Somali Medical Forums

Diseases and Conditions => Qaybta Su'aalaha => Topic started by: Axlaam on August 29, 2016, 02:04:06 PM

Title: Su'aal: Wearing a rubber band around scrotum?
Post by: Axlaam on August 29, 2016, 02:04:06 PM
Hello my husband wears a loose and a little thick rubber band around his testicles and its not too tight its loose and he says it helps him and it gives him high testosterone when he wears it and he feels that it benefits him and it keeps his testicles below body temperature but I want to know if it's dangerous to wear a band around testicles and what can it cause and is it okay for him to wear it and can it bring infertility ?
Title: Re: Su'aal: Wearing a rubber band around scrotum?
Post by: SomaliDoc on October 19, 2016, 07:28:21 PM
Testicular ring does not have any thing to do with testosterone, the reason usually men use is to enhance erection and to delay ejaculation, it controls blood flow to the penis, if it was not prescribed by a doctor you should not use it regularly because the person may adapt using it and erection will not happen unless the rubber band is used, the other problem is that when it's tight it can cause blood flow obstruction and can lead to a serious consequence.
Title: Re: Su'aal: Wearing a rubber band around scrotum?
Post by: Axlaam on November 26, 2016, 10:19:06 AM
Asc marka hore aad ban ugu mahad celinyaa somalidoc illahay khayr ha idiinka siiyo sidda ummadd u caawineysana .  Wall waxan doonya in sharaxadd badan iga siisan in isticmaalka rubber band u xidhiidh la leeyahay in u keno madhaleysnimo Iyo in u xidhiidh la leeyahay is badelka fikirka qof ka  in Keeno am daweeyo dhibtoyinka xagga maskaxadda . Qof ka isticmaal maxaaa kula talin lahayden WA mahad santihin
Title: Re: Su'aal: Wearing a rubber band around scrotum?
Post by: SomaliDoc on December 16, 2016, 08:38:20 PM
Waxaa muhiim ah in la ogaado marka hore sababta qofkaasi u isticmaalayo, fikradda uu ka qabo, waa arrin u baahan in dhakhtarka iyo qofka isticmaalo ka wada sheekaystaan kadib ayaa laga qancin karaa ama loo dayn karaa iyadoo la is barbar dhigayo faa'idada iyo khasaarada ka dhalan karto.

Waxaan kugula talin lahaa in aad dhakhtar isku raacdaan adiga iyo xaaskaaga, si wixii cabsi kugu taagan lagaaga saaro, isagane loo sharxo qalabkaan.