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« on: February 25, 2007, 06:19:26 PM »
Psychiatry is a part of internal medicine, that is right.
Psychiatry is one of the first sciences and therapies used ever. Spiritual, social, emotional health is part of the psychiatrist and his teem's job to achieve.
People often think that only mad individuals get benefits from a psychotherapist, but actually normal people get it too. Counseling is made to advice and guide normal healthy people so they can choose the right dicisions of their lives, and to protect them from getting psychologically ill.
Since diseases are caused by multiple BioPsychoSocial causes, then the job of a psychotherapist and his team (psychologist, occupational therapist, and social worker) is to achieve good mental and emotional health and social acceptance and adjustment.
Psychological diseases are many and not easily encountered. But, when you get to know it, it becomes easy to diagnose and treat.
In psychiatry, unlike other systemic diseases, there is vast majority of symptoms and clinical signs that are all shared by many diseases, which makes it hard to diagnose. Still, there are major signs and symptoms that are peculiar to some diseases, there are criterias to make this easy, and also the drugs used here are related and three kinds of drugs may be used in the same patient.
In psychiatry, you have to rule out systemic diseases (specially neurological and endocrinal), and drugs (whether prescribed or illegal). Since the above mentioned are known to cause psychotic features, depression, anxiety, and others.
If you visit mental health hospitals, the most cases you see are psychotic patients, to be specific the patients with Schizophrenia. This can be due the compulsory admission, lack of insight, violent behaviour, incompliance to therapy, the severity and inacceptance of hallucinating individual outdoors. Whatever the cause is, patients with psychosis and other symptoms were moderating the center when we visited it.
This is the first about psychiatry, and there are others to come.
Dr Ciise Dheere.

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Offline IsseGole

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Re: Psychiatry!!
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2007, 10:28:37 PM »
Schizo = breakdown, phrenia = reason, mind, reality. this is my definition ofcourse and for that unreliable.
This is simply loss of touch with reality, which leads to missunderstanding between the patient and his environment.
Schizophrenia is defined as persistence of psychotic symptoms (whether positive or negative) for at least 6 months, and the presence of social and occupational withdrawal and malfunction.
Psychotic symptoms are either positive : hallucinatioin ( hearing unusual sounds like voices talking, commenting, ordering, while the patient is alone and no body else is hearing it), delusions (false beleif of the patient regarding certain thing, paranoid, grandiose, erotomania, persecutory, and others) and disorganiized behaviour and catatonia (immobilty, mutism, stereotypical movements, echolalia, and echopraxia). It is called positive when the patient is doing things that ordinary people don't. Negative symptoms is the opposite, when the patieint is not doing what ordinary people do. Alogia and flat affect are among the negative symptoms of psychosis.
The other symptoms of schizphrena, types and subtypes, treatment and long term therapy will be discussed in the coming days If Allah wishes.
Ciise Dheere.
Towards a better healthy Somalia!!
Unless all parts of the society participate equally in the health process, nothing could be expected.


Psychiatry VS Psychology?!!

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