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Offline Toldo

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Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« on: February 06, 2008, 05:29:41 PM »

لم أكن جاوزت الثلاثين حين أنجبت زوجتي أول أبنائي‚ ما زلت أذكر تلك الليلة‚‚ بقيت إلى آخر الليل مع الشلة في إحدى الاستراحات‚ كانت سهرة مليئة بالكلام الفارغ‚ بل بالغيبة والتعليقات المحرمة‚ كنت أنا الذي أتولى في الغالب إضحاكهم‚‚ وغيبة الناس‚‚ وهم يضحكون‚ اذكر ليلتها أني أضحكتهم كثيرا‚ كنت أمتلك موهبة عجيبة في التقليد‚ بإمكاني تغيير نبرة صوتي حتى تصبح قريبة من الشخص الذي اسخر منه‚ اجل كنت اسخر من هذا وذاك‚ لم يسلم مني أحد حتى اصحابي‚ صار بعض الناس يتجنبني كي يسلم من لساني‚

أذكر أني تلك الليلة سخرت من أعمى رأيته يتسول في السوق‚ والادهى إني وضعت قدمي أمامه فتعثر وسقط يتلفت برأسه لا يدري ما يقول‚‚ وانطلقت ضحكتي تدوي في السوق‚ عدت إلى بيتي متأخرا كالعادة‚ وجدت زوجتي في انتظاري‚‚ كانت في حالة يرثى لها‚ قالت بصوت متهدج: راشد‚‚ اين كنت؟ قلت ساخرا: في المريخ‚‚ عند أصحابي بالطبع‚‚ كان الإعياء ظاهرا عليها‚ قالت والعبرة تخنقها: راشد‚ أنا تعبة جدا‚‚ الظاهر ان موعد ولادتي صار وشيكا‚ سقطت دمعة صامتة على خدها‚‚ أحسست أني أهملت زوجتي‚‚ كان المفروض ان اهتم بها وأقلل من سهراتي‚‚ خاصة أنها في شهرها التاسع‚ حملتها إلى المستشفى بسرعة‚‚ دخلت غرفة الولادة‚‚ جعلت تقاسي الآلام ساعات طوال‚ كنت انتظر ولادتها بفارغ الصبر‚‚ تعسرت ولادتها‚‚ فانتظرت طويلا حتى تعبت‚‚ فذهبت إلى البيت وتركت رقم هاتفي عندهم ليبشروني‚ بعد ساعة‚‚ اتصلوا بي ليزفوا لي نبأ قدوم سالم‚‚ ذهبت إلى المستشفى فورا‚ أول ما رأوني أسأل عن غرفتها‚‚ طلبوا مني مراجعة الطبيبة التي أشرفت على ولادة زوجتي‚‚ صرختُ بهم: أي طبيبة؟! المهم أن أرى ابني سالم‚‚ قالوا‚‚ أولا‚‚ راجع الطبيبة‚‚ دخلت على الطبيبة‚‚ كلمتني عن  المصائب‚‚ والرضا بالأقدار‚‚ ثم قالت: ولدك به تشوه شديد في عينيه ويبدو أنه فاقد البصر!!

خفضت رأسي‚‚ وأنا أدافع عبراتي‚‚ تذكرت ذاك المتسول الاعمى‚‚ الذي دفعته في السوق وأضحكت عليه الناس‚‚ سبحان الله كما تدين تدان! بقيت واجما قليلا‚‚ لا أدري ماذا أقول‚‚ ثم تذكرت زوجتي وولدي‚ فشكرت الطبيبة على لطفها‚‚ ومضيت لأرى زوجتي‚‚ لم تحزن زوجتي‚‚ كانت مؤمنة بقضاء الله‚‚ راضية‚‚ طالما نصحتني ان أكف عن الاستهزاء بالناس‚‚ كانت تردد دائما‚‚ لا تغتب الناس‚ خرجنا من المستشفى وخرج سالم معنا‚‚ في الحقيقة‚‚ لم أكن أهتم به كثيرا‚‚ اعتبرته غير موجود في المنزل‚ حين يشتد بكاؤه أهرب إلى الصالة لأنام فيها‚‚ كانت زوجتي تهتم به كثيرا‚ وتحبه كثيرا‚‚ أما أنا فلم أكن أكرهه‚‚ لكني لم استطع ان أحبه! كبر سالم‚‚ بدأ يحبو‚‚ كانت حبوته غريبة‚‚ قارب عمره السنة فبدأ يحاول المشي‚‚ فاكتشفنا أنه أعرج‚‚ أصبح ثقيلا على نفسي أكثر‚ أنجبت زوجتي بعده عمر وخالدا‚‚ مرت السنوات‚‚ وكبر سالم‚‚ وكبر أخواه‚‚ كنت لا أحب الجلوس في البيت‚‚ دائما مع أصحابي‚‚ في الحقيقة كنت كاللعبة في أيديهم‚ لم تيأس زوجتي من إصلاحي‚‚ كانت تدعو لي دائما بالهداية‚‚ لم تغضب من تصرفاتي الطائشة‚‚ لكنها كانت تحزن كثيرا إذا رأت إهمالي لسالم واهتمامي بباقي إخوته‚ كبر سالم‚‚ وكبر معه همي‚‚ لم أمانع حين طلبت زوجتي تسجيله في إحدى المدارس الخاصة بالمعاقين‚ لم أكن أحس بمرور السنوات‚‚ أيامي سواء‚‚ عمل ونوم وطعام وسهر‚

في يوم جمعة‚‚ استيقظت الساعة الحادية عشرة ظهرا‚‚ لا يزال الوقت مبكرا بالنسبة لي‚‚ كنت مدعوا إلى وليمة‚ لبست وتعطرت وهممت بالخروج‚ مررت بصالة المنزل‚‚ استوقفني منظر سالم‚‚ كان يبكي بحرقة!
إنها المرة الأولى التي انتبه فيها إلى سالم يبكي منذ كان طفلا‚‚ عشر سنوات مضت‚‚ لم ألتفت إليه‚‚ حاولت أن أتجاهله‚‚ فلم احتمل‚‚ كنت أسمع صوته ينادي أمه وأنا في الغرفة‚ التفت‚‚ ثم اقتربت منه‚‚ قلت: سالم! لماذا تبكي؟! حين سمع صوتي توقف عن البكاء‚‚ فلما شعر بقربي‚‚ بدأ يتحسس ما حوله بيديه الصغيرتين‚‚ ما به يا ترى؟! اكتشفت انه يحاول الابتعاد عني!! وكأنه يقول: الآن أحسست بي‚‚ أين أنت منذ عشر سنوات؟! تبعته‚‚ كان قد دخل غرفته‚‚ رفض ان يخبرني في البداية عن سبب بكائه‚ حاولت أتلطف معه‚‚ بدأ سالم يبين سبب بكائه‚‚ وأنا استمع إليه وانتفض‚‚ تدري ما السبب!! تأخر عليه أخوه عمر‚‚ الذي اعتاد ان يوصله إلى المسجد‚ ولأنها صلاة جمعة‚ خاف ألا يجد مكانا في الصف الأول‚ نادى عمر‚‚ ونادى والدته‚‚ ولكن لا مجيب‚‚ فبكى‚‚ أخذت أنظر إلى الدموع تتسرب من عينيه المكفوفتين‚ لم استطع ان أتحمل بقية كلامه‚ وضعت يدي على فمه‚‚ وقلت: لذلك بكيت يا سالم!! قال: نعم‚‚
نسيت أصحابي‚‚ ونسيت الوليمة‚ وقلت: سالم لا تحزن‚‚ هل تعلم من سيذهب بك اليوم إلى المسجد؟ قال: أكيد عمر‚‚ لكنه يتأخر دائما‚ قلت: لا‚‚ بل أنا سأذهب بك‚ دهش سالم‚ لم يصدق‚‚ ظن أني أسخر منه‚‚ استعبر ثم بكى‚‚ مسحت دموعه بيدي‚‚ وأمسكت يده‚ أردت أن أوصله بالسيارة‚‚ رفض قائلا: المسجد قريب‚‚ أريد ان أخطو إلى المسجد‚‚ أي والله قال لي ذلك‚ لا أذكر متى كانت آخر مرة دخلت فيها المسجد‚‚ لكنها المرة الأولى التي أشعر فيها بالخوف‚‚ والندم على ما فرطته طوال السنوات الماضية‚‚ كان المسجد مليئا بالمصلين‚‚ إلا أني وجدت لسالم مكانا في الصف الأول‚ استمعنا لخطبة الجمعة معا وصلى بجانبي‚‚ بل في الحقيقة أنا صليت بجانبه‚ بعد انتهاء الصلاة طلب مني سالم مصحفا‚ استغربت!! كيف سيقرأ وهو أعمى؟ كدت ان اتجاها طلبه‚‚ لكني جاملته خوفا من جرح مشاعره‚‚ ناولته المصحف‚ طلب مني ان افتح المصحف على صورة الكهف‚‚ أخذت أقلب الصفحات تارة‚‚ وأنظر في الفهرس تارة‚‚ حتى وجدتها‚‚ أخذ مني المصحف‚‚ ثم وضعه أمامه‚‚ وبدأ في قراءة السورة‚‚ وعيناه مغمضتان‚‚ يا الله!! إنه يحفظ سورة الكهف كاملة!! خجلت من نفسي‚‚ أمسكت مصحفا‚ أحسست برعشة في أوصالي‚‚ قرأت‚‚ وقرأت‚‚ دعوت الله أن يغفر لي ويهديني‚‚ لم استطع الاحتمال‚‚ فبدأت أبكي كالأطفال‚

كان بعض الناس لا يزال في المسجد يصلي السنة‚‚ خجلت منهم‚‚ فحاولت أن أكتم بكائي‚‚ تحول الكباء إلى شهيق‚ لم أشعر إلا بيد صغيرة تتلمس وجهي‚‚ ثم تمسح علي دموعي‚‚ إنه سالم!! ضممته إلى صدري‚ نظرت إليه‚‚ قلت في نفسي‚‚ لست أنت الأعمى‚ بل أنا الأعمى‚‚ حين أنسقت وراء فساق يجرونني إلى النار‚ عدنا إلى المنزل‚‚ كانت زوجتي قلقة كثيرا على سالم‚ لكن قلقها تحول إلى دموع حين علمت أني صليت الجمعة مع سالم‚‚ من ذلك اليوم لم تفتني صلاة جماعة في المسجد‚ هجرت رفقاء السوء‚‚ وأصبحت لي رفقة خيرة عرفتها في المسجد‚‚ ذقت طعم الإيمان معهم‚‚ عرفت منهم أشياء ألهتني عنها الدنيا‚‚ لم أفت حلقة ذكر أو صلاة الوتر‚ ختمت القرآن عدة مرات في شهر‚ رطبت لساني بالذكر لعل الله يغفر لي غيبتي وسخريتي من الناس‚‚ أحسست أني أكثر قربا من أسرتي‚‚ اختفت نظرات الخوف والشفقة التي كانت تطل من عيون زوجتي‚‚ الابتسامة ما عادت تفارق وجه ابني سالم‚ من يراه يظنه ملك الدنيا وما فيها‚ حمدت الله كثيرا على نعمه‚ ذات يوم‚‚ قرر أصحابي الصالحون أن يتوجهوا إلى إحدى المناطق البعيدة للدعوة‚ ترددت في الذهاب‚‚ استخرت الله‚‚ واستشرت زوجتي‚‚ توقعت أنها سترفض‚‚ لكن حدث العكس! فرحت كثيرا‚‚ بل شجعتني فلقد كانت تراني في السابق أسافر دون استشارتها فسقا وفجورا‚‚ توجهت إلى سالم‚‚ أخبرته أني مسافر‚‚ ضمني بذراعيه الصغيرين مودعا‚‚ تغيبت عن البيت ثلاثة أشهر ونصف‚ كنت خلال تلك الفترة اتصل كلما سنحت لي الفرصة بزوجتي وأحدث أبنائي‚‚ اشتقت إليهم كثيرا‚‚آآآه كم اشتقت إلى سالم!! تمنيت سماع صوته‚‚ هو الوحيد الذي لم يحدثني منذ سافرت‚‚ إما أن يكون في المدرسة أو المسجد ساعة اتصالي بهم‚‚ كلما حدثت زوجتي عن شوقي إليه‚‚
كانت تضحك فرحا وبشرا‚‚ إلا آخر مرة هاتفتها فيها‚‚ لم اسمع ضحكتها المتوقعة‚‚ تغير صوتها‚‚ قلت لها: أبلغي سلامي لسالم‚‚ فقالت: إن شاء الله‚‚ وسكتت‚‚ أخيرا عدت إلى المنزل‚‚ طرقت الباب‚‚ تمنيت أن يفتح لي سالم‚‚ لكن فوجئت بابني خالد الذي لم يتجاوز الرابعة من عمره‚‚ حملته بين ذراعي وهو يصرخ: بابا‚‚ بابا‚‚ لا أدري لماذا انقبض صدري حين دخلت البيت‚‚ استعذت بالله من الشيطان الرجيم‚ أقبلت إليّ زوجتي‚‚ كان وجهها متغيرا‚‚ كأنها تتصنع الفرح‚‚ تأملتها جيدا‚‚ ثم سألتها: ما بك؟ قالت: لا شيء‚‚ فجأة تذكرت سالما‚‚ فقلت‚‚ أين سالم؟ خفضت رأسها‚‚ لم تجب‚‚ سقطت دمعات حارة على خديها‚‚ صرخت بها‚‚ سالم‚‚ أين سالم؟ لم اسمع حينها سوى صوت ابني خالد‚‚ يقول بلثغته: بابا‚‚ ثالم لاح الجنة‚‚ عند الله‚‚ لم تتحمل زوجتي الموقف‚‚ أجهشت بالبكاء‚‚ كادت أن تسقط على الأرض‚‚ فخرجت من الغرفة‚‚ عرفت بعدها أن سالم أصابته حمى قبل موعد مجيئي بأسبوعين‚‚ فأخذته زوجتي إلى المستشفى‚‚ فاشتدت عليه الحمى‚‚ ولم تفارقه‚‚ حين فارقت روحه جسده

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2008, 01:29:27 AM »
Thanks for the nice story brother
I liked it

Offline Toldo

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my pleasure
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 07:45:40 PM »
salamu calaykum

you are welcome doctoor , and it really dropped my tears , so it is a story which drops the tears by it's meanings.

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2008, 02:53:19 AM »
اللة يعطيك العافيه , حقيقه القصه حلوة قوي ولكن العبرة أكثر
**Ruuxaan Dantiisiyo aqoon, waxa daryeelaaya**
**Inuu Deeqda Eebahay ka qaday, dib u xusuusnaada**

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2008, 12:12:57 PM »
can any one translate this story into english...we want to understand too....
*Seek Help In Patience And Prayer*

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2008, 10:58:25 PM »
شكــــــــــــرا أخــي  قصتــك مؤثـــــره جـــــــدا وعبـــــــــره لمن يعتبـــــــــر وانشــــــــا الله نكــــــــون من المعتبــــرينToldo

you're the peace in my soul
that's why I will never really be alone

Dalxiis kaagamaan tagin Dalkeegoow

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2008, 04:19:22 AM »
Jazaakumulaah kull kheer  Dr. Noora you are welcome inshlah ilqissah tiriid laha 3ibrah liman ya3tabir , kuwii ku wana qato alah naga dhigo amin,.....

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2008, 10:03:15 PM »
if i try to translate this story to english is like this

I did not exceeded thirty when my wife gave birth to my children first, I still recall that night, stayed to the end of the night with the Coterie in guest houses, was an evening full of empty words, but alibi and comments land, which I assume mostly Adhakhm, and the absence of people, They laugh, I recall the night I Adgthm lot, I have a wonderful talent in the tradition, I changed the tone of my voice to become close to the person who ride it, for I ride of this and that, no one recognizes me until my friends, some people become so recognized Etjnebeni from Sani,

I remember that night mocked at the blind I saw cease in the market, and worse, I put my feet in front of him faltered and fell with his head upright did not know what to say, "She Dgti reverberating in the market, I returned to my home late, as usual, I found my wife in wait, was in a deplorable state , her voice Mtahedj: Rashid, where were you? I said, mocking: Mars, when my friends of course, it was apparent fatigue, she and strangled lesson: Rashed, I am very tired, apparently born and later became imminent, the tears fell silent on the cheek, I felt that I neglected my wife, was supposed Take care of that and underestimate Sohrati, especially as they are in the ninth month campaign to the hospital quickly, entered the room of birth, made to suffer pain for hours, I waited anxiously for the birth, the birth mother, waited so long tired, went to House and left the telephone number they have to Ibcroni, after hours, they contacted me to Izvo me news of the arrival of Salem, went to the hospital immediately, the first thing seen me ask about her room, asked me to review the doctor supervised the birth of my wife, I shouted to them: no doctor? ! Important that I see my son Salem, they said, first, see the doctor, the doctor entered, Kelmtni from misfortunes, and satisfaction Balakdar, then said: Look, it distorts very kind and seems to be lost sight!!

Lowered my head, and I defend Abbarati, I remembered that blind beggar, paid in the market and it Adgt people, Hallelujah also condemns condemned! Youth and remained a little, I do not know what to say, and then I remembered my wife and Wolde, thanked the doctor for the grace, and ready to see my wife, my wife did not grieve, the insured juvenile God, satisfied, as long advised that passes for ridicule people, The rumors always, not Tgtb people emerged from the hospital and left Salem with us, in fact, I did not care much, considering it is not in the house, while a high crying flee to the hall to sleep in, my wife was concerned about a lot, and loving it much, I did not I hate, but I could not be like him! Old Salem, began toddler, was Habute strange, boat year-old began trying to walk, Vakchwna that Araj, has become a heavy burden on myself more, my wife gave birth after age and eternal, years passed, and old Salem, and the large brothers, , I do not like to sit at home, always with my friends, in fact I Kallabh in their hands, did not ultimately wife of reform, the son always calls me, no anger of reckless behavior, but they often grieve if deemed negligent for Salem The rest of my brothers, old Salem, and with the large shadow, did not mind when my wife asked registered in a school for the disabled, I did not feel over the years, both my days, work and sleep and food, Sahar,

On Friday, woke up at noon atheist, it is still too early for me, I was invited to the wedding feast of six Allah and leave him, I passed hall home, made me pause stock Salem, was crying burning!
It is the first time Warning to the Salem cry since he was a child, ten years ago, have not turned him, I tried to Atjahlh, not himself, you hear his voice calling for the nation and I am in the room, turned, and then approached him, I said: Salem! Why do you cry?! When he heard my voice stopped crying, when Baqrbi hair, began what felt around with his hands Alsgirtin, by what I wonder?! I discovered that trying to avoid me!! As if to say: I felt me now, where are you ten years ago?! Followed, had entered his room, he refused to tell me why at the outset crying, I tried Atlotf him, shows why Salem began crying, and I listened to him and demanded, knowing what reason!! Delayed by his brother Omar, who is accustomed to Iouselh to the mosque, and they pray Gomaa feared not find a place in the first row, Club Omar, and his mother club, but not Mujibur, Fbki, took see tears seeping from the eyes Almkvovin, I could not stand the rest of that, he put my hand on his mouth, and I said: that you cried Salem!! Said: "Yes,
I forgot my friends, and I forgot waleemah, said: Salem does not grieve, you learn from your day will go to the mosque? Said: definite age, but always delayed, I said: No, but I go, you surprised Salem, does not believe this, I thought it ride, Astabbar then cried, I wiped tears my hand, and grabbed his hand, I wanted him to drive , refused, saying: Mosque soon, I want to progressing to the mosque, any God said to me, I do not recall when the last time entered the mosque, but the first time in which I fear, and remorse for what Frtth over the years, , the mosque was full of rallies, but I found a place to Salem in the first grade, listened to the Friday sermon and prayed together side, but in truth I wanted its side, after the prayer asked me Salem pockets, surprised!! How will read a blind? Almost a trend students, but I Jammelth fear of injured feelings, handed Mus, asked me to open the Mus on the image of the cave, took Invert pages sometimes, and sometimes see in the catalogue, until her grandmother, take me Mus, and then put in front of him, and began reading the sura, and eyes shut, O God!! It preserves the AL cave full!! I was ashamed of myself, having pockets, I felt Brashh in Aossali, read, and read, I called on God to forgive me and dark, I could not risk, such as children began to cry,

Some people still pray in the mosque year, I was ashamed of them, attempting to Bcae stopped trying, turning Kaba to sigh, but not feel, however small to contact me, and then delete to come, that Salem!! Tell to my chest, considered him, I said myself, I am not blind you, but I am blind, while Ansagt behind Vsak Egeronni to fire back to the house, my wife was very concerned at the Salem, but the concern turned into tears when I learned Before Friday with Salem, that day did not expose a group prayer at the mosque, bad companions abandoned, and I became the company best known in the mosque, knew taste faith with them, knew them by something Alehtni minimum, not striking a male or prayer tune, concluded the Koran several times a month, for Rdobt Sani noted Perhaps God forgive me Gepti and Schriti people, I felt closer to my family, disappeared insights fear and compassion that was looming from the eyes of my wife, returned the smile leaving the face of my son Salim, think of view and the king of the world, frequently commended for the blessing of Allah, one day, my friends decided to head to the righteous one remote areas of the invitation, hesitated to go, Astkrt God, I consulted my wife, it is expected will decline, but the opposite happened ! I frequently, but has been encouraged me in the past I travel without consulting immoral and Vjura, went to Salim, I told him passengers, implicitly embraces minora, saying goodbye, absent from the House three and a half months, during that period I contacted whenever I had the opportunity my wife and my children art, often derived them, how derived tube to Salem!! I wished to hear his voice, is the only one that has not spoken since travelled, either in the school or mosque hour outreach to them, whenever my wife occurred on Shawki mechanism,
The joy and laughs summer, but the last time Hafha where, I hear her laugh is not expected, changed its voice, I said to her: Say my peace of Salem, said: God willing, and paused, finally returned to the house, knocked on the door, , I wished that opens me Salem, but was surprised by the two sons of Khalid did not exceed the fourth age, in the arms of his campaign is to shout: Papa, Papa, I do not know why my chest pain when entered the house, in God from Satan Astazt Dieting, she came back to My wife, was addressed variable, as if it pretended joy, Tammeltha well, and then I asked: What is your? She said: "Nothing, suddenly remembered safe, I said, where Salem? Lowered her head, not answered, tears fell warm on the cheek, I shouted out, Salem, Salem Where? Only then did I hear the voice of my son, Khalid, says Bltgth: Papa, Thalm If Paradise, God, my wife did not have the position, his tears, almost falling on the ground, Fajrjt of the room, knew then that Salem his fever before the coming two weeks, Fajzth my wife to the hospital, narrowing the mouth, not unfailing, while his dead body,

thanks bro for a nice story

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2008, 09:02:38 AM »

 salaamu calaykum ,,,

Am here to give a big thanks and thanks to the brother  hassan c h c   , you are very very thankful brother for ur effort and your kind hard work to translate my arabic story to english language ? i hope every 1 will be thankful to u r hard work, thank u so much again ..

Now any 1 can understand the story either in  arabic or english  ? and if some one else is interested to be in somali language  ? lol let us know that ? coz lama waynaayo qof afsomali ku tarjumo qissada .........

Offline Abdullahi!

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2008, 07:05:59 PM »
if i try to translate this story to english is like this

I did not exceeded thirty when my wife gave birth to my children first, I still recall that night, stayed to the end of the night with the Coterie in guest houses, was an evening full of empty words, but alibi and comments land, which I assume mostly Adhakhm, and the absence of people, They laugh, I recall the night I Adgthm lot, I have a wonderful talent in the tradition, I changed the tone of my voice to become close to the person who ride it, for I ride of this and that, no one recognizes me until my friends, some people become so recognized Etjnebeni from Sani,

I remember that night mocked at the blind I saw cease in the market, and worse, I put my feet in front of him faltered and fell with his head upright did not know what to say, "She Dgti reverberating in the market, I returned to my home late, as usual, I found my wife in wait, was in a deplorable state , her voice Mtahedj: Rashid, where were you? I said, mocking: Mars, when my friends of course, it was apparent fatigue, she and strangled lesson: Rashed, I am very tired, apparently born and later became imminent, the tears fell silent on the cheek, I felt that I neglected my wife, was supposed Take care of that and underestimate Sohrati, especially as they are in the ninth month campaign to the hospital quickly, entered the room of birth, made to suffer pain for hours, I waited anxiously for the birth, the birth mother, waited so long tired, went to House and left the telephone number they have to Ibcroni, after hours, they contacted me to Izvo me news of the arrival of Salem, went to the hospital immediately, the first thing seen me ask about her room, asked me to review the doctor supervised the birth of my wife, I shouted to them: no doctor? ! Important that I see my son Salem, they said, first, see the doctor, the doctor entered, Kelmtni from misfortunes, and satisfaction Balakdar, then said: Look, it distorts very kind and seems to be lost sight!!

Lowered my head, and I defend Abbarati, I remembered that blind beggar, paid in the market and it Adgt people, Hallelujah also condemns condemned! Youth and remained a little, I do not know what to say, and then I remembered my wife and Wolde, thanked the doctor for the grace, and ready to see my wife, my wife did not grieve, the insured juvenile God, satisfied, as long advised that passes for ridicule people, The rumors always, not Tgtb people emerged from the hospital and left Salem with us, in fact, I did not care much, considering it is not in the house, while a high crying flee to the hall to sleep in, my wife was concerned about a lot, and loving it much, I did not I hate, but I could not be like him! Old Salem, began toddler, was Habute strange, boat year-old began trying to walk, Vakchwna that Araj, has become a heavy burden on myself more, my wife gave birth after age and eternal, years passed, and old Salem, and the large brothers, , I do not like to sit at home, always with my friends, in fact I Kallabh in their hands, did not ultimately wife of reform, the son always calls me, no anger of reckless behavior, but they often grieve if deemed negligent for Salem The rest of my brothers, old Salem, and with the large shadow, did not mind when my wife asked registered in a school for the disabled, I did not feel over the years, both my days, work and sleep and food, Sahar,

On Friday, woke up at noon atheist, it is still too early for me, I was invited to the wedding feast of six Allah and leave him, I passed hall home, made me pause stock Salem, was crying burning!
It is the first time Warning to the Salem cry since he was a child, ten years ago, have not turned him, I tried to Atjahlh, not himself, you hear his voice calling for the nation and I am in the room, turned, and then approached him, I said: Salem! Why do you cry?! When he heard my voice stopped crying, when Baqrbi hair, began what felt around with his hands Alsgirtin, by what I wonder?! I discovered that trying to avoid me!! As if to say: I felt me now, where are you ten years ago?! Followed, had entered his room, he refused to tell me why at the outset crying, I tried Atlotf him, shows why Salem began crying, and I listened to him and demanded, knowing what reason!! Delayed by his brother Omar, who is accustomed to Iouselh to the mosque, and they pray Gomaa feared not find a place in the first row, Club Omar, and his mother club, but not Mujibur, Fbki, took see tears seeping from the eyes Almkvovin, I could not stand the rest of that, he put my hand on his mouth, and I said: that you cried Salem!! Said: "Yes,
I forgot my friends, and I forgot waleemah, said: Salem does not grieve, you learn from your day will go to the mosque? Said: definite age, but always delayed, I said: No, but I go, you surprised Salem, does not believe this, I thought it ride, Astabbar then cried, I wiped tears my hand, and grabbed his hand, I wanted him to drive , refused, saying: Mosque soon, I want to progressing to the mosque, any God said to me, I do not recall when the last time entered the mosque, but the first time in which I fear, and remorse for what Frtth over the years, , the mosque was full of rallies, but I found a place to Salem in the first grade, listened to the Friday sermon and prayed together side, but in truth I wanted its side, after the prayer asked me Salem pockets, surprised!! How will read a blind? Almost a trend students, but I Jammelth fear of injured feelings, handed Mus, asked me to open the Mus on the image of the cave, took Invert pages sometimes, and sometimes see in the catalogue, until her grandmother, take me Mus, and then put in front of him, and began reading the sura, and eyes shut, O God!! It preserves the AL cave full!! I was ashamed of myself, having pockets, I felt Brashh in Aossali, read, and read, I called on God to forgive me and dark, I could not risk, such as children began to cry,

Some people still pray in the mosque year, I was ashamed of them, attempting to Bcae stopped trying, turning Kaba to sigh, but not feel, however small to contact me, and then delete to come, that Salem!! Tell to my chest, considered him, I said myself, I am not blind you, but I am blind, while Ansagt behind Vsak Egeronni to fire back to the house, my wife was very concerned at the Salem, but the concern turned into tears when I learned Before Friday with Salem, that day did not expose a group prayer at the mosque, bad companions abandoned, and I became the company best known in the mosque, knew taste faith with them, knew them by something Alehtni minimum, not striking a male or prayer tune, concluded the Koran several times a month, for Rdobt Sani noted Perhaps God forgive me Gepti and Schriti people, I felt closer to my family, disappeared insights fear and compassion that was looming from the eyes of my wife, returned the smile leaving the face of my son Salim, think of view and the king of the world, frequently commended for the blessing of Allah, one day, my friends decided to head to the righteous one remote areas of the invitation, hesitated to go, Astkrt God, I consulted my wife, it is expected will decline, but the opposite happened ! I frequently, but has been encouraged me in the past I travel without consulting immoral and Vjura, went to Salim, I told him passengers, implicitly embraces minora, saying goodbye, absent from the House three and a half months, during that period I contacted whenever I had the opportunity my wife and my children art, often derived them, how derived tube to Salem!! I wished to hear his voice, is the only one that has not spoken since travelled, either in the school or mosque hour outreach to them, whenever my wife occurred on Shawki mechanism,
The joy and laughs summer, but the last time Hafha where, I hear her laugh is not expected, changed its voice, I said to her: Say my peace of Salem, said: God willing, and paused, finally returned to the house, knocked on the door, , I wished that opens me Salem, but was surprised by the two sons of Khalid did not exceed the fourth age, in the arms of his campaign is to shout: Papa, Papa, I do not know why my chest pain when entered the house, in God from Satan Astazt Dieting, she came back to My wife, was addressed variable, as if it pretended joy, Tammeltha well, and then I asked: What is your? She said: "Nothing, suddenly remembered safe, I said, where Salem? Lowered her head, not answered, tears fell warm on the cheek, I shouted out, Salem, Salem Where? Only then did I hear the voice of my son, Khalid, says Bltgth: Papa, Thalm If Paradise, God, my wife did not have the position, his tears, almost falling on the ground, Fajrjt of the room, knew then that Salem his fever before the coming two weeks, Fajzth my wife to the hospital, narrowing the mouth, not unfailing, while his dead body,

thanks bro for a nice story

The above translation was done using google translator which is not accurate and cannot exactly translate some words and tends to get the grammer and word sequence wrong way around, especially with arabic which is a very complex language. Although i do thank the dear brother hasan for his efforts in translating this story.

Here is my attempt to translate it manually..( I am sorry because it is not complete, i will do the rest later when i have more time on my hands)

I did not exceed thirty when my wife gave birth to my first child, I still recall that night. I stayed up till the end of the night with my friends in one of the clubs. It was an evening full of idle chatter, backbiting and forebidden comments. Mainly I was responsible for comedy and backbiting of people, while they just laugh. I recall that night that I made them laugh a lot. I have a wonderful talent in mimicking people, I can even change the tone of my voice to be similar to the person who i am mocking. Indeed, I mocked everyone including my own friends, some people even began avoiding me to safeguard from my tongue.

I remember that night that i mocked a blind man who was begging in the market, and even worse I put my feet in front of him and he faltered and fell. He did not know what to say, and my laughter was heard reverberating in the market. I returned home late as usual, and I found my wife waiting in a deplorable state. She said in a weak voice: "Rashid, where were you?",  I replied mockingly: In Mars, with my friends of course. Fatigue was evident on her and she said in a strangled voice: "Rashed, I am very tired, i think that time for delivery has become imminent" and a tear fell silently on her cheek. I felt that I had neglected my wife, and that i was supposed to take care of her and reduce my staying up late at night, especially as she was in her ninth month. I rushed her to the hospital quickly, and she was entered into the delivery room. She suffered from labour pains for many long hours. I waited anxiously for the birth, but it was a very difficult labour. So i waited for a long time until i got tired and then i went home and left the telephone number with them so that they can congratulate me. After one hour they called me to congratule me with the news of Salem's arrival. I went to the hospital immediately, and as soon as they saw me asking about her room, they asked me to contact the doctor in charge. I shouted to them: "which doctor?!,  it is only important that I see my son Salem" they replied, "First, see the doctor", I then went to the doctor. She talked to me about misfortunes, and satisfaction with our destiny. Then I said: Your son has a malformation in his eyes and it seems that he is blind!!

I lowered my head while I was struggling to hold back my tears. I remembered that blind beggar, whom i pushed in the market and made fun of, in front of everyone. Subhanallah, In your own coin you are dealt! I remained silent for a while, and i couldnt figure out what to say, and then I remembered my wife and son, and thanked the doctor for her kindness. I went to see my wife,who did not grieve. She was faithful in God's choice and satisfied. How many times did she advise me to stop ridiculing people. She used to repeat to me to stop backbiting people. We were discharged from the hospital with Salem. In fact, I didnt pay much attention to him, considering him to be absent from the house, and when he cries a lot I flee to the sitting room to sleep. My wife used to pay a lot of attention to him and used to love him a lot. On the otherhand, I didnt really hate him but i couldnt like him either. Salem grew up and began to crawl, but he had a strange crawl.

When he tried to walk (about one year later) we discovered that he has bent legs and this became a heavy burden on me. My wife gave birth to Omar and Khalid after him. Years passed and Salem grew older and so did his brothers. I do not like to stay at home, and was always with my friends. In fact I was like a toy in their hands, but my wife refused to despair of my  reform, and used to pray continuously for my guidance. She didnt get angry from my reckless behaviours but she used to grieve if she saw me negligenting Salem and caring for the rest of his brothers. Salem grew older and so did my burden. I didnt object when my wife requested him to be registered in one of the private schools for the disabled. I did not feel the passage of years, my days were routine, work, sleep, eating and staying up all night.

to be continued...

Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die. Everybody will die, but everybody will not go to heaven.

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2008, 03:22:30 AM »
thank you brother Abdulahi for taking the trouble of translatin....i wasnt understandin the earlier translation.....i will be waiting for the completion of the story.........thanks once again
*Seek Help In Patience And Prayer*

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2008, 06:35:48 PM »

 thanx brother abdulahi for ur effort to translate manually the arabic story and we are here to wait for the next part , and hassan also did his effort whether translating manually or by google  , thanks to him tooo

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2008, 07:00:43 AM »
احب اشكر toldo على القصة الاكثر من رائعة و المؤثرة جدا عن جد دمعت

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2008, 05:04:37 PM »
lovely huda thanx so much for ur feelings and thankfulness , it is really a emotional story lakin 3ibrah liman ya3tabir , thank u again sis for visiting our forum and my topic especially.....

Offline Abdullahi!

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Re: Great Story which have meaning in the LIFE....!!!
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2008, 04:58:52 AM »

On Friday, I woke up at 11:00 am (noon) , and the time was still early for me. I was invited to a feast, so I dressed, perfumed, and prepared to leave. I passed the sitting room and was astonished by Salem. He was crying intensively!
It was the first time that I paid attention to Salem crying since he was a child. Ten years have passed and I have not turned towards him. I tried to ignore him but i couldnt bear it. I heard his voice calling for his mother while I was in in the room. I turned, and approached him. Then I said: "Salem! Why do you cry?!". When he heard my voice he stopped crying, and when he felt my approach he began feeling around with his small hands. I wondered what was wrong with him?! I discovered that he was trying to avoid me!! As if to say: Now you want to pay attention to me, where were you ten years ago?! I followed him. He entered his room, and refused to tell me at the beginning why he was crying. I began sweet talking him, and he began showing me why he was crying. I listened to him and was surprised when i found out the reason!! His brother Omar delayed him, who was accustomed to accompanying him to the mosque, and because it was the Friday Juma'a Prayer he feared that he was not going to find a place in the first row. He called Omar, and his mother too, but no one answered. That is why he cried and as i looked at the tears seeping from his blind eyes, I could not stand the rest of his speech and I put my hand on his mouth, and I said: "That is why you cried Salem!!" He replied: "Yes".
I forgot my friends, and I forgot the feast, and said: "Salem do not grieve, do you know who will take you to the mosque today?" He said: "Definitely Omar, but he is always late",  I replied: "No, I will take you. Salem was surprised and he couldnt believe it. He assumed that I was mocking him and began crying, I wiped his tears with my hand, and grabbed his hand. I wanted him to drive him there but he refused, saying: "The mosque is close and I want to go there walking. Indeed by Allah's name he said that to me. I do not recall the last time I entered the mosque, but it was the first time in which I felt fear and remorse for what I have missed over the past years. The mosque was full of worshippers, but still I managed to find a place for Salem in the first line. We listened to the Friday sermon together and he prayed by my side. In fact it was me who prayed by his side. After the prayer he asked me to provide him with a Quran, and I was very surprised!! How will he read when he is blind? I almost ignored his request, but then i decided to fulful it so that i do not injure his feelings. I handed him the Quran, and he asked me to open the Quran at "Surah Al Khahf". I began turning the pages and checking with the index until I found it. I put the Quran in front of him and began reading the Surah with his eyes shut. O Allah!! He has memorized "Surah Al Khahf" entirely !! I was ashamed of myself, and held the Quran. I felt a shivering in my limbs and I began reading. I prayed to Allah for forgiveness and guidance. I could not bear it, and began crying like young children.

Some people were still praying the Sunnah prayer in the mosque. I was ashamed of them, so I attempted to stop my crying. The cry changed to a sigh and I was only aware of a small hand feeling around my face, wiping my tears. It was Salem!! I hugged him and looked at him, then I said to myself, Its not you who is blind, but its me. When i followed my friends and they pulled me towards hellfire. We returned home to find my wife very anxious about Salem. However her anxiety turned to tears (of joy) when she learnt that I prayed the Friday prayer with Salem. From that day onwards I did not miss a single group prayer at the mosque. I abandoned my bad companions and I had good friends whom I got to know through the mosque.I tasted Imaan (faith) with them and I found out from them things which this world has took me away from. I never missed a single gathering nor did I miss the WITR prayer. I finished reading the Quran several times a month, and my tongue was forever mentioning Allah, in the hope that Allah may forgive me for my backbiting and mockery of people. I felt closer to my family, and the scared and pitying looks disappeared from my wife's eyes. The smile never left the face of my son Salem, and whoever saw him would think him the king of the world. I frequently thanked Allah for his blessings.

One day, my friends decided to head to one of the remote areas to preach. I hesitated to go, I prayed to Allah to guide me and I consulted my wife. I expected her to refuse, but instead the opposite happened! She was very excited and encouraged me. In the past she used to see me travel without consulting her for the wrong reasons. I headed towards Salim and told him that i was traveling. He hugged me in farewell. I was absent from the house for three and a half months, and during that period I used to contact my wife and my children whenever i had the oppurtinity. I missed them a lot!! Oh how much did I miss Salem!! I wished to hear his voice. He was the only one that has not spoken to me since I travelled. Either he is in the school or the mosque whenver i call them. Every time I spoke to my wife about how much i missed him she used to laugh in joy, except the last time i called her I didnt hear the expected laughter. Her voice changed when i said to her: "Pass my Salaams to Salem", she paused and then replied: "God willing".
Finally I returned home and knocked on the door. I wished that it was Salem who opened the door, but was surprised by my son Khalid who did not exceed four yet. I carried him in my arms while he was shouting: "Papa, Papa", I did not know why my chest contracted when I entered the house. I asked to Allah help me escape from Satan, and went to my wife. Her face had changed as if she was pretending joy. I looked at her carefully then I asked her: "what is wrong with you?",  She said: "Nothing". Suddenly I remembered Salem, and I said, "Where is Salem?".

She lowered her head and did not answer, and warm tears fell on her cheeks. I shouted at her: "Salem, where is Salem?" Only then did I hear the voice of my son, Khalid, saying: "Papa, Thalem went to paradise. He is with Allah". My wife did not bear the situation and began crying intensively. She nearly fell to the ground so i left the room. I learnt afterwards that Salem had fever two weeks before my arrival. So my wife took him to the hospital, and the fever got worse, and didnt leave him till his soul passed away.


Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die. Everybody will die, but everybody will not go to heaven.


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