Author Topic: GIT clinical case  (Read 22547 times)

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GIT clinical case
« on: December 01, 2011, 06:33:19 PM »
An 80-year-old female with a past medical history of osteoarthritis (OA) is admitted to the hospital with a chief complaint (CC) of jaundice for 2 months. The patient did not notice the jaundice or felt any differently but her physician was worried and she was admitted to a different hospital 2 months ago. The liver ultrasound (U/S) showed gallstones and she had a laparoscopic cholecystectomy 2 months ago. After surgery, the jaundice decreased slightly but then returned.

The reason for her admission to the hospital is the persistent jaundice. She has no other complaints but itching for 2-3 days.

No abdominal pain, no nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation (N/V/D/C). She also noticed that her urine has been tea-colored for the last month. She lost 30 lbs for 1 year despite her good appetite

What do you think is the cause of the jaundice?

there are no definitive diagnose unless we do investigation so the most likely differential diagnosis are :Obstructive jaundice due to pancreatic cancer, post surgical obstruction?


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