Diseases and Conditions > Qaybta Su'aalaha

Muxuu yahay xanuunka Galaha?


Waan salaamayaa dadka ka qayb qaatay barmaamij kan.

waxaan waydiinayaa dhakhtarka waa labo su,aalood oo kala ah sidan soo socota.

1-waa maxay xanuunka galaha? maxaase keena?
2-Baabasiirtu ma saamaysaa hamada? maxaase keenaya baabasiirta?


--- Quote ---Waa maxay xanuunka galaha? maxaase keena?
--- End quote ---

Xanuunka galaha ama sida dadka qaar u yaqaanaan jabtida waxaa englishka lagu dhahaa "Gonorrhea", halkaan ka akhriso qoraal ku saabsan xanuunkaan http://somalidoc.com/smf/index.php?topic=1030.0

--- Quote ---Baabasiirtu ma saamaysaa hamada?
--- End quote ---

Baabasiirtu ma keentu hoos u dhac ku yimaada hamada ama hawlgab kacsi, lakin waxaa jirta qaab ka mid ah qaabyada loo daaweeyo cudurkan oo lagu magacaabo "Sclerotherapy".
Sclerotherapy waa in daawo lagu duru xidada waaweynaaday oo dhiig baxaya si ay u iskugu soo kaduutaan kadibne u joojiyaan dhiig baxa, daaweynta noocaan ah ayaa la sheegay in ay keentu yareyn xaga hamiga ah, lakin baabasiirtu ma yareyso hamiga.
Halkaan ka akhriso qoraal ku saabsan Halgabka kacsiga iyo waxyaabaha keena http://somalidoc.com/smf/index.php?topic=625.0

--- Quote --- maxaase keenaya baabasiirta?
--- End quote ---

Baabasiirta waxa ay tahay? waxa keena? calaamadaha lagu garto?, sida loo baaro? iyo loo daaweeyaba? qoraalkan ka akhriso

Duqa Beesha:

Marka salaan guud,marlabaad waxaan suaalayaa shabakadan sharafta badan ee kumdadaashay talo bixinta arrimaha caafimaadka.
maxaa keena in afku aad u uro islamarkaa isagoo aan cirridku dhiigayn ama aanu soomanayn kuwaasoo sababikara in afku muddo gaaban uro?

Duqa , I would answer you in English but u r writing in somali
and am afraid you want the answer in somali
my somali isn't that much so, answer back and tell me if I can help you.

Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhoea, occurring worldwide .
The most common form of transmission is from sexual contact. Non-sexual transmission can occur - for example an infected mother passing the infection to a newborn child, usually resulting in symptoms are present in the majority of affected men but only 40% of women

males usually present within 3-5 days with urethritis characterised by a purulent urethral discharge, meatal oedema, dysuria and frequency of micturition

symptomatic females present with purulent vaginal discharge, frequency of micturition and anorectal discomfort. There may be bartholinitis.

disseminated gonococcal infection causes fever, malaise, myalgia and a diffuse pustular and erythematous rash

in females there may be endometritis and salpingitis

gonococcus contracted via anal sex may cause proctitisgonococcal conjunctivitis.
History and examination are suggestive but definitive diagnosis can only be made by identifying the organisms in smears or by culturing them in special media - Thayer Martin. Smears may be obtained from genital discharge, blood, tissue, synovial fluid, the genitourinary tract or skin.

Men who have sex with men and commercial sex workers should have additional rectal and pharyngeal swabs taken for culture (1).

Transport of the organism should be in a suitable transport medium to the micobiology laboratory.

The organisms are Gram negative diplococci.

Co-infection with Chlamydia is reported in 20-40 per cent of cases (1).

anterior urethra:
paraurethral duct infection
periurethral abscess
urethral stricture
Cowperitis and abscess
posterior urethra:
acute or chronic prostatitis
chronic abscess

periurethral abscess
pelvic abcess, peritonitis
Bartholins glands resulting in an abscess
Both sexes:

conjunctivae - gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum
Referral to GUM clinic for management of this condition.

Consider local antibiotic resistance patterns and follow local guidelines if these exist:

Previous first-choice therapeutic option was ciprofloxacin 500mg as a single oral dose.

however, there is evidence of an increased incidence of ciprofloxacin-resistant gonorrhoea
the Gonococcal Resistance to Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme (GRASP) (2) reported ciprofloxacin resistance in 9.8 per cent of UK isolates in 2002 - this compared with 2.1% in 2000
a treatment option should eliminate infection in over 95 per cent of patients - however as ciprofloxacin treatment no longer satisfies this criterion, it is now recommended that patients receive cephalosporins
Recommended treatment options for gonococcal infection are therefore (1):

cefixime as a 400mg single oral dose OR ceftriaxone 250mg single im dose OR cefotaxime (Claforan) 500mg single im dose - these treatment options are already in use in secondary care
in cases of pharyngeal gonorrhoea - ceftriaxone has a much better penetration
in gonococcal infection in pregnancy - see linked item
Patient should refrain from sexual intercourse and alcohol consumption until the condition is cured.

Follow-up: confirm cure, STD screen, contact tracing via genitourinary medicine clinic.

in all cases contacts must be traced and patients rescreened around three days after treatment to confirm cure (1)
Referral to secondary care for treatment is recommended for neonates with suspected gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum (1).

Consider Chlamydia infection


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