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Consultant ? Finalization of Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Somalia AIDS Response (2010-2013)

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Closing date: 28 Mar 2011
Location: Somalia

M&E Evaluation for AIDS Response in Somalia

UNICEF Somalia

Terms of Reference

Vacancy Ref No. UNSOM/2011/011
Functional Title: Consultant ? Finalization of Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Somalia AIDS Response (2010-2013)
Duty Station: Nairobi with travel to Somalia
Duration: A total of 45 days starting early April

1. Background Information

The objective of the Somali Strategic Framework for the Somali AIDS Response (2009 ? 2013) is to halt and reverse the spread of HIV in Somaliland, Puntland and South Central Somalia, and make progress towards the Universal Access targets in integrated prevention, treatment, care and support by all Somalis by 2015. Partners in Somalia seek to achieve the above goals through the delivery of quality and integrated prevention, treatment, care and support interventions and services under four main objectives that cumulatively contribute to the overall goal. The response engages and mobilizes all sectors in the early recovery and development and humanitarian operations.

One of the four key priorities in the response is to strengthen M&E systems and enable partners to generate and use strategic information for evidenced informed planning and action.

2. Objectives of the Assignment

A draft Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Somalia AIDS Response (2010-2013) has been developed and shared with key stakeholders. The objective of the assignment is to finalize this document, and have it ratified by key stakeholders including the authorities of the zones of Somalia. The document will be in the format specified by the Global Fund as the major funder of the response in Somalia. A specific objective is to develop a draft budget and work plan of the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Somalia AIDS Response (2010-2013).

Working under the under the direct supervision of the UNICEF HIV Programme Manager for Somalia based in Nairobi, in close collaboration with the UNICEF sub-offices in Somalia, UNAIDS and WHO, the Consultant will engage in the following:

? With the zonal AIDS Commissions, review the draft National M&E Plan
? Revise the National M&E Plan, as necessary with specific reference to:
a. Indicator definitions and measurement
b. Routine data collection, analysis and reporting
c. Evaluation, reviews, surveillance or special studies
d. Data quality analysis mechanisms and related supportive supervision
e. M&E coordination
? Develop the budget and work plan for the M&E Framework for the Somalia AIDS Response (2010-2013)
Deliverables and Timeline:

The deadline for this activity is 30 June 2011.

Deliverables are as follows:

? Review final draft of existing national M&E Framework and make recommendations for revisions (10 days)
? Meetings with AIDS Commissions and stakeholders (6 days)
? Finalize National M&E Plan, including indicators and targets (4 days)
? Develop costed operational plan (10 days)
? Present draft at workshop(s) in Puntland and Somaliland (9 days)
? Finalize the draft M&E budget and work plan (6 days)

Payment schedule:

The Consultant is expected to work 45 days between April and June 2011. Payment will be based on days worked and deliverables provided.

The payment schedule as follows:

? Upon submission of revised national M&E and costed operational plan
? Facilitate three workshops (NWZ, NEZ and SCZ to be held in NWZ)
? Submission of final M&E plan and operational plan, costed

Payment will be based on daily fee of agreed with UNICEF

3. Project timeline

The project timeline is 45 days between April and June 2011.

4. Qualifications
a) Languages Skills
? Excellent spoken and written English
? Knowledge of Somali an asset

b) Education
? Postgraduate degree in development studies, public health, or related field
? Postgraduate qualification in Monitoring and Evaluation

c) Experience
? A minimum of eight years experience in M&E with expertise in HIV
? Experience in the Somali context an asset

d) Skills and Competencies
? Computer use including Microsoft Office and data analysis tools
? Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
? Exceptional writing skills
? Excellent organizational and multi-tasking skills
? Ability to work under time constraints and deadlines in challenging settings
? Ability to work in multicultural and multiethnic environments
? Demonstrated ability to identify, approach, and coordinate with stakeholders of diverse backgrounds and levels of expertise
? Ability to work independently, with flexibility
? Ability to work in a team and good interpersonal skills
How to apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications with updated UN Personal History Form (P.11) form, updated CV and copies of academic certificates to the email below. UN staff are requested to provide the last two Performance Evaluation Reports (PERs). Please quote the vacancy number in your application.

Email to:

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted


Reference Code: RW_8F6GL7-13

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