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Medical Student Forums => Questions, Exams & Study tips => Topic started by: Muna O.Hamari on January 03, 2011, 11:14:20 AM

Title: My blood group is O+ so what my husband blood group should be?
Post by: Muna O.Hamari on January 03, 2011, 11:14:20 AM
Dear Doctors

salaan sare
intaa ka dib
waxaan doonaya in aan ogaado nooca dhiigeygy wa  O+  
sida kale nin ka aan guursan doono dhiigsu hadii o yahay A+ marka ma keeni karta wax dhibaato ah dhinaca uurka ama wax kale oo problem ah?
Title: Re: My blood group is O+ so what my husband blood group should be?
Post by: Diagnostic on January 03, 2011, 07:46:58 PM
There is no problem with that.

But if you are Rh- and Father is Rh+, then your baby most likely will be RH+ regardless the blood group. This cause something called Rh incompatibility. example: your are O- and the father is A+ then there is a risk.

During pregnancy, red blood cells from the fetus can get into the mother's bloodstream as she nourishes her child through the placenta.

If the mother is Rh-negative, her immune system treats the Rh-positive fetal cells as if they were a foreign substance and makes antibodies against the fetal blood cells. These anti-Rh antibodies may cross the placenta into the developing baby, where they destroy the baby's circulating red blood cells.

When red blood cells are broken down, they make bilirubin, which causes an infant to become yellow (jaundiced).

Firstborn infants are often not affected -- unless the mother has had previous miscarriages or abortions, which could have sensitized her system -- as it takes time for the mother to develop antibodies against the fetal blood. However, second children who are also Rh-positive may be harmed.

Rh incompatibility develops only when the mother is Rh-negative and the infant is Rh-positive. This problem has become uncommon in the developed world that provide good prenatal care. Special immune globulins, called RhoGAM, are now used to prevent RH incompatibility.
Title: Re: My blood group is O+ so what my husband blood group should be?
Post by: Anotherabdi on January 09, 2011, 07:23:23 PM
^^ good explanation.
You only need to worry if you are female with RH- blood.

However, having blood type O still predisposes you to ABO incompatibility and your child be born with Anemia;hemolytic disease of new born.
Title: Re: My blood group is O+ so what my husband blood group should be?
Post by: Muna O.Hamari on January 11, 2011, 09:30:06 AM

Dear Doctors
Thank for clearly information
