When choosing a career, most people want to answer the question, "what career will make me happy?" If you think money and prestige are the top criteria people give, think again.
Of the top ten criteria for job satisfaction, #1 on the list is the kind of work that makes best use of your talents and #2gives you a feeling of accomplishment.
Here are 8 ways to choose the right kind of work that will satisfy you:
1-Know yourself.
2-Learn about the jobs you think will satisfy you.
3-Consider meeting with a professional career counselor.
4-Don't stay dissatisfied in your current job for too long.
5-Be realistic about your expectations of a career.
6-Is it the type of work you don't like or the current environment (boss, salary, etc.?)
7-Can you put up with short-term dissatisfaction for a long-term gain?
8-How much do you value your career in relation to other life activities?
What is your most important criteria for choosing the right career?
Source: careerkey.blogspot.com