ama is dhaxgalka Raga iyo dumarka taas oo sababikarta fasaad
dabcan aniga waxan qaba gabadha iyada ay ku xerantahay sida ay ula tacaamulayso duruufta shaqadeeda hadii ay ALLAh ka baqayso waxa ay awood buuxda u lahankarta in ay ka fogaato wax kasto ookeeni kara macsiyad. taasna ma nqon karto cudurdaar sax ah oo gabadha logu diidi karo shaqada.
bal waxa dhicikarta in shaqoyinka qaar oo aysan ka jirin الأختلاط in mararka qaar u fasad ka dhaco.
dabcan mujtameeca Somaliga ah waxa uu aad u gacan bidixeeyay dowrkii gabadha ay ku laheed mujtamaca waxa uuna mujtamaca ceeb ka dhigay in gabadha ay shaqo aado ama ay wax barato.
dabcan sanadihi danbe isbadal aya ku dhacay fikirkaas walow uusan ahayn isbadal aad usii buuran lakiin waxad arkaysa manta gabdhii oo soo garay ilaa heer jamacadeed hadan mithal ahan u soo qato SUDAN maanta waxa wax kabarta tiro aad u badan oo gabdho somali ah oo ukala qaybsan dhamantaqasusyada,  waxana jira gabdho ka qalin jibiyay cafimadka qaybihiisa kal duwan (Medicine,Nurse,...) 2sano ee la soo dhafay. 
waxana caqli gal aan ahayn gabar soo baratay 5sano jamacad in marka y dhamayso la dhaho kaly guriga fadhiiso?
waxana fila hadi hooyo kasto ay samaysato jadwal ay ku nidaminayso nolol malmedkeeda ayna dhibato ka so  gaareenin qoyskeeda mujtamacana wax u qabanayso in lawada daremilahaa hormarka ay gabdha la maqanyihiin.
waxan xun in gabadha ay ilowdo dowrkeeda qoyska ayna xooga saarto shaqadeeda taas o dhibato u kenaysa sido kale qoyska iyo mujtamaca.

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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2008, 11:04:19 PM »
aslamu calaykuim
waxay ila tahay in dowrka gabdha ee mujtamaca inuu aad u waynyahay gabadha markii ay jaamacad soo dhameeyo xataa ilmeheeda si fiican ayay u tarbiyaynaysaaa ... markiii gabdhaha ay jaamacad soo dhigtaanm intaasoo sano dabadeedna ay guri fariistaan waxa la samayn karo maba ila aha mideeda kale wiilasha soomaliyeed have to understand in waayihii hore la joogin oo gabdhahii ayakaba ay shaqayn karaan noqon karaan doctors, nurse practioners.. etc haddii ay marwada shaqaysana macneheeda maaha in ay gurigeeda ka warqabaynin oo ayadaa laga rabaa ina ay masuuliyadf is saarto sidi ay jadwal ugu socon lahayd oo nolosheeda shaqadeed iyo teeda waajibaad ahaanba ... haddii kale gurigii ayaaba burburaaya... over all waxaa muhiiim ah in laysla afgarto wax walba intaan la is guursan coz some somali men ma aqbalaan marwadooda inay shaqayso

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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2008, 03:13:55 AM »
Salamo Caleykom again....

Dabcan Yaxya walaalkiis ra'yiga oo la isku khilaafo dhib makeeno diinta iyo aayadaha aa soo daliishatayna i think inaadan booskeeda munaasabka ah ku isticmaalin , aniga mufti ma ihi laakiin i know in aduunkaan uu jiray hal macalin oo ah Rasuulkeena SCW, hadeey khalad tahayna in haweenka eey noqdaan doctors or nurse  so isagaaba kareebi lahaa ....waxaa kusiinaayaa example yar  Saxaabiyadii ugu horeeysay Islaamka oo noqotay Doctor and Nurse  waxeey aheeyd Rufaydah Bint Sacad Al Aslamiyah Al Ansariyah  (khazraj) .. kheymadeeda waxeey looga sameen jiray janbiga kheymada Rasulkeena SCW , halkaas eena ku daawen jirtay Saxaabada wakhtiyada Dagaalada ee aadi jireen kii dhaawacmo ama kii xanuunsadaba ....

Ma garaneeysaa who was the first women teacher in Islam ..  Sayeda Caisha Radya LLah canhaa ... waxeey u akhrin jirtay Cashar Saxaabo badan oo wada rag ah ...

Marka Fadlan Nabigeenana ha hilmaamin in laga wariyay Xadiith Shariif  , (Talaba Cilm Fariida Cala kol MUslim w Muslima ) why aa loo dhihi waayay kul MUslim ? only????? so diinta khalad ha u fasiran hadaadan cilmi u laheeyn aayadaha dadka cilmiga leh weeydii (فسألوا أهل الذكر ان كنتم لا تعلمون) so hadii haweenka waxbarashadooda ee dhib keneeyso ama ikhtilaatka aa ka carareesid Rasulkeena uma ogolaadeen Rufeyda bint Sacad ineey Saxaabada Raga ah daaweeyso Walaa Caisha inee wax barto.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope u undrestand my point.


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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2008, 06:19:05 AM »
عفوا يا دكتورة نورا بس انت فهمت مشاركتي بشكل خاطئ أنا لم أقل أن المرأة لا يجوز لها ان تعمل البتة بل على  العكس أنا أؤيد عمل المرأة خاصة في المجال الصحي لأننا بحاجة ماسة الى طبيبات وممرضات مسلمات ولكن ضمن القيودالشرع فلا افراط ولا تفريط

الأسوار التي تحيط بنا عالية، وعلى من لا يستطيع أن يهدمها أو يقذفها أو يتسلق عليها... عليه أن لا يزين للباقين الجلوس خلفها.

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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2008, 08:53:43 AM »
Thanks Soyda, Diagnostic, Noora, Yaxya, Layla, Kamal, Munim & Huda for your participations but let us agree on these important headlines.

Women are allowed to work in Islam, subject to certain conditions, and even recommended to do so should they be in financial need.
This is supported by the Quranic example of two female shepherds (قال ما خطبكما قالتا لا نسقي حتى يصدر الرعاء وأبونا شيخ كبير) Islam recognizes that the society needs women to work for the sake of development. In general, women's right to work is subject to certain conditions:

  • The work should not require the woman to violate Islamic law (e.g., serving alcohol), and be mindful of the woman's safety
  • If the work requires the woman to leave her home, she must maintain her modesty
  • Her work should not affect more important commitments, such as those towards her family

Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the Muslim community to organize work for women, so that she can do so in a Muslim atmosphere, where her rights are respected.

However, the employment of women varies over fields in Islamic law. Whereas women may seek medical treatment from men, it is preferred that they do so from female physicians. It is also preferred that female schools, colleges, sports centers and ministries be staffed by women rather than men.

Your posts reflects your personality, so be Wise and Polite!

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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2008, 11:18:31 AM »
bal ila aqriya arintan haweeneey reer afgasnistaan oo leh, waa inaan u bartaa diinta si aan dumar xaq waxbarasho u helan sababtuna wadada wax kale aan diin ahayn ma maqlaan.... maxay kula tahay ??? ::) ::)

Reporter Jill Carroll talks about Wazhma Frogh and some of the challenges she has faced trying to get women involved in Afghani politics.Just hours after Wazhma Frogh arrived in an isolated, conservative district in northeastern Afghanistan in 2002, the local mullah was preaching to his congregation to kill her. Ms. Frogh was meddling with their women with her plan to start a literacy program, he told the assembly.

As she walked past the mosque during noon prayers, his words caught her ear. Shocked, she marched straight into the mosque. In a flowing black chador that left her face uncovered, she strode past the male worshipers and faced the mullah. Trembling inside, she challenged him.

"Mullah, give me five minutes," she recalls saying. "I will tell you something, and after that if you want to say I am an infidel and I am a threat to you, just kill me."

She then rattled off five Koranic verses – in both Arabic and the local Dari language – that extol the virtues of education, tolerance, and not harming others. She criticized local practices of allowing men to use Islam to justify beating their wives, betrothing young girls, and denying women an education.

The room was silent. All eyes were on Frogh and the mullah. Then the mullah rested his hand on her head.

"God bless you, my daughter," he said.

With that, Frogh won permission to start the literacy program that later helped women from Badakhshan Province participate in local government and run for the national assembly.

Where rigid interpretations of Islam relegate women to second-class status, Frogh uses rhetorical jujitsu to turn religious arguments on their heads and win women's rights. Her steely determination has earned her attention in Washington.

"In a country where religion is so important to people, we need to understand the religion," she says. Arguments based on principles of universal human rights or on what international conventions say don't persuade many Afghans to support reforms, she says. "[M]y experience in the last 10 years is this does not matter to the people in Afghanistan," she says. Only religious arguments hold sway.

The international development field has lately seen more of that approach, says Rachel McCleary, a fellow at the Center for International Development at Harvard. In the 1960s and '70s, foreign aid became more secularized, but now religious groups are a growing presence in international development work, says Ms. McCleary.

Frogh is like a number of Islamic scholars – from the United States to Yemen – who are using religious jurisprudence to argue that women have greater rights under Islam, convince leaders in Muslim communities to make reforms, or even turn around extremists who use Islam to justify violence. As an Afghan Muslim, Frogh is in the best position to persuade other Afghan Muslims to support her various projects, experts say.

"The fact [that] this woman is from within, and from the culture and society is much more powerful and salient than if a woman from outside said the same thing," says Eileen Babbitt, professor of International Conflict Management Practice at Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
 Indeed, Frogh believes so deeply in the power of religious arguments to bring reforms, she plans to get a graduate degree related to Islam. She says many mullahs in Afghanistan are usually only schooled by their fathers, who may be illiterate and not understand the Koran's original Arabic, even if they have memorized it. Her breadth of religious knowledge is key to persuading local religious leaders.

"My goal is to really represent Islam. It's not a religion that oppresses women," Frogh says. "Of course it's very risky. I may lose my life during this process, but if I am able to open a door for rights for one woman, then it is worth it."

She has worked for various humanitarian and development agencies to give women greater rights and education in Afghanistan. Now she works for the Canadian International Development Agency in Afghanistan, consulting on the suitability of projects there, implementing a gender-equity policy, and conducting feasibility studies and other preparations for new projects.

Changing men's perceptions

The mullah in Badakhshan Province is one of many men she persuaded to change with regard to their ideas about women. The first was her father. When her wealthy family fled upheaval in Afghanistan in the 1990s for Pakistan, her father, a rigid former Army officer, had a hard time supporting the family.

Frogh, then in eighth grade, thought of a way to help. She offered her landlord's children tutoring in exchange for cheaper rent.

"It made a difference in the way my father perceived me," Frogh says. "He thought women are consumers [who could] never be providers." He even began to consult her on family decisions.

"Because I was able to have that status in the family, it got me thinking. I could be a lawyer and help other people," she recalls. Even as a child, injustice needled her. She resented the fact that women ate in the kitchen while men dined in the living room. Girls swept the yard, but boys played in it.

Her nation's future: hopeful, tenuous

At the age most American teenagers are learning to drive, Frogh crouched at night on the family's toilet in Pakistan studying English. Only there could she turn on a light without disturbing anyone in their one-room home.

Now, not yet 30, she has President Bush's attention. In February she and women from three other countries met with Washington policymakers and aid donors to discuss women and security. The president made a surprise appearance during the group's meeting with the first lady. With her usual directness, Frogh described Afghanistan's future to the president as hopeful but tenuous.

"There is not justice," she recalls telling Mr. Bush. "The Taliban is very much all over the country. Those [who] have violated human rights, they are the ones in the government." Frogh's solution: After her studies, aim high. "I want to be chief justice."
Aqoon la’aani waa Iftiin la’aan

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Re: Please Ladies! Improve your role in the community
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2008, 12:15:36 PM »
related to this topic:

Doctor Explains What it Means to Be a Muslim Woman
Related Information
Source: Daily Toreador
 Author: Matt McGowan
For one doctor at the Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, a second marriage involved an exchange of much more than vows and wedding bands.

Dr. Jane Colmer-Hamood earned a Ph.D. in medical microbiology, married, raised three children, divorced and - at the age of 50 years old - after meeting her soon-to-be second husband, converted to Islam.

Hoping to dispel some of the common misconceptions many Americans may have about being a woman of the Islamic faith, Tech's Muslim Student Organization gave Colmer-Hamood an opportunity to tell her story Wednesday evening in the Human Sciences building.

"You have to be very careful when you look at things that appear to be great or that seem to be - somehow assuming that a woman is less - it may not have anything to do with the religion," she said, "and everything to do with the culture that people have been raised in."

Growing up to become a woman in a strict Christian Science household gave the Kansas City native few breaks, Colmer-Hamood said.

Disregarding his daughter's No. 1 position in her high school class and nearly a perfect GPA upon graduation from college, her father refused to endorse her desire to get an education and start a career.

"My father, to his dying day, thought the best accomplishment I did with my life was produce three children," Colmer-Hamood said. "That, in his mind, was what I was supposed to do, and I was supposed to be thrilled-to-death that I produced those children."

Within the constructs of her father's Christian beliefs, she said, because they give birth, and that is their primary duty in life, women existed on a level lower than that of men.

While the Quran teaches that there is a difference between men and women, Colmer-Hamood said, it establishes a foundation of equality between Muslim couples.

"I have been in many places many times within my own country where that doesn't occur," she said.

After a "family emergency" indirectly led to Colmer-Hamood's divorce from her first husband, she said she began feeling empty and wanted to find fulfillment.

The Muslim faith piqued her interest, she said, and she began to see Abdul Hamood, a devoted Muslim who was happy to introduce her to his beliefs when she asked.

After learning more and more about the teachings of the Quran, Colmer-Hamood said, she began to see that the mainstream representation of Islam was a far cry from the reality, especially when it came to the women who practiced that faith. (MORE)
Aqoon la’aani waa Iftiin la’aan


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