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What is wrong with this X-ray?


For clinical students only, read this x-ray

a salaamu calaykum>
to answer what is wrong with this x-ray:really you need to know very well normal chest x-ray. what important is profile of the patient such as:( name, date ID,number), age, sex, and clinical information.type of xray and right marker.
secondly check technical: Exposure,Centering:position of the patient and adequate inspiration.after that you must look these:
1. trachea, heart and mediastinum, diaphragm, pleural spaces, lungs , hidden areas,hilla, below Diaphragm, soft tissues and bones.
in my enterpretaton, shortly i can say what is wrong with this x-ray is  Dextrocardia ( which refers to the heart being situated on the right side of the body) and there is no other insitu versus organs such as abdomen, which normaly located at its normal position, you see gastric buble normaly at left side.

thanks abdirahim for the answer, it's dextrocardia


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