Somali Medical Forums

Diseases and Conditions => Qaybta Su'aalaha => Topic started by: Alqasim on October 10, 2009, 08:10:33 AM

Title: Su'aal: waa maxay daawada chloramphenicol ?
Post by: Alqasim on October 10, 2009, 08:10:33 AM
salaan qaali ah ka dib dhamaan baahda ku xeren webkan somalidoc
waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaaad wax iga sheegtaaan dawada chloramphenicol nooc kasta ha ahaatee waxaa waayadan dambe la sheegay inaan laga isticmaalin wadamada hormaray sababo badan awgeed ayadoo ogsoon tihiin in si ba'an  looga isticmaalo wadankeena hooyo
haddaba su'aasha ayaa waxa ay tahay maxey keentaa daawadaasi maxaase looga joogiyay isticmaalkeeda wadamada hormaray sideese ugu haboon aan ugu badbaadin karnaa shacabkeena hadii ay tahay mid qatar ku ah isticmaalkeeda badan caafimaadkeena ???????????

waxaan rajeynayaa in wax badan la ila fahmay hadii aad tihiin dhaqaatiirta mustaqbalka wadanka
waana mahadsan tihiin   ascwrwb  
Title: Re: Su'aal: waa maxay daawada chloramphenicol ?
Post by: SomaliDoc on October 12, 2009, 11:55:34 AM
Waxaa daawadaan ay yareysaa shaqada dhuuxa lafta oo ku hawl leh sameynta unugyada dhiigga (Aplastic Anemia), sidaa darteed waxay keentaa dhiig yari joogto ah oo qofku u baahanayo dhiig shubis mar walba.
Title: Re: Su'aal: waa maxay daawada chloramphenicol ?
Post by: Kassim on October 12, 2009, 09:46:17 PM
Chloramphenicol, is a very important drug in the developing countries,
WHO reaffirms the value of chloramphenicol in infections such as meningitis (active against the three main bacterial causes of meningitis: Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae) and severe bacterial infections due to bacteria resistence to other antibiotics? It's also active against  anaerobes.
Because of its excellent CSF penetration chloramphenicol remains the first choice treatment for staphylococcal brain abscesses. It is also useful in the treatment of brain abscesses due to mixed organisms or when the causative organism is not known.
As mentioned, chloramphenicol has one serous toxicity-Aplastic Anaemia which WHO estimates that 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 70,000 courses of therapy (this is   similar to estimate of death due to penicillin anaphaylaxis 1 in 40,000).

WHO's Expert Committee on the Use of Essential Drugs, after considering of the risk and benefits of chloramphenicol concluded that it’s essential for modern medical practice in all countries.
Were I practice now, we use chloramphenicol daily, both in paediatrics and in adults, we use them, cases such as pneumonia, Meningitis, Typhoid Fever, and when we are not sure which organism we are dealing with, since we don't have culture and sensitivity.  For almost a year I never come across with or heard Aplastic Anaemia  due to Chloramphenicaol.
To conclude, wax dhip ah uma arko isticmaalka  dawada chloramphenicol in Somalia.