Author Topic: Study Medicine in Norway  (Read 41747 times)

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Study Medicine in Norway
« on: September 07, 2007, 09:23:03 PM »
Members studying or working in Norway are requested to give any useful information to our members whom are willing to join them.
Any information you give here, will be helpful to your brother.

"you never cure a patient, you treat pain often but you always comfort the patient."

Offline Fredrik

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Re: Study Medicine in Norway
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 01:35:21 PM »
Jeg skal studere i Tromsø hvis allah ønsk. er det noe som skal søke her ( Tromsø) eller
for å studere i Norge , det e ikke så lett absolutt ikke . må du ha høy karakter for å komme inn her. men det er sikkert at du kommer inn på utland.

Min råd....?

skal du studere i medinsk, æ anbefaler deg å søke universitetet i Tromsø?
men jeg må si lykke til videre alle som skal studere i medisinsk...

æ e ikke go på ængelsk unnskyld mæ

Sorry i'm not so good to write english, sorry for that
Why can't we help our country ? of course i mean Somalia

Offline Sumayya

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Re: Study Medicine in Norway
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 01:56:43 PM »

Salaama Caleikum

Fredrik, i understood little bit what you said. It is ok brother if your english is not that good  we will help you and you always can write in soomaali.

Offline Sh. Samakaab

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Re: Study Medicine in Norway
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2009, 12:07:45 AM »

Walaalayaal hadii aan warbixin kooban idinka siiyo Wabarasha iyo Shaqaynta Norway waxaan ku soo koobayaa sidan hoos aan ku sheegi doono insha allah.


Waxarashadu waa mid bilaasha waxaana qofka lagu xidhayaa in uu haysto shahaado muctarif ah, marka ay soo xaqiijiyaan shahaadada waxaa qofka la siinayaa course ah barashada luuqada Norwegianka kadibna wuxuu sii wadanayaa waxbarashadiisii inta uga hadhay.


Norway shaqadeedu waa mid aad u wanagsan qofkana waxaa uu heleyaa mushahar fiican iyo xuquuq dhamaystiran, lakiin sida aynu iminka la socono aduunkii waxaa ka jira dhibatooyin dhaqaale (financial cruises) Norway waxay qayb ka noqotay dhibatooyinkaas. lakiin dowladu way dadaalaysaa sidii aan loo dareemi lahayn.

wixii su'aal ah waad isoo waydiin kartaan insha allah.

wa bilaahi towfiiq

Offline Gina

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Re: Study Medicine in Norway
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2009, 02:06:11 AM »
jag är ny här och väldigt intresserad  AV ATT PLUGGA TILL LÄKARE :)

Offline Nightingale2005

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Re: Study Medicine in Norway
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2010, 02:28:57 PM »
Waan idin salaamay dhamaan,
After that, I'm new to this site and so far so good. I like the structure of it.
I live in Oslo, Norway and I had the opportunity of studying Nursing in Norway. I graduated in the summer of 2006 and have been working since then.

The education system:
One can study Nursing in Oslo University College in three years full time or 4 years as parttime. I chose the first one, then U get the title Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. U can choose if U want to work straight away, or go ahead and study some more. If U choose to study straight away, then U can choose the first master program as it doesn't require work experience.
Two master programs:
Master Programme in Clinical Nursing Science, fulltime 2 year programme/ parttime 4 year programme, 120 ECTS. Language of instruction is Norwegian and the requirements are good grades only.
Master Programme in Mental Health Work (parttime, 4 years) 120 ECTS. Language of instruction is Norwegian and the requirements are good grades and work experience related to mental health, minimum of 2 years after graduation.

U can also choose from varieties of advanced programs. But they also require work experience, minimum of 2 years.

Advanced Mental Health Nursing 60 ECTS credits
Advanced Cancer Nursing 60 ECTS credits
Advanced Operation Room Nursing 90 ECTS credits
Advanced Paediatric Nursing 90 ECTS credits
Advanced Intensive Care 90 ECTS credits
Advanced Anaesthetics 90 ECTS credits

My experience as a student:
When I started, there were as many as seven Somali women, including me and one Somali man. Two of the women were studying in parttime. All of the women graduated and, unfortunately, the man dropped out already in the first semester (what ever his reasons were). I hear now, there are many Somalians studying, but I don't have the exact number of them. The school fee was only about 100 $ per semester. Schools in Norway are free, but you have to buy the books your self (even though one can get some contribution depending on your otherwise income). Some of the pensum is in English and there are requirements on using English written articles in your school work, so definitely an advantage to have, but then again all higher education require this, I presume. There were placements while studying, in hospitals or such. The aim is to experience how it's like to work as a nurse in the future. 

Work oppurtunity:
It's not that difficult to find a work as a nurse. Even though I applied as many as 6-jobs and were interviewed for to of them. I finely got a job after two months of graduation. The only thing I don't like about my work is working in shift. Day, evening, nights and weekends (every third weekend). It's not easy finding nursing job where U can work only daytime. That's why I now applied to study one year Postgraduate Certificate in Education. The requirements are Nursing degree and minimun 2 years of work experience. I'll the become a teacher for vocational courses in the upper secondary school. The study programme can also qualify for teaching in primary schools and lower secondary schools, university colleges, adult education and other training functions in working life. My plan is to compine working as a nurse in partime and teaching in partime.
I'll insha Allah, inform you (my fellow Somalians) how the plan goes. Until then, I hope I have been of some assistant to those of you that needs the informations above. If U need more information, I'll be happy to provide to the best of my knowledge.

Thank you,
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
Malcolm Forbes.

Offline Tahani

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Re: Study Medicine in Norway
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2011, 04:09:48 PM »
asc wr wr
 takk for informasjonen s?ster. jeg ble sikkelig glad da jeg s? en norsk somaler i forumen. jeg har et par sp?rsm?l ang?ende sykepleierutdanningen og h?per at du kan hjelpe med. jeg er n? utannet helsesekret?r og har tenkt ? ta p?pygg for ? komme inn p? h?gskolen for ? studere sykepleier. det jeg luerer p? er om  sykepleier studiet er krevende, vanskelig yrke. jeg lurer ogs? p? om de koster mye. for jeg ?nsker ikke ? ta l?n.
jeg h?per at du kan gi meg r?d og veiledning etter dine erfarnger og h?per p? et positivt svar. takk p? forh?nd.


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